Topics Started by dawg
Why not just leave religion alone altogether?
by dawg ini was wondering why many of you turn to to other religions after being freed from the foolishness of the jw's?
after i relieved myself of the burden of the foolish witnesses, i was able to understand god in my own fashion and i've never felt better.
many religions pratice mind control similar to the wittnesses so why not free yourselves from all of them?
update on my divorce situation
by depressed ini'm shocked!
if you remember my experience, in a nutshell, basically my ex-bethelite ex pioneer husband cheated on me with an older "worldly woman" from his job and left me suddenly.
i had no idea that we had trouble with our marriage, however, when i discovered the love letters from the other woman, he moved out, and a week after that, i received divorce papers.
Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!
by AnnOMaly inwatch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
April 1, 2007 Craptower---All About Obeying 'The Slave'
by Mary ini've just been looking through the latest garbage literature in the above mentioned wt.
both study articles are on obeying the governing body, although the second article is more on obeying the elders.
losing your grip there a little bit fellows?
Has anyone read this article..
by earthtone init broke my heart to read about someone having to paying court fee's after wining a sexual abuse case against the wtbts.
she ended up winning 5,000 dollars but has to pay 220000 dollars in court feee to wtbts and for her lawyer.
by DannyHaszard insplashy watchtower pr puff piece extravaganza
photo and video
walking for jehovah
List of family/friends lost to the Watchtower cult? (suicides)
by hubert inafter reading about puternuts (ari) suicide, and also reading about sabine and js losing their daughter to this cult, i think it would be a fitting memorial, so to speak, to write a list of all the people we know who died because of this cult.
i also know that cruzanheart lost her dad to it, too.
i'm sure there are many here that can make a list of suicides brought on by the shunning/threatening policies of the watchtower cult.
Here it is: my da letter
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini sent it out nov 14. my bday.
thought that i would finally share it with you guys.
in the end, that story is just not that important now.
Jwitness roofing service blog overun with JW! Go make a comment! Plantseed
by PaNiCAtTaCk inhere is the link.
copy and paste and post.
here is an actual post from a jw.
The secret corporations
by thinker inmost powerful people have a number of underlings to do their "dirty work".
this is the story of one of those underlings:.
the watchtower bible & tract society of new york, located at 25 columbia heights in brooklyn, new york was incorporated in 1909 in the state of new york as a private company, by charles taze russell and several of his followers.