JoinedTopics Started by alotlikemay
Did you stop singing the songs BEFORE you stopped going to meetings?
by zack inafter i found out the truth abouth the troof, i could not--- i mean physically could not---- sing a note of a jw song at a meeting.. this was way before i decided to make a plan and a final break.
this happen to anyone?.
by alotlikemay ini'm going to put my head on the block here... and possibly alienate some of you in doing so.
i'm new to the forum.
forgive me, i don't have time to read up the whole history of threads here, much as i'd love to, so if this subject has been discussed already (as i'm sure it must have) then apologies .
What's your culinary specialty?
by pmouse inreading hortensia's topic "menu" made my mouth water.
i remember in the 70's (when we used to be able to have lots of jw social get-togethers like picnics and parties) some of the friends would bring pot-luck specialties that were to die for!.
everyone has a dish they consider their "specialty" which gets high praise and generally requests for the recipe.
Whats the strangest thing you've seen someone get in trouble for?
by LaniB ini remember one windy summer day, after a meeting on sunday morning, i walked out of the hall behind a sister who was part of the church congregation with her two teenage children.
her husband did not attend.
the wind caught her dress unexpectedly and blew it up a'la marilyn monroe and revealed that she was wearing (shock, horror) french knickers...... there were a few murmers behind me which i at the time put down to things like "oh poor girl, so embarrassing".
I'm confused
by nvrgnbk ini'm confused.
why does one return from an apostafest feeling encouraged and happy, maybe even hopeful, but returns from an assembly feeling discouraged and worthless?
WHy is King David Always held up as a great guy?
by zack insome of blondie's comments on her wt review makes me post this question.
the wt always holds up david as a great.
they love him.
just to introduce myself
by alotlikemay init's been a long time since i was in the 'truth' .
took a long long time to rehabilitate and among one of the things i had to do was learn to make friends.
anyway, maybe will make more friends here, time will tell .
Sigmund Freud and Rutherford??
by bluebell insomeone suggested to me that rutherford (i think, they just said one of the founders) went to a talk by freud and incorporated hypnotism into the meetings.
they said that w/t study set up made you go tick tock between reader and conductor.
i thought it was funny.
by reneeisorym inmost of the time i'm ok with the problem i'm about to discuss.
it just seems that occasionally it hurts me more than others.. for those of you who's family are all jws: it was hard to leave all of your family behind but for whatever reason, it made you happier to go than to stay.
after you left, did you ever get scared that those in your new life would abaondon you as well?