"Building KH Fast"
This, I hear....
-that's funny JB
...we used to get when the circuit servant/overseer/area douchebag manager would come to our congregation and give his "special talk" on sunday complete with slides or a movie?
it sure was a nice change from watching some guy up on the platform wearing a cheap suit and droaning on and on about nothing.
"Building KH Fast"
This, I hear....
-that's funny JB
did you ever feel like these all were like a military chain of command?.
and i think i'm just realizing this, but are females not allowed to give talks, or is that not correct?
if not, i know in scripture (1 timothy) it talks about women not being "teachers" of men, or something similar, but when i think back.....at work, i never hear of the females having ever given talks, i always here about the guys.. if i'm correct, as a female in the wts, did that t you off or were you relieved of not having to deal with it anyway?.
did you ever feel like these all were like a military chain of command?
And I think I'm just realizing this, but are females not allowed to give talks, or is that not correct? If not, I know in scripture (1 timothy) it talks about women not being "teachers" of men, or something similar, but when I think back.....at work, I never hear of the females having ever given talks, I always here about the guys.
If I'm correct, as a female in the WTS, did that T you off or were you relieved of not having to deal with it anyway?
If I'm wrong on that issue, I apologize.
there are 729 references to the "spiritual paradise" on the 2006 watchtower library on cd.. .
when you were one of jehovah's witness what was it like to live in this "spiritual paradise"?.
we would enjoy hearing about your daily walk with god the faithful slave (genesis 5:22,24; genesis 6:9) and how refreshed you felt at the end of each glorious day in paradise..
Listening to the ex-witnesses here, I don't think you all were feeling that "spiritual paradise" ???
...we used to get when the circuit servant/overseer/area douchebag manager would come to our congregation and give his "special talk" on sunday complete with slides or a movie?
it sure was a nice change from watching some guy up on the platform wearing a cheap suit and droaning on and on about nothing.
It's sad sounding to me really. Our church and the "church family" gets these experiences magnified by 100, each week. How dull it must be in the WTS organization, based on everything I here on this forum.
I realize not all churches are real creative, edgy and high energy like ours but it sounds like going to a kingdom hall on a regular basis would bring me down. I went once, and it was like I was sitting in George Orwell's "1984" movie, and that's not a joke my friends.
my church:
Listen to some of the podscasts on some of our series that we've had, or the current one. "Quest for Treasure". The whole worship hall is decorated like "Pirates of the Carribean".
During some of my mens group nights I saw them hand weathering treasure chests and giant anchors and things for realism. We have a blast there. The home page stage shot is pretty much how service opens and closes....great worship songs, it's like a concert every weekend with great biblical teaching and life lessons, I couldn't ask for more.
Refers to being in agreement with... a statement of "yes"
i now recall that i've had an unusual amount of run ins with pastors, preachers, etc, when going door to door.
when talking to others in the congregation they said they hadn't encountered the volume of these these guys as i had.
the interesting thing is that i ran into them while working alone.
Zack, you said he prayed to HIS father. You know that's God, right? When Christians are praying and addressing the "Father"..it's God they are addressing, not their own literal fathers.
Something tells me you know this, but maybe you just mis typed something.
We pray to God, and to Jesus all in the same prayer, and end with making the prayer in Jesus' name (through Jesus to the father).
It's mind blowing for a witness to think of how we can do that, or even why.
"Father" is personal and loving, "Jehovah" is impersonal( and not a name he gave anyone to call him for starters )
I love using this argument with witnesses. I'd love to see them call their fathers by their names only, for a month. See how their fathers like it.
this past weekend, we met a new couple in our campground, and the conversation soon came 'round to the supernatural.
the lady said she has had quite a few supernatural experiences, and that she plays her own home-made version of the ouija board.
my husband was all excited and begged her to play .
Didn't read through all the posts, but if it hasn't already been said......
If the "spirits" want to move the pointer on a board to letters, they can do it without anyone touch it don't you think? The makers of the game know people need to be touching it, cause that's the only way it's gonna move from jittery hands, and by people trying to fool other people, etc. This game has succeeded where the pet rock fell off a long time ago. $10 to $15 per curious person times 10 million is a lot of dough.
Do it without touching and see what happens.
a few times, a couple of witnesses i work with have used a phrase about someone who's like a jew when it comes to their money, or saying a person likes to "jew" them down on pricing.. one time it was even applied to another witness.
"he's becoming like a jew with his money".
how do you view this?
A few times, a couple of witnesses I work with have used a phrase about someone who's like a Jew when it comes to their money, or saying a person likes to "jew" them down on pricing.
One time it was even applied to another witness. "He's becoming like a Jew with his money"
How do you view this? Could this be because of not agreeing with the religion, that makes them feel it's fair game to take a poke at Jews?
i was wondering how many non-jw's (like myself who have never been a jw) there are on this board?
i've found this board to be of great help & support because our son is currently being brainwashed into the cult by his wife and kh members.
i was just wondering how many other people are in the same boat as myself.. also, are you making any headway in your loved one's life?
Hi Lavendar.
I'm not a witness, but I had some try and get me to go their way. I work with a handful on a daily basis. If this helps, these are the things that made me stay clear and not get entangled:
1) The clear doctrinal differences from other mainstream Christian faiths, and the history of the organization.
2) The false prophesies (probably the 1st thing I researched)
5) Sites like this forum
6) Charles Russells pathetic memorial and everything that can be said about that.
7) What I feel are mis-teachings and mis-translations in their version of the bible.
AND, probably equal to all of the above, is the way they have acted and carried themselves as "those who have the Truth", I can't begin to tell you the hypocricy. I'll be writing a book about it all someday, I'm sure of it.
i believe jesus was not a wood carpenter like long believed and taught by the churches.
i think this is a lie!.
i believe he was a stone mason.
Interesting, but reminds me of thinking Jesus is Michael the Archangel.