My thoughts exactly dated April 1st ,fools joke.
Posts by smiddy
Russian BOE - congregations told to stop using the New World Translation
by OrphanCrow init appears like the wt's bible is no longer to be used in russia.
king james version only.
from this forum: .
WT PDF file "Child Safeguarding Policy of Jehovah's Witnesses in Australia"
by kpop injust passing on a link i found.
i didn't see anyone here post it so i hope i can share this.
download and pass it on!
If you compared the amount of clergy and lay people who identify themselves with the Roman Catholic Church with the same amount of people who identify themselves with the Jehovahs Witness religion as Elders and Ministerial servants and the rank and file members, I am quite sure that the Jehovahs Witnesses would come off far worse than the R.C.Church if we looked at statistics.
Well over 1 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide / Preists and Lay people.members.....Abuse victims -% ?
Only just over 8 Million Jehovahs Witnesses worldwide./ elders MS,and rank & file members....Abuse victims.-% ?
I do not have the expertise to do this ,hopefully someone can validate what I propose or debunk what I have said.
And this is not just for australia but worldwide, though it would also be applicable to us here in Aussie land.
Interesting take on John 3:16
by NikL inthe superstar of all scriptures.
for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.. .
but i just learned something about it.. i try to look at different translations of the bible and the lexham english bible words it a bit different.... 16 for in this way god loved the world, so that he gave his one and only son, in order that everyone who believes in him will not perish, but will have eternal life.
God must be an idiot , he needs imperfect humans of today , to interpret what he is supposed to have meant when he inspired the Bible write down what they did thousands of years ago.?
Couldnt he forsee what a problem he caused by confusing the languages at Babel ? and the outcome today trying to work out what he meant when he said anything ?
My son was accepted to prestigious universities
by never a jw insome background needed.
five years ago i decided to research what i thought was a good religion, the religion of my jw wife, to whom i have been married for almost 23 years.
what prompted my research was my then 14 y.o.
Well done congrats to you both.
Russian Earthquake Forces Putin to Reconsider – Won’t Ban Jehovah’s Witnesses
by ILoveTTATT2 inap – april 1st, 2017. russian earthquake forces putin to reconsider – won’t ban jehovah’s witnesses.
in a stunning reversal of events, vladimir putin had an emergency meeting with all un members and made a proposition unbanning jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.. after the devastating 6.9 earthquake in eastern russia, and after receiving nearly one metric ton of letters from jehovah’s witnesses worldwide, putin changed his mind and decided not only to not ban jehovah’s witnesses in russia, but proposed to the un to remove all restrictions from jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.. surprisingly, jehovah’s witnesses were not pleased.. david a. ssholian, the spokesman for jehovah’s witnesses, said that “this reversal is a disaster for jehovah’s witnesses worldwide.
we just can’t be unbanned everywhere, that would be a severe blow for our faith.”
JW`s are told not to believe everything they read in the newspapers and what do some ex JW`s do ? they believe everything they read .
Priceless I L TTATT2
April the 1st did it for me.LOL
Who else is tired of attacking/defending Islam?
by Spoletta inat this point, i think we have a good idea of everyone's opinion of islam.
for the love of god, can we move on to something else!
Can we have your point of view Spoletta on Islam ? Just asking .
We have everybody else`s view do we have yours ?
Great way to show the world your not extremists.
by pleaseresearch ini really don't know what to expect of this.
they are being labelled extremists in russia and are close to being banned.
so the show that they aren't extremists they encourage all jw's worldwide to bombard the kremlin and court with millions on letters..
JW`s are just one of many religions , because of their literature percieved as being extremist and shunning procedures against members because of not living up to WTB&TS expectations
They are not singled out on their own ,many doomsday sects are treated just the same.
Are JW`s a doomsday sect ? of course they are they have been predicting it for the past 100+ years in one form or another .
Can we support Russian government's ban?
by intropist in글쓴이: 류비 / 시간: 목, 03/30/2017 - 14:48. .
hi, i want to leave my personal opinion on the matter of russian government's banning on the activity of jehovah's witnesses in their territory.
i think it's more or less important because bearing a certain opinion is related with the quality of life.
Jehovahs Witnesses are just one of many religious sects that are considered extreme some worse than others.
Apparently their are numerous sects springing up with doomsday in mind and the Govt. is reigning in these cults.
But the bottom line is they ,JW`s are just one of many that come under this proposed ban because of their published material that they distribute.
WT propanda would have you believe they are the only ones targeted which is not true .
Why should that surprise us ?
JW apologetics websites.
by Steel inlately i have been studying some basic christology and jesus in the old testament and why first christians believed jesus was god in the flesh.
really interesting stuff.
i am not really sure if i fully understand it but i do now realize why pastors go to university and bible school for a number of years and also how their beliefs are not just based on a few verses that can be edited in the nwt.
Christendoms religions including JW`s cant even decide on how many books comprise the Bible so how could they ever agree on what is contained theirein ? The numbers vary widely.
Their are also books mentioned in the Bible that do not appear in those lists such as The Book of Enoch , The Book of Jubilees The Testament of Noah and The Book of Jasher to name a few.
It all comes down to each different sects interpretation of what said scriptures mean , not what the scriptures actually say but what the sect says it means.
And no GOD of the Hebrews (OT) or of the Christians (NT ) has ever came to HIS defence to set matters straight as to what is HIS TRUE WRITTEN WORD
His silence is deafening .
It always puzzled me why the JW`s adopted the Protestant number of authentic books of the Bible.where they could have settled for a couple more just to be different from christendom and it still would have been considered a christian religion.
Bottom line is : It all depends on interpretation of what the scriptures mean by the interpretator and not what the scripture actually says .
Thats why we have over 40,000 different Christian sects nowadays and GOD is still silent ?
Is he a GOD of order or disorder ?
What does CLAM stand for?
by QuestioningEverything ini've seen this in a few posts and not sure what it means.
:) please help..
Christ Laughs At Meetings ( JW meetings that is )