Yes, I know, somehow, I still think that they started taking a census of their slaves before Hawaii and Alaska became states and kept the division.
how do americans consider alaska?
have you noticed how alaska heads the annual report?
check it out:
Yes, I know, somehow, I still think that they started taking a census of their slaves before Hawaii and Alaska became states and kept the division.
Yeah, but in Spanish it refers to a castrated bull, one without testicles. It is a low class word to use in Mexico.
did you leave the watchtower society and the true god ,too?.
i believe that god still helps some of the of the ones still "traped" in the org.
- god helped me greatly while i was still in.
Please note that God will forgive our sins, if we love Him -He created us - he is Our Heavenly Father.
I will not take anybody's word for it unless s/he tells me what to do, and proves to me that s/he is who says s/he is.
Why is it that it, as powerful as it is supposed to be, talks only to a few people?
I have tried to talk to Huitzilopochtli, Thor, Jehovah, Jupiter, etc. Have received no answer so far.
Actually, I prefer the English pronunciation of Yaweh when talking to Spanish-speakers.
I feign ignorance and a little halo appears over my head. The reason?
It sounds like the Mexican slang "ya, guey" (The word "guey" should have a dieresis on the "u" so that it is pronounced, but I don't know how to type it - it is a corruption of the word "buey", which means ox, a castrated bull)
In normal Spanish it would be translated "already, ox"
The connotation would be "Stop it, you withour testicles, who lets his wife have sex with other men"
i was reading a new article about pornography on the official watchtower web site at.
and it closes with this statement: "it undermines efforts to do good and have a clean conscience.".
I don't know what pornography is.
Do you think they could do a whole issue in glossy paper to explain to me what exactly pornography is?
Enquiring minds want to know!
the sydney international convention is getting some press with claims of 60,000 foreign visitors.. the convention will be held in the olympic stadium and apparently there'll even be special trains.. would you like to join them?
it seems they'll invite any old apostate; why, even i have been invited!
i'm told the branch committee would love to see me!
I'm told the branch committee would love to see me!
Maybe you didn't let them finish the sentence...
The branch committee would love to see me dead!
old story just came to mind as i was browsing through the watchtower's website (because i can't sleep and i truly find it entertaining) and read an article about abhoring that which is wicked.
i was never a jw - my husband was until he was 20, and is now inactive.
he told me a story that just infuriates me to no end, and i have to wonder if it is common.
I suppose you will stand by and watch a person violate what you consider to be holy, sacred or of value?
Heck, no. I consider the truth to be sacred in serious matters. I will challenge untruths whenever possible
What Jesus did, he did in public, it wasn't abuse,
Although most abusers prefer privacy, some do it in public as well.
What would you call whipping? Tender loving care?
Should I whip my wife and claim it was not abuse if I do it in public?
Maybe if someone decides to sell hot dogs in my, or my father?s lawn, it would make it right for me to whip them? It would not be abuse since it was done in public, and I was defending my father's property.
I thought his father?s house was everywhere. Even John's writer said four verses down that he was talking about his body when he was talking about the temple.
As for the temple being his father?s house, it would mean that Jehovah is a pimp, in view of the fact that it was built with rooms for prostitution, both male and female, from the time it was built by Salomon.
if anything, they abused the sabbath to enrich themselves, plus it was recorded. Spousal abuse differs, it's done behind closed doors also on sabbath days and not reported enough. How many are hushed up?
The animals sold there were to be burnt to give Jehovah ?a pleasing aroma?. (He must love picnics.)
As far as I knew Jews were not supposed to work on a Sabbath. That would include buying and selling in the temple. I don't think the whipping took place on a Sabbath.
Do you want to make Chicago cops laugh? Report that your wife beat you up.
Or report it to the elders, They?ll tell you it?s Ok because they?re the weaker vessel.
Thanks for calling it spousal abuse rather than wife abuse. By the way, women are the worst offenders, both in the quantity of times abuse takes place, and amount of brutality.
Jesus was no 'wimp.'
Yes he was, and so was Peter and others.
I often use his example of 'pushing' the limits. My father-in-law was a well built and a tolerant man. Only once did I ever see him use his power against another man. Did I consider him to be an unloving person, a violent person, a bad example? No way!
Paul said at Romans 12:18, "If possible, as far as it depends upon YOU, be peaceable to all men." It all depends.
I do not know the circumstances. I could not comment, but based on what you say, though, I would not consider him a violent person. Most violent people keep on using uncontrolled physical harm which gets progressively worse. Funny thing. It is the weakest who usually resort to violence. If your father-in-law used a chain saw the only time he hurt someone, or if he pulled a whip against a bunch of people, I would certainly consider him violent.
Those who practice abusive behaviour need a taste of their own medicine!
I agree this may be a good solution under some circumstances. Jesus received his own medicine a week later. How come he didn?t whip anyone then? He probably thought about the whipping he dished out when the Romans were doing the same to him. It hurt, didn't it?
I personally know of individuals who abused their spouse got their asses kick by the spouses family members. That put a quick stop to the problem
If that is the case, women relatives should kick the ass out of their female in-laws when they beat up a male relative, but I never heard about one single case of this happening.
There isn?t a single shelter for abused husbands in the US. Where is gender equality when you need it?
What Jesus did, was the right thing!
That is your opinion. In my opinion, nobody should hit anyone. That goes for children too. Unfortunately some parents think they own their children.
old story just came to mind as i was browsing through the watchtower's website (because i can't sleep and i truly find it entertaining) and read an article about abhoring that which is wicked.
i was never a jw - my husband was until he was 20, and is now inactive.
he told me a story that just infuriates me to no end, and i have to wonder if it is common.
That is horrible. So, you can get DF'ed for smoking, but not for beating your wife?
This is bible based. Didn't Jesus beat the cr*p out of people for following the custom of selling things in the temple?
A man is supposed to treat his wife as Jesus treats people.
how do americans consider alaska?
have you noticed how alaska heads the annual report?
check it out:
It goes to prove that Higher Education rejection is alive and well in the WT.
Maybe they are still using 1940's textbooks or maps. Who knows, in their maps they probably have Krooklyn as the center of Earth, just as eary maps had Jerusalem.
What do you expect of a cult that up until the 1980's still believed that emotions resided on the literal heart?
if they were perfect, why did they "eat" of the tree of good and bad and why not from the tree of life?
could it be that satan was jealous of eve when she was with adam?
i mean, before eve came onto the scene , surely satan spent some"quality" time with adam showing him the ropes, etc.
Remember that Yah was looking for a mate for adam amongst the animals too!
According to Josephus, all animals could talk. The snake, in fact, lived with both Adam and Eve. In Josephus' rendition of Genesis, God punished the snake by taking away his feet, and both Adam and Eve would smash his head because it was there where his thoughts originated. No prophecy, though.
According to oral tradition, Eve was Adam's third wife. First was Lillith, who did not want be Adam's underling since they were created together, and decided to run around with demons. He made a second one but Adam became disgusted when god made her in front of him, and saw all the internal organs, etc. Never could erase that from his mind. God made Eve from his rib after he put him to sleep so he would not see her internal organs.