Because I really like it when Brother. XXXxxxxx carries the mic and i can watch that a** move up and down the aisle.
You can't get that out in the world, now can you?
here is mine: .
i have to much money invested in ties and suits, i can't leave!!
Because I really like it when Brother. XXXxxxxx carries the mic and i can watch that a** move up and down the aisle.
You can't get that out in the world, now can you?
just read this today: . .
an education authority is investigating claims that two school pupils were punished for refusing to kneel down and pray to allah during a religious education lesson.
LOL! I'm sorry Burns but that article was just plain silly with its black-white definitions of people and cultures. As soon as I read of the "extinction of Europe", I can't help but think that the author is a little bit extreme. The damn thing hasn't sunked any lower has it? Or is it the possible idea of Europe (and the Western world in general) looking different than it does now that has him so spooked. Low birth rates are always a status of wealthy societies and high birth rates a indicator of poorer ones as you could also find high infant mortality rates among those of the countries with high birth rates; that's not a really hard concept to understand and I wonder why he doesn't mention that and his mentioning of the 2004 election and red/blue states was problematic as it seemed to illustrate similar issue that he cannot grasp and tries to paint it in a "OMGZ, ISLAM IS CHANGING STUF< WTF GUYZ OUR WORLD IS OVAH!" And maybe its because im a POC, but this always sounds similar to someone takling about the 'end of white people' as if is gonna happen in our life time. I mean, dont get me wrong, y'all are crazy and it has been the black man's duty to get rid of all of you by taking away the White Wimmenz. but for some reason you guys are still around.
Even after all of our efforts to steal your womenz with our rap videos, somehow y'all are still here. :p *sighs* We need to have another meeting but you know... it was scheduled for like two years ago and people still haven't showed up. Damn CPT.
The authors world is so black-and-white and its cler that the man does not understand or grasp any concept of Islam or its facets as he think he does as when most cultures and sub cultures meet; Islam is no longer without its McDonalds and american idol and hip hop songs (Westernization) as the West is not without having to accomodate the muslim. Not saying there will not be issues and there will be many but.... yeah that article was a bit too much, buddy. A good LOL though.
gruesome armageddon illustrations aside, what's up with never drawing women wearing pants (unless they're worldly)?!.
picturing them at the kh is one thing, but picturing "christian" women (i.e.
jw women) outside of the kh wearing dresses is a bit ridiculous.
I think this issue reflects vividly how the GB and JWs (and on some extent christianity but it depends on which group you are dealing with) when it concerns gender. If women were depected as wearing slacks or jeans then it would muddle the land of what is masculine and what is feminine, which then could reflect who was in control of what. When a woman is depicted in a skirt or dress, it kinda always depeicts this submissive wife, maternal figure. In illustrations, pants would signify a type of control 'she' (in general) had that does not go with the watchtower's beliefs.
I remember vividly being younger and being black, my hair is not typical of that of the average white guy (i know, duh.. but im going somewhere with this) In my predominately black hall, I was always counciled to keep my hair in a shirt fade (very close cut) when in reality I HATEd haircuts (and on some level still do) and liked mine to get a little height to them. it was never an afro or a bush, but it was.. hair. I was told to look to the depictions of the watchtowers of brothers who was brothas as to how my hair should be.
But I didn't want my hair like that. in my predominate white hall, it wan't an issue because they didn't know anything about it to make it an issue.
So, in the end, these pictures have a point to them. 'Women' should be in dresses, even when doing work to reflect their femininity in that classical 50's rigidness that doesn't reflect our world, but rather that of men's fantasies. Women in dress like that usually aren't telling their husbands their disrespectful brutes. Women like that cook and are always beautiful. they don't like.. fart or get mustaches and act.... You know human.
And as to what another poster said, the reflectin of men isn't that 'realistic' either.
i've been going out with this girl for 9 months.
so far, our relationship has worked so well, except for the past few weeks.
i've seen a lot of personality flaws.
How the hell do you make 50 dollars last three weeks?! You would have to walk everywhere... eat oodles and noodles and grow your own food and basically do a whole lotta free stuff (which there is a lot if you are creative but most people aren't- not al the time)
I must be bad at finances as well... wanna be my boyfriend and teach me how to deal with my wallet 'cause man- that's remarkable!
wonder if they're an xjw what with the use of the word jehovah....
Yeah. Sexuality is fluid 'n shit. LOLZ Im sorry but these threads sounds silly to me as I get older. Really people.
People are starving and aren't getting adequate health care and you're trying to figure out why I think about men's buttocks every 10..9..5 seconds? Seriously?
The planet won't become underpopulated and if your kid turns out gay (it's possible) then they can still have kids and um. I guess you can ell your friends that that otehr person is their roommates like parents have being doing for a while.
The article was kinda eh for me. I mean, my only thing with Ex-Gay groups is that a lot of people don't change and end up even more fucked up than before. it's not like, 'OH well I' realize I'm gay and I can be happy". Most of those people end up even more broken than going in before.
BUT in a pluralistic society you should be able to fuck up yourself anyway you like, yes? I don't know... people do all kinds of hurtful shit in order to fit in and Ex-Gay groups are like the plastic surgeons of the soul, selling dreams by parading exeptions instead of the general rule. I mean if you like girls then you like 'em. You shouldn't have to go to a group to show you how... so, if you have some generl desire or need to go to such a group then. Well... yeah, something is up, imo.
And again with choice, I thnk people are so use to this idea of what homosexuality leads to- promiscuity and the such- as if heterosexuality doesn't come with some hard choices as well- giving up your dreams to young to raise kids, unequal balance in relationships between men and women, abuse- such is life. Ther are some good ways to leave a fag or dyke as there is wasy to be a fucked up breeder.
i think political correctness started the trend of dumbing down.
lowering the bar.
warping the standards.. in every society there are citizens with varying abilities and disabilities.. the natural sorting process is achievement, self-sustaining ability and productivity.. winners vs slackers.
I always feel inadequate in responding to these kinds of post because I know there are others who are way more educated and well-versed in the art of persuasion and argument. But, eh- I'll take a stab.
I remember being that black kid wh everyone thought was too white; it really was said because I would naturally think then black (or really anything non-white..... 'sides asians. Everybody knows that they can kick high and bust a logarhythmic problem like whoa) means 'not smart' and since I can never be white then I must always comes from this place of pseudo-intelligence'. And honestly it did affect me around white peers because I'd wonder.. can I measure up? I remember being the only black kid in the GT program in middle school- the ONLY ONE. others soon joined the classes later, but seriously it was in my head at times. This reminds me of the mid-90's controversial book, 'The Bell Curve' and what it had to say about the test scores of minorities when compared to that of whites, even when those black students are reared in the same classrooms as white students. it's a real mindfuck to actually think that ecause of your race you might be somehow limited in thought when compared to others.
Terry, from the wording of your post, I kind of took the same response to other readers who thought that you were classifying all kinds of people who do not fit the mold of 'normal' or who are impaired (or different) in some way, as if we could do away with them. You already addressed that things are quite gray and I would expound on that fact that it is possible to be quite intelligent and yet hold onto very stupid and ignorant beliefs and opinions. Then the same thing could be said; what do we do with them? Some of the men and women who society proclaims as being stellar in the arts were also highly racist or classist, or unable to see outside of their own skin, therefore limited. Limited in a sense in a similar (wouln't say the same) manner as those whom they proclaim society is being 'dummed down for.' It's not that simple.
I do agree that there should be models of achievement that people should excel to and that they should not be disregarded in an effort to accomodate just about everyone without any other standards to replace them, infering that knowledge and skill are all relative. There is someone who is going to be on top and that cannot be ignored or denied and no, not everyone will be winners. Deal; losing builds character in ways that winning all the time does not.
Hmm, but isn't that it; trying to change the course of the outcome by installing some ideal that 'losing' can be just as good as winning? But in truth, can't it be? Eh, in the end I think such things like 'political correctness' comes from the outstanding idea that there are other ways of looking at things and other people outside of the mainstream; but to lose a sense of standards in order to view differences or other ways should not be the price for conscious awareness. Does that make sense or am I just ramibling? Just wanted to cut in and feel like a sayz sumthin' smurt 2day.
I'm a stalker because I know one day he will love me. Or else....
guess who just showed up at my door?
wow, i thought they were through with me?.
oh, well this little charade won't go on very long.. .
God, that must be the most confused gay cowboy ever. Tie him up and make sure to slap him with those watchtowers and tell him how bad he is, and that you are gonna brand him if doesn't do better! and then you are gonna send me pictures and I'll judge if he needs to be disciplined further.
... On more related news, yeah I don't know why you would think they would be done with you. Witnesses lose paers and move and are replaced and then others forget where they can and cannot go. You will always see them as long as you live and as long as I live.... Deal.
i have to get use to this!.
I agree, tight jeans on dudes are not cool.
Fitted jeans, yes, depending on the guy. A "little baggy " jeans is okay too, but " so baggy that is passes your ass" is not cool, although hey for all those gays trapped in the hood, looking at all those homeboys's from the back must be cool. I guess.
I knew this kid who used to wear tight jeans like that... I told him that I bet his balls haven't seen each other in ages and write letters to one another, reminiscing about the times they've had together....
Finaly Free, there is something wrong with your list- for some reason, you forgot to have me above your name...