JoinedTopics Started by Faded-out
For those who were raised in "the truth"
by Hangin_on inhow many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
Revelling in not believing
by PaulJ inok i've been thinking about posting this for a while.
i'd really love to see what people think, there might even be people who think the same thing.. as jw's we got every single little thing rammed down our throats right?
so, we had set beliefs or answers for everything- does god exist?, are there aliens?
by DJK ini logged into this site today and the first topic i had opened was one by misanthropic regarding strange things we eat.
i was appauled by the comment made by the first person to comment.
i have a good deal of respect for men and twice that for the female gender.
Things YOU eat, that other people think is weird.
by misanthropic inthis mornings events have got me thinking about things.
i love peanut butter, not the sweet kind but i like the old fashioned peanut butter, usually laura scudder's with no sugar or preservatives - it just tastes better imo.
i put it on everything including pancakes which are really good with peanut butter and maple syrup.
Were you a loud singer?
by HockeyMullet ini don't know why, but i was just thinking of this guy in my hall that sang so loud that it was embarassing to just be there.
he sounded like the love child of kermit the frog and miss piggy.
i remember trying to mimick his voice during one song and getting counseled by one of the bros because i had a few of younger guys laughing.
Was There A Time While U Were A Witness That You Were "Looked Down" Upon?
by minimus indid you ever sense that your own brothers and sisters looked down upon you?
Hi - I'm new here too
by dazednotconfused in30 of my 40 some years on this mortal coil have been spent as a witness.
once i was old enough to realize the meetings were not a place to play and run around i understood the gravity of my situation.
"just love jehovah and do his will" i was told.
If You've Faded, Do You Still Consider Yourself a Dub?
by brunnhilde ini've been thinking about this a lot, because i've chosen to fade and i would never refer to myself as a jdub, but i've read postings from others who do.
i would have written a letter a year ago but i've got older parents who are upset enough about me just not attending.
on another thread someone is also leaving and they were advised to tell the jc to do whatever, to not acknowledge that they have any authority.
I'm new....and I have a rant
by Faded-out inok, i apologize for this impromptu introduction/rant, but i am reeling right now and really have no where elso to turn.. let me start off by giving you a little history of what has gotten me to this point.
this post might be a little long, so you might want to dust off those .
reading glasses.. anyways, my parents were baptised as dubs in the pre 1975 frenzy to make it to the new system...if they only knew 30 some odd years later...suprise, we are .