It was the best movie adaptation of a book I have ever seen!
JoinedPosts by Eyebrow
Harry Potter Movie
by Abaddon ini saw this on saturday and.... now i am a servant of the dark lord bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!.
... it was very cool.. visually very faithful to the books; eerything looks as it 'should', which is really hard.
the screenplay was an acceptable compromise between the brevity neccesary in converting a book to a film, although one part (the dursley's leaving privett drive to escape the letters and being hunted down by hagrid) was done very badly.. the actors were excellent, and (thank god, nothing against american's, but i object to english stories being americanised for no reason other than american cultural imperialism) an excellent cast of top-quality 'supporting' english, or i should say british (as robbie coltraine is great as hagrid (and big!
First human embreyo cloned
by OUTLAW inthe first human embreyo has been was just on cnn...outlaw
I, personally, could use a clone.
One for housework, one for errands, etc.Of course I would make sure they were genitically engineered so they wouldn't need sex or chocolate. I have no intention of sharing either my husband or Hershey's stash.
Lloyds Refuses To Insure WTS
by ISP iner...i got this.. london, nov 15 (reuters) - lloyd's of london, the global insurance market, said on thursday it will not quote for several risks proposed to them by the watchtower bible tract society(wts).. the 300 year old insurance market, facing its biggest ever single loss of 1.3 billion pounds ($1.87 billion) from the november 11th attacks on the world trade centre has apparently adopted a safety first approach.. a lloyds representative said we were prepared to quote for their buildings insurance but there were certain aspects of the deal we could not entertain.
he added they wanted us to insure them against the financial consequences of making false prophecies.
we were advised that this may not be viable in view of the past history.
Just one word about your post, isp:
Lloyd's wouldn't comment on why they won't give a quote with such details. And the WTS wouldn't ask for insurance against false prophecies since they don't claim to make prophecies.
Seeing Afghan women again worth the war
by Eyebrow inthis may seem trivial to some that do not agree with the us going after the taliban by bombing afghanastan, but i had to make a comment.. i watched the news the other day and saw for the first time, women and girls in afghanastan outside, and many showing their facs and smiling.
there are a few that have been able to return to work after 5 long years.
kids are now allowed to fly kites again, and you could hear music playing.. these are things that i, and many others i am sure, have taken for granted since we are so free in this country.
I know they will never be as free as women are in the US...but this is a start.
Of course, I know that showing these pictures does help the US look better for bombing, but at least this is a start.
On a related note, anyone familiar with RAWA? They are some political organization for Afghan women I think.
Seeing Afghan women again worth the war
by Eyebrow inthis may seem trivial to some that do not agree with the us going after the taliban by bombing afghanastan, but i had to make a comment.. i watched the news the other day and saw for the first time, women and girls in afghanastan outside, and many showing their facs and smiling.
there are a few that have been able to return to work after 5 long years.
kids are now allowed to fly kites again, and you could hear music playing.. these are things that i, and many others i am sure, have taken for granted since we are so free in this country.
This may seem trivial to some that do not agree with the US going after the Taliban by bombing Afghanastan, but I had to make a comment.
I watched the news the other day and saw for the FIRST time, women and girls in Afghanastan outside, and many showing their facs and smiling. There are a few that have been able to return to work after 5 long years. Kids are now allowed to fly kites again, and you could hear music playing.
These are things that I, and many others I am sure, have taken for granted since we are so free in this country. It encouraged me to see an immidiate GOOD result of this campaign. I just hope that the new government that will form in Afghanastan will realize that the Taliban lost control because they killed the soul of so many of their people.
Brown makes statement about Laree
by mommy in
i caught this on a link from a link from a link.
the group known as the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses disavowed corporal punishment as an acceptable way to discipline children, said j.r. brown, a national spokesman for the jehovah's witnesses.. "it has nothing to do with the religion,'' brown said.
I do not know of any witness that would approve of beating your child. A spank now and then maybe, but never anything like this.
As flawed as the religion is like most, it is a shame that the worst JWs make the rest look even worse.
I feel bad for the girls be forced to participate in this crime.
What Should I Do (JW that Mentions Birthday)?
by Free Eagle ini have become somewhat friendly with a jw lady (i am also a woman and have gotten to know her over the past four years).
i am unsure of her status in the religion.
i am not a jw but have educated myself regarding jw customs, etc.... in conversation we found we were born in the same month, and she told me when her birthday was.
I would just out and out ask her. Say, hey I thougnt JWs dont celebrate birthdays and holidays. Are you not a hard core witness or what?
``The Truth,'' No; ``The Opinion," Maybe
by Room 215 inhi all,.
i don't know about the rest of you, but there's something that grates on me like new chalk on a blackboard.. i refer to that expression jws use to describe that threadbare tapestry of conjecture, fill-in-the-blanks theological approach to doctrines the bible leaves hazy and judgmental moralism that comprises the wt belief system-- you know, ``the truth," as in ``he/she left the truth,'' or ``how long have you been in the truth?''.
may i suggest that it be amended to ``the opinion?
The opinion....that has a nice ring to it
Finally a good test: are you EVIL??
by JanH inhere's the chance to finally find out what we suspected all along:.
are you evil?
find out at
I only rated "kinda evil" I bet I would have hit full tilt evil if I took this while pregnant.
I must be getting soft...must work on that.
What's a parent to do?
by Tammie ini don't know if i am the only one with this problem or not.
but i have two boys ages 4 and 6. i get them up at a normal hour (the older one is in school, now).
i even put them to bed around 8 or 9 pm, depending on what is going on for the day.
I just got Enya's recent cd, and that seems to calm my 2 year old down. As a matter of fact, Tori Amos' Under the Pink does too...