Hi Faraon, I've heard that liberal crap about cops railroading innocent criminals so many times, that it makes me want to puke.
I assume you mean inocent people. There is no such thing as an inocent criminal. Maybe a freudian slip?
Congratulations on your good luck.
I, on the other hand have seen and heard of many people being put in jail for doing nothing. On the other hand I had the experience of making a report about a punk stealing things from my van. My friends told me not to even file a report and beat him up because he was a white boy and nothing would be done. At the station his mother started crying and told the cops he was a good kid and never had done anything wrong, etc.Yeah, like an inocent kid is going to break a window and get into a van for the first time.
I had the witnesses, went to the CPD every week to see what was being done. After a month, I was told that I did not appear in court and the case was dismissed. I never received the summons to appear in court. We should've beaten the %@#*&^ out of him!
As an 18-yr-old, I would be stopped by this cop who would take my car to the station peeling rubber all the way while I was in the police car with his partner in back. Once in the station he would hand me back the keys and let me go without even giving me a ticket. He just loved the speed on my car!
My nephew was once charged with marihuana posession. Once in the station, and in front of witnesses he confronted the cop asking him where did he take the grass from him. The cop said it was from his right pants' pocket. He then showed everybody that all his pockets were sewn shut in the inside. The cop could not put it back. He explained that that had happened to his friends, and was not taking any chances. Nothing was done to the cop, but it could have resulted in jail time for him, had he not taken this precaution.
When I was in college, I was pretty active politically, and cops would stop me trying to find something out of order, then they would say something to the effect that I did not feel so sure of myself as in campus. This was their way of twisting my arm not to voice dissent with the Vietnam war and the mistreatment of minorities.
The only civil cops I know are the State Police. Half-civil cops in suburban Chicago. Once I was given a ticket for making an illegal left turn in a Chicago Suburb because it was a wide left turn lane, and I had moved into the yellow lane ahead of time. I asked him why had he singled me when there were people ahead and behind me in the same lane doing the same thing. He told me to shut up before he threw the book at me. Instead of returning home I parked my car in a side street and watched him. He would only stop minorities and good-looking women. I told that to the judge, but it only made the judge angry at me.
Look at how many cops have been caught red-handed beating people for no reason on tape. Kids getting killed while handcuffed.
Me trust cops and the justice system? naaah