Bare in mind
bare = empty
Bare in mind = empty in mind
bear = carry
Idiom bear in mind: To hold in one's mind = remember: Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads.
What is this? Love ironies thread?
i have proof that jesus is not god , not in the sight of eyes but in words.
alright check this out!
im not gonna give out too many details only a few, some might agree & some might not agree,.
Bare in mind
bare = empty
Bare in mind = empty in mind
bear = carry
Idiom bear in mind: To hold in one's mind = remember: Bear in mind that bridges freeze before roads.
What is this? Love ironies thread?
i have proof that jesus is not god , not in the sight of eyes but in words.
alright check this out!
im not gonna give out too many details only a few, some might agree & some might not agree,.
#Jesus told everybody that you must worship, i repeat only worship The father which is GOD. That's why Jesus said do not call me good master, cause there is only one who is good and that is GOD. ..........................................................
So how come no one worships El Elyon?
El Elyon is the true father of YHWH, and grandfather of Jesus.
Elyon was YHWH's father. Yet most people worship YHWH, who is the god only exclusive of the Hebrews.
us ready to seize gulf oil in 1973 by paul reynolds .
bbc news online world affairs correspondent .
Anyway, even the leftist New York Times has said that Halliburton has only made a minuscule profit in Iraq.
So next you'll be saying that the Wall Street Journal is edited by Communists?
I know there are no autos here, but I wanted to see my lovely daughters and myself on the site. Here I am hugging them in the Forbidden City one year ago, almost exactly.
i was always annoyed with my ex for using the words "pleasing to jehovah" to describe certain actions.
in actuality, he an his family (and i suspect others as well) seemed to be much more concerned with pleasing other witnesses or members of their congregations.
as an outsider, it seemed to me that they were always looking for "loopholes" to get by with certain practices, as if they thought they could trick jehovah or that he wouldn't notice so long as they were not reproved or disfellowshipped.. my ex sister-in-law regularly spent the night with her boyfriend or he with her.
It's all about looking good.
Why wouldn't someone be disfellowshipped for adultery if the spouse forgives them, and it is not made public. A sin is a sin.
Also, in the eyes of Jehovah, a man who has sex with a single woman is not an adulterer. He is an adulterer only if he does it with a married woman. Women are properity.
Tell me where in the bible does it say that a man can only have one wife? (Bishops or superintendents excluded).
*** Watchtower 1972 January 1 pp.31-2 Questions from Readers ***
Questions from Readers
? Do homosexual acts on the part of a married person constitute a Scriptural ground for divorce, freeing the innocent mate to remarry??U.S.A.
Homosexuality is definitely condemned in the Bible as something that will prevent individuals from gaining God's approval. (1 Cor. 6:9, 10) However, whether an innocent mate would Scripturally be able to remarry after procuring a legal divorce from a mate guilty of homosexual acts must be determined on the basis of what the Bible says respecting divorce and remarriage?
?While both homosexuality and bestiality are disgusting perversions, in the case of neither one is the marriage tie broken. It is broken only by acts that make an individual "one flesh" with a person of the opposite sex other than his or her legal marriage mate.
Another fine example of "a new light"
Quit making posts that give the wrong idea!
I thought this thread was about amazing-looking straight girls against lesbians.
us ready to seize gulf oil in 1973 by paul reynolds .
bbc news online world affairs correspondent .
Everything that they do in the middle-east has always been and will always be ultimately about the oil and keeping their supply.
Sorry to disagree, I think it will always be ultimately about the oil, getting rich, and getting superficial but good-looking babes with the money they get from the oil.
i went to a funeral today as part of a military honor guard.
the gentleman...retired in rock hill south carolina had spent 30 years in the army and 20 years in the post office.
he'd won the bronze star with "v" device in vietnam.
Shoot, surviving 20 years as a postal employee without getting shot was an accomplishment.
Should it be "shoot surviving..." (no comma)
elderly woman found alive in iranian quake rubble
by matthew pennington, ap
bam, iran (jan. 3) - iranian rescue workers pulled a 97-year-old woman from the rubble saturday, nine days after an earthquake razed this city.
Figures for the overall dead have varied because of differing estimates of the bodies still under the rubble. Earlier this week a U.N. report said the death toll was at least 33,000, but only 28,000 people had been buried. A provincial government spokesman, Asadollah Iranmanesh, has predicted the final toll would be between 30,000 and 40,000.
Armaggeddon is coming!
when it comes to the people trying to get what they want, the politicians soon show their true colours.
i'm sure the 'bastard' voters who voted for labour mp stephen pound will be delighted with his comment.
you will get what you're given, and you are free to do as we tell you.. and btw, john 'vigilante' prescott, deputy prime minister, a guy who punches people for throwing eggs.. deputy prime minister condems law allowing brits to kill burglars.
(3) he reasonably believes that:
(A) the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or
How reasonable is it to think that land cannot be protected unless one uses deadly force?
What is going to happen to the land? Is someone going to steal it, rape it, pee on it, call it names, murder it?
Got to love'em Texans-the bastards!. Kill them first, and ask them questions later.