this one gets 4 out 5 vomiting smileys
stories like that make me want to : or something
SnakesInTheTower ()
i noticed another thread on this site relaying a stupid e mail making the rounds of dubdom.. well i just got this one and i thought i would share.... powerful illustration.
after the prayer, the local elder slowly stood up, walked up to the.
platform and, before he gave his public talk, he briefly introduced a guest.
this one gets 4 out 5 vomiting smileys
stories like that make me want to : or something
SnakesInTheTower ()
i swear to god, i've gone absolutely insane!.
my kids!
will the fighting stop?
I love kids...they are crunchy with milk.....
...what?...what's that?.....ohhhhh....that's Kix, Kix are crunchy with milk... never mind...back to my cereal....
SnakesInTheTower (of the No Kids Sheep Class)
well my family has been doing it for a while.
but i found it really strange, that i live in an area of town with many jw's and still go to all the normal places, and yet i'd not seen them... last week, walking around downtown, i spotted my "step -aunt", (step mom's side) and she put her head down, and wouldn't acknowledge me.
then i rode up the elevator with her today, same treatment, thought today she made eye contact.
Let me just make a comparison between JW and ACN (a MLM phone company a lot of JWs are in).
The service overseer in one congo, a regular pioneer, is heavy duty into ACN. There was a young brother, used to be MS, pio...but over time went inactive. He and his wife were having financial difficulties. The service overseer hears about this and offers to "help" them. You guessed it, offered him a "job" with his "company". Job involved coughing up $500 entrance fee, then selling phone service recruiting more members suckers. As long as he was involved in ACN, this elder was doing all the spiritual things he should, shepherding calls, encouragement to go in ministry, taking the young brother golfing, dinner just talking about anything, taking a real pesonal interest in his wife and child....BUT AS SOON AS THIS YOUNG BROTHER QUIT ACN, THE SERVICE OVERSEER QUIT HIM! So much for real personal interest by a spiritual shepherd.
Now, the young brother is inactive, separated from his wife..and sells CELL PHONES for another company (a real job for a real company, NOT MLM). Hmm..where is the love now? This elder has done this with alot of friends..... did this to the unbelieving mate of an unbaptized publisher...same ACN... no elder.....almost sent the unbaptized publisher out......but she hung around, I think got baptized.....sighhhh....
Funny how JWs and MLM recruiters are the same....
SnakesInTheTower (of the "not puttin up with the hypocrisy" Sheep Class) know who you tricky bugger.
i don't know if any of you have considered this but is the new watchtower arrangement partly intended.
to permit the end of the awake magazine?.
it is a financially difficult thing for a religion the size of the "truth" to publish one - much less two .
And what about the "announcement" section of the OKM
actually, they have been reducing the Announcement section for years. You will note they no longer publish all of the new literature/new language editions in the KM (if they dont read about all the new videos, and they are not at the SM, they wont order the expensive lit).. The literature announcements are now sent as a letter to the congregations as an "announcement", which conveniently, is read during the Announcements part on the Service Sales Meeting, often in connection with the Accounts Report, where they acknowledge the congregations donations and read some snippet of news about where the money is going.
Can you imagine, this being read at a Service Sales Meeting during the Accounts Report:
"Dear brothers, It is with gratitude that we accept your recent donation to the World Wide Work in the amount of $X,XXX.00. You will be excited to know how some of these funds are being used. Recently, your generous donations have made it possible to settle out of court with 16 victims of pedophiles, thus avoiding needlessly dragging Jehovah's name through Ceasar's courts. While we deeply regret these few individuals causing such grief, by settling, we can now focus our attention on the all important Preaching the Good News of the Kingdom.
Along with this letter, we send our warm Christian greetings..... your brothers, Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
nahhh...too good a dream....
I can see them eliminating the KM. It is pointless anyway. Note as an example the 4 page May 2007 KM ....and how it could easily assimilated into the KoolAidWatchtower (KAWT) or into a 1 page 2 sided outline sent to the PO and copied to the elders/MS for the part instructions... such as
week of May 14 Announcements..(nothing in KM), demo, (easily included in outline)...chapter 12 of OD book...(no km article)....Q&A article..(easily put in 1 pg outline or KAWT); May 21...announcements (included in outline), Talk based on March 07 Awake! (no km article), Q&A article based on Misery School book...(include in KAWT or outline); May 28...announcements, demo, accounts... (easily included in outline), demo of lit offer (20 min....include instructions in elder outline)....field experiences (eliminate, no one but sister zealous participates...or include in outline),...June 4...announcments, local needs (no info in km) ..put Service Report, Question Box, 3 Q& articles and "What to Say About the Magazines" into the KAWT or into the outline given to the elders...could be copied for the active dubs..
you see..... easy ....
I could see them including heavier "beat the sheep" articles in the Kool-Aid edition of the Craptower and eliminating the fluff. By sending 2 page KM "outlines" to the elders to develop for the Service Sales Meeting, it would be a hella of a lot cheaper and more efficient to send 10,000 1pg, 2 sided outlines with all the meeting parts to the PO than sending 1 million 4-8 page KM. And they could tighten the control by announcing the week before what will be studied the following week. Thus, to keep "in the loop", you would need to be present at week 1 to know what was coming in week 2, etc.... Maybe periodically send out an insert (for conventions, special campaigns, donate more, pioneer more, etc.) and have the local elders make photo copies at their local OfficeMax (the Borg already has a corporate code for the elders to buy supplies now at OfficeMax)....and heeeyyyyyy they could eliminate the postage and printing entirely by using something they are already doing...sending PDF copies of certain letters via the CO to the PO and secretary through email....brilliant ya think? (go ahead Watchtower, use the idea, I know you want to )
SnakesInTheTower (of the "I dont go to the Sales meeting, why do i need a KM?" Sheep Class)
it's all about power!!!!
all 9 parts are there.
enjoy, and don't forget to let us know what you think.
I threw up in my mouth just a little...
not me, i threw up a lot.... these videos rank 5 out of 5 Vomiting Smileys
now, I could not watch more than a minute or so of that sickening
i have not been to the DC yet...I think I am going one day just to see the hot sisters...see if there are any worldly ones (you know, short revealing dress, etc..)
SnakesInTheTower (of the Class)
the book worldwide security under the prince of peace says, "was moses the mediator between jehovah god and mankind in general?
no, he was the mediator between the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob and the nation of their fleshly descendants.
likewise, the greater moses, jesus christ, is not the mediator between jehovah god and all mankind.
i have nothing to add...this is just a really interesting thread but it is so late where I am, my mind cannot digest it right now...
carry on....
SnakesInTheTower ()
is the wt policy of five meetings a week, daily text, book study prep, book study, thursday meeting prep, thursday meeting, watchtower pre study, public talk, watchtower study, a deliberate ploy to keep the members under mind control?.
is this 'routine' carefully thought out and planned by someone or did the watchtower society just evolve this way 'accidentally'?.
is there a 'mastermind' at work aiming to keep jws tightly under mind control and if so , who is it?.
sad emo
are these the official ones or is it something the site owner makes themselves?
I just looked at that link and compared the June 25 text listed there with what is on the daily text from the 06 WT CD (which has 07 daily texts). They are the same. It looks like a nice site if you want the text .... (but no JW ever ever ever ever goes on the many of us postates here.)
since the web site ends in, it appears to be a personal blog. dont know if they have a direct WT connection or just a JW with too much time on their hands. heck, there are corporate pages on MySpace, why not blogspot?
SnakesInTheTower ()
this is from saturday afternoon program.
the speaker first starts with what he called the "alphabet soup" of degrees....a.a., b.a., m.a., ph.d., etc.
; he said they were nothing more than "sheepskins on the wall.
add a few more letters after their names...D.E.A.D. ....ah...yes, everyone laughed and clapped.
ahh... I talked to a fellow JW friend last night who attended that very convention...funny she failed to mention that encouraging tidbit. I am sure the speaker thought he was being clever.
SnakesInTheTower (of the Disgusted Sheep Class)
i used to enjoy do paul illingsworth's talks.
he thought he was a greek scholar.. anyone that you liked (or didn't)?.
choosing life you have a pm
if a lot of the negative experiences and comments about the watchtower bible and tract society and jehovah's witnesses on the internet really was all apostate lies, surely the wt society would have a legal right to take such supposed slanderers to court and sue to have the information removed.. they were able to remove quotes site just for repeating what they themselves had said.
why do they not take the same action with regard to information they insist is just apostate lies?.
Watchtower is God's channel of communication
and all I'm gettin' is STATIC
SnakesInTheTower (of the "tuning out the tower" Sheep Class)