I hope that remark doesn't mean what I think it does. It would be truly ironic if a poster named "free will" actually supported the government banning a religion with which he/she doesn't agree.
I support Russia’s decision to check up on destructive cults. Human rights advocates should take the stand against those who abuse people and control them mentally. JWs claim to have obtained enhanced freedoms for people, but keep their own people in chains. A cult should be automatically banned once it curtails its members from having the same liberties that a nation at large has or is responsible for deaths through neglect.
The majority of attorneys in America also do not get the point that in a divorce court against a cult, it is not about religion, but about the physical and mental welfare of a child that is in the balance. I am not against their religious beliefs, they can keep on worshipping their mythical Jewish god of war, or worship a chair. The problem begins when those beliefs work against the physical and mental health of the citizens of a country, and destroy the family bonds. Would you support a religion that kills and burns other human beings just because it is a religion? I am an agnostic, yet Catholics, Buddhists, Baptists, and others do not order the shunning of their own relatives, or let them die because of a blood transfusion.
Look, I dislike the Watchtower as much as anyone, and I think the things they do are reprehensible. But the way to fight them is not by restricting freedom of religion, because that "solution" can quickly be extended to all faiths. If you'll recall, that was the case in Russia not so very long ago. It wasn't just JW's who suffered there, it was all believers in all religions!
This order was to pay for a philological-psycho/linguistic expert study to be conducted on the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses published in the past ten years. I support this. I wish more governments had the guts to follow suit. I agree that best way do it would be to educate the public. Make public their wrongs, have debates with their representatives on radio and television, and after that, ban them also, but after the reasons for their banning have been understood by the majority of the people.
No, the way to fight the Watchtower is the same there as it is here - expose them! Expose their lies, hypocrisy, unscriptural teachings and false prophecy. Help JW's to start thinking for themselves. Expecting governments to act against false religions is a dangerous row to hoe; all to quickly, everyone's freedoms can be lost.
I partly agree. Educating is the best way. But a nation has a duty to all citizens. It is time to protect them all and not allow their protection for the sake of their being a religion. They should be sued for breach of contract. In their baptism it should be specified all the dangers of belonging to them, and the right to give their free will once baptized, such as having to change their beliefs once the GB changes its mind.
Thanks for the link.
What bothers me is that I cannot find an email to the Russian Gov. supporting their decision.