Best femenine make-up
Get your men drunk. (Make sure you are alone with him, though. All women will look good to him.
Best femenine make-up
Get your men drunk. (Make sure you are alone with him, though. All women will look good to him.
once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met.
after a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding.
their life together was, of course, perfect.
remember, Santa knows where ya live at!!!
Don't worry, he was killed in the accident, remember?
here is a picture that i took earlier this year.
i had a terrible mouse problem this year for some reason (i think that it was a lot wetter than usual and they came inside).
they must have been racing to get to that peanutbutter.. .
They must have been racing to get to that peanutbutter.
Either that or they slipped in all the mice crap around them
in short......i am surprised of the organisations involvement with the u.n......had the damaging effect to the degree that it did......upon those who learned of it.. when the 'generation change' occured in 94', i thought there would be a bigger fallout.
when the voting issue happened, i thought it would cause quite a stir.
with "dateline" and "fifth estate" uncovering child molestation issue among jehovah's witnesses....i thought many would fall out.. what gets me is the amount , that were effected by the u.n. scandle.
Got out a little before the UN scandal.
I already had spent 5 years "coasting". I would not try to get converts when what I saw did not agree with my perceived idea of Christianity: lack of love, hypocrisy, and phariseeism. I was raised a Catholic, and made me sick when JWs would not give to charity unless they saw a prospective convert.
An elder in Guadalajara, very loving one, got demoted because he beat the cr*p out of someone who tried to rape his daughter. Heck, I'd probably have killed him.
On the other hand, my ex-wife and her brother-in-law, Cesar, told me that it was Ok to bribe the driver's licence examiners "because there was no way you could get one without bribing them". I later found out that wasn't true, and many people told me they received it without a bribe.
My ex would justify going to a party without me because an elder had invited her. The problem is that I caught her before her telling me about it. If they weren't hiding anything, why not tell me? Yeah, right. Her elder sibling commited adultery with a High Schooler. He had a son almost her age. Her other brother, also a JW, but publisher only, committed adultery too. My cousin was found naked in a motel with two other men. She had already been DFd twice before for the same thing: adultery. Another JW living a block from us was on his fourth wife. The previous three had been adulterous. Lucky for him he had detective tools.
She would claim that it was not individuals, but the whole organization what is judged. Not from what I saw around me.
hi everyone i'm new to this site and am just looking for some help as to the best way to go about talking to my mother about wts.. i've told her about the hypocrisies of the watchtower and cited some examples where they were wrong including about their association with the.
united nations....but she just yells thats a lie that's a lie..(in spanish)...lol .
she is very dissapointed in me for leaving and says that the only day she will be happy is when i come back to the "truth"..but i'm convinced.
I need help to convince my mom that WTS is a big lie
Actually, the problem, IMO, is that the WTS is mostly a lot of little ones, just like the bible.
at the catholic encyclopedia on line i learned of some more bible "prophecies" and fullfillments (tongue in cheek)i had not heard of as a jw.
it seems constantine used the actual nails from the cross and fashioned one into a bridle for his horse.
this according to various church fathers fullfilled zechariah 14:20, "in that day there will prove to be upon the bells/bridle, holiness..".
except for bits of jesus' blood on them, still perfetly preserved as well
Holy Cow Grail, can yoou imagine someone getting the blood's DNA, and creating a Jesus clone?
" men take the lead, women merely "support.".
what contributed to priscilla's zeal and courage?
(luke 8:1-3).. yes, the privilege of doing the marketing, cooking, cleaning up, and laundry of 13 men while they did evangelizing.. wt 12/1/75 p. 717 christian greatness comes from serving.
First of all, I want to thank you and express to you my admiration for the weekly hard work that helps us realize how blind we were.
On the human sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter. It is clear to me that this was a burnt offering. Not whitewashed as many apologists want us to believe: that she became a sort of a nun. The proof is in Claudius Josephus, Antiquities of The Jews. Book V, Chapter 8, (should be 7, since there are two chapter eights in this web page.) paragraph 10
But as he came back, he fell into a calamity no way correspondent to the great actions he had done; for it was his daughter that came to meet him; she was also an only child and a virgin: upon this Jephtha heavily lamented the greatness of his affliction, and blamed his daughter for being so forward in meeting him, for he had vowed to sacrifice her to God. However, this action that was to befall her was not ungrateful to her, since she should die upon occasion of her father's victory, and the liberty of her fellow citizens: she only desired her father to give her leave, for two months, to bewail her youth with her fellow citizens; and then she agreed, that at the forementioned thee he might do with her according to his vow. Accordingly, when that time was over, he sacrificed his daughter as a burnt-offering
so, what do you think about the bible?
is it really ispired of god?.
i am strongly believing that the bible is nothing more than folk-tales, half-truths, and suggestions by man.
The "Skeptics' Annotated Bible" uses so many poor arguments that it is hard to take it seriously. The following is a response.
Not as the poor arguments of the deists. Especially those based on the bible. SAB's arguments are actually poor because it is a shortened explanation. Pure and to the point. They are based on the King James bible alone. Many more arguments could be used against Christianity if, for example, they would use how "prophecies" have been changed to suit the needs of Christians. Even OT prophecies have failed to come true, or have been written ex post facto. If your god were to be put on trial, he would be sentenced to death on crimes against humanity. I am amazed about how many things SAB has missed, but I know they are getting better all the time. Another thing they have failed to do is to point out to verses that show that the supposed author could not have known, such as names of rivers or cities that did not exist at the time the author lived. How they mistranslated words to suit their purpose such as "virgin" instead of "young woman", etc.
It is amazing how it takes an apologist to give a spin to something that should be very simple to understand.
now, please remember, jw my entire life.
therefore, many prejudiced and warped ideas.. the deal is that a very nice co-worker invited me to a 'christmas play' at her baptist church and i accepted.
the play is tonight, and i have all these messed-up ideas that perhaps it's wrong to step foot into another church; or that perhaps since i've been taught all my life that demons reside in the false religion churches that i'll be bothered by these demons if i attend this event tonight.. please, help me win over these live-long thoughts.
Whatever you do. Stay away from Catholic Churches.
Most of them drink wine and eat bread. They think that all Christians can go to heaven, not only the 144,000.00 from the twelve tribes.
Their elders, although dressing funny, ask Catholics to love everyone, not only Catholics, and don't tell the members to shun their relatives who leave for other religions. They even go as far as welcoming you in church any time and don't have be watched for months or years.
They usually go for only half hour every Sunday, but are required to go only twice a year to mass.
Most of them don't even use the name Jehovah 50 times per meetings. They worship some stranger whose name is only "god".
They believe in giving charity to all. Have orphanages, hospitals, and soup lines for all.
They believe they should say the truth, even in court. They don't tell you count your hours preaching, not even their priests.
Once a year they put ash in your forehead (probably from burning JW sacrificed people) saying something like "Remember that you are dust and will return to dust"
Even knowing that Jesus was not born on December 25th, they celebrate the birth of Jesus, just because he was born to do good. We should commemorate his death!
Clearly demonic practices. Stay away from them.
so, what do you think about the bible?
is it really ispired of god?.
i am strongly believing that the bible is nothing more than folk-tales, half-truths, and suggestions by man.
My Ideas on the bible follow the following by Robert Ingersoll:
Actually, I have way more than these. He limits himself mostly to the Old Testament. The New and Improved version after Jesus, still needs a lot to be desired.
How could I have been so stupid and gullible for decades?