If you can pronounce it, say it fast three time's.
If you can pronounce it, say it fast three time's.
when i started researching i was still convinced that jws had the truth.
so i read some critical articles by ex-jws about certain teaching and i started to do some more research.. at this time i have successfully faded and no longer believe anymore.
but i can remember the moment when i first allowed the thought in my mind that it could all be false and not the truth.
Somewhere between one of the many lashes, I felt if there were a god, he wouldn't allow this.
lately my family member that is still undecided about staying out or going back keeps mentioning this big push that the jws keep emphasising that "we are really really really near the end.
this is the very very very end.
we are deep deep deep into the end.
Tetra, that was funny. The force IS strong and considering what people have been known to do as a group, ( I.E. mass suicides) it's also very scary.
how many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
I never believed in God so the big A was a joke. Like many I see here, I feared my father and I feared the hate I held inside. Something changed that hate when I was 13 and if it hadn't I may have walked into dad's KH one day with an ouzi.
jehovah's witnesses talk a big game but in reality they are filled with hot air.
they say a lot of things but don't always back it up.
for example, jws are told that meeting attendance is of paramount importance but the truth is anytime a meeting might be called off due to inclement weather, jws would anxiously wait by the phone from their elders saying the meetings were being canceled.. jws tell everyone that their preaching work is a "life-saving" work but the truth is they don't utilize the most effective modern ways of getting this "life-saving" message out.
I continue to see differences in the JWs from one area to another. Wealth being another issue. They are not wealthy in my area. "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
why do you feel you need religion?
sorry, i am an atheist and i had to ask this question..
Not sorry I am an Atheist. Sorry that my need to know would require me to ask. From the four hundred people I have interviewed on a personal basis, 367 have sought religion as a way to defeat drug and alchohol addictions as well as other tramas in their lives. The remaining 33 chose a faith based on one question "What happens to me when I die?".
year ago when tv was becoming popular in every american home, the watchtower society appeared to be discouraging it for the 'rank & file' in the kingdom hall i attended, it was often spoken of as 'the devil's eyeball'!
our congregation servant once lamented that when he would drive by different brothers houses at night he could see the 'blue glow' through their windows, but they were not there for the meetings and service the next day!
of course, eventually they had to give up the fact that the brothers were not going to give up watching or owning televisions!
I remember it well. It was about 1958-1960. Ha Ha.
there are more cracks we will be discovering in the kingdom of the heaven in the watchtower and i am going to ask you this: if christ did return to kingdom power in 1914, then how come we are not feeling the effects of his rule at this time?
is it reason to believe that jesus return to earth will be a future event and that it will be very much visible and that we will feel the effect of his return to the earth by crushing all these kingdoms?
(daniel 2:44) .
I bow down to no God or man except myself. God never made my decisions, therefore I do not hold him accountable. I'm not vain, I'm still holding a contribution for someone.
just wondering if any one else but my self uses jwd during work hours.. my dial up at home is slower than a snail slithering through molasses.
at times i want to tell my clients to sit down and wait while i post something on jwd, but i can't.
hopefully i'm not being monitored !!
I do. I just don't have time to respond most of the time.
why do you feel you need religion?
sorry, i am an atheist and i had to ask this question..
Why do you feel you need religion? Sorry, I am an Atheist and I had to ask this question.