What else should we expect from them? Not only is there is no life outside of Earth, but Jehovah created the whole universe just for JW's!
my jehovah witness parents spent the week with me at my house.
when i suggested to watch a movie with them i thought we would watch the movie "avatar" i got on blue ray.
they were so shocked as they waved their hands in front of them saying, "no way!
What else should we expect from them? Not only is there is no life outside of Earth, but Jehovah created the whole universe just for JW's!
i am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
~Arthur Schopenhauer
further to sebastious first very good video on bloodguilt -.
can anybody post the kingdumb misery saying that the entire congregation is bloodguilty if a brother accidentally kills somebody on the road?.
it seems ridiculous to claim that jehoobie will have it in for all the dubby babies and their parents because of an accident on the road, but there it is.. they say the elduhs should investigate - don't you think the police are better qualified to do this rather than window washers and cracker and cheese men?.
The Watchtower is the LAST religion on earth that should be talking about guilt when it comes to blood. Sorry I can't come up with the KM, my CD Rom is ten years old....but do I think the GB believes it? No. I think they know EXACTLY what the truth is, and they just do as they're told by their black magician puppetmasters.
my grandma is 85 and still a jw (i don't think she's one of the best though).
i guess she's been hoping that i would come back but when we met this summer and she realised i'm together with a "worldly" man she understood i'm not planning to come back at all.
(btw she shouldn't see me at all in the first place since i've left but she's been "tolerant" abt that).
I'm sorry for you too Newborn.
I also had to hear my mother calling me "son of the devil" while I was growing up...but in her case I can't really blame it on the Watchtower's influence. She was a total whack job before they even came along.
Parents and grandparents have absolutely no idea the damage they are doing with their psychotic rantings.... especially when children are very young...little do they know that THEY are the ones who are incarnating the devil when they say things like that.
I hate to say it, but I think this is EXACTLY the kind of abuse Jesus was referring to at Matthew 18:6 "But whoever stumbles one of these little ones...." although he's not referring to eternal destruction which doesn't exist...just a lot of really bad karma.
huge tires?
The 1914 Model T would be cool
i am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
Hi Mad Sweeney,
The vast majority of David Wilcock's information is available online for free. The guy quit his dayjob and I imagine some of his projects are costly. He's not in it for the money, imo.
i am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
wow ari, I'm impressed!
"You are gods" ~John 10:34
Jimmy C.
i am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
ari, try to relax, stop looking around every corner for Jehovah (aaaaaannnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy nooooooooowwwwwww) and read more of this kind of stuff....
The Science of Peace
Jimmy C.
i work with a young guy who recently attended one of the mega churches in the chicago area, and during our discussion i mentioned that i was.
a jw several years ago and he told me the following experience.. two years ago a jw and her teen age son called at his door.
nice conversation so the jw's came back a week later.. (now this guy is a magician,,,, not the graphic cut people in half type of showman, but simple tricks such as coins appearing, card tricks, and flowers pulled out of the sleeve type of magic.
Dumb dubbies, Two of their favorite heroes were magicians.
According to the Bible, Moses was a magician. His magic was just better than Pharaoh's magicians.
Jesus was a magician, and his magic was better than the Pharisees' magic. That's one reason they hated him so much.
Mary MAG-dalene was a magician, like the three MAGI.
Manipulating matter with the mind is not something "Satan" has a monopoly on. This is the power of the human mind. Jesus said you could move mountains with your "faith". Doing magic tricks is innocuous and harmless. There's white magic (love and light) and black magic (egoic selfishness and darkness). Thank GOD there are white magicians in this world, and their magic is superior to the black magicians, because the universe responds to LOVE. INTENT is the KEY.
i found it somewhat comical that the witnesses are not mentioned in this article.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39397251/ns/us_news-life.
a new survey of americans' knowledge of religion found that atheists, agnostics, jews and mormons outperformed protestants and roman catholics in answering questions about major religions, while many respondents could not correctly give the most basic tenets of their own faiths.. forty-five percent of roman catholics who participated in the study didn't know that, according to church teaching, the bread and wine used in holy communion is not just a symbol, but becomes the body and blood of christ.. more than half of protestants could not identify martin luther as the person who inspired the protestant reformation.
and about four in 10 jews did not know that maimonides, one of the greatest rabbis and intellectuals in history, was jewish.. the survey released tuesday by the pew forum on religion & public life aimed to test a broad range of religious knowledge, including understanding of the bible, core teachings of different faiths and major figures in religious history.
It seems the survey didn't include cults, although the Mormons could qualify.
Or, since the Witnesses HATE being called a "religion", they didn't bother to mention them.
In any case, its interesting stuff, but no shock to me. Americans are the last people on earth to find out a lot of things, since they're programmed to be lemmings.