but those songs have made my ears bleed
A-Team ...LMAO at that comment....me, I'd rather listen to country music than KM (dont shoot me country music fans)
Q: what do you get if you play kingdom melodies backwards?.... you get your life back... (take off of old joke about country music)
its too bad that so much talent goes to waste...some of the newer Kingdom Melody CDs are actually pleasant, except that they are Kingdom Melodies...
all the talent they gather to record music each year... imagine if they would play regular music! I know a lot of talented dubs..one young brother, a promising musician..had been offered positions with a world class symphony in the US...turned it down...hardly even plays anything anymore...all because of the Borg....how sad....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "listening to anything but Kingdom Melodies" Sheep Class)