ari, would you by any chance be alluding to e-watchman? Been quite a few years that he's been sounding the doomsday alarm, hasn't it?
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
watchman or undertaker?
by arimatthewdavies ini am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing.
but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!.
but what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens?
Are Animals Resurrected?
by Cold Steel inthe jws visited me again today, and i have to admit i was surprised when i asked them if they thought animals would be resurrected.. now i ask this question from a lot of different religions.
most often i ask if people think they have spirits, but since jws don't believe people have them, why bother asking about animals?.
but i did ask about resurrection, which is the next best thing...i guess.. to my surprise they said no!
I am in the pet business and I have heard many many personal experiences of people coming across what they truly believe to be their reincarnated pets. They see it in their personalities but especially their eyes. This combined with what I have read from spiritual guides, that animals that develop strong bonds with people get reincarnated while animals in the wild do not, makes sense to me. Consciousness is energy and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change states.
According to Kabbalah and other teachings, there are four kingdoms on earth: mineral, plant, animal and human. Consciousness evolves over many millions of years from one kingdom to the next. When animals have sufficiently evolved, in other words they have learned enough love and compassion, they can incarnate as humans.
I have recently read two boooks about animals and their emotions, one is "Pleasurable Kingdom" and the other is "Second Nature". Even some animals in the wild display love and emotions such as passion that makes many humans look like cold-blooded beasts, which many of them are. If this seems unbelievable just watch an episode of Lassie.
What impact would the discovery of ET have on the JW's?
by highdose inthe un may be appointing an ambassedor to greet aliens.
which looks kinda serious and got me thinking " say the little green men in a space ship really were found what would jw's do?".
would they claim it was a lie?.
The Watchtower has taken the vast organizational structure of the Multiverse and reduced it to terms that a dubbie can understand: Jehovah, Jesus, Satan, angels, and demons. The Devil will get blamed for all of it, unless its a guy with a white beard on a white horse with a sword coming out of his mouth to annihilate all those bastards who refused their literature.
The evidence for extraterrestrial life is vast, right here on earth. Humans did not build the pyramids, and they are not making the crop circles. Here's a good place to start:
Here's a guy who makes a pretty good case that there are approximately 67 million worlds inhabited with human life in the Milky Way Galaxy alone:
So much for the Adam and Eve myth.
I realized a positive outcome from my JW upbrining!
by scarredforlife ini have been on this board for over 2 years.
one thing that i have read over and over is to find something positive in my upbrining as a jw and i have been unable to do this.
all i have seen is negative.
Having grown up in a rather rough neighborhood, where many of my friends ended up either dead or in jail, and considering my penchant for obsessive partying amd mischief, it's highly likely that growing up as a JW saved me from disasters I'll never know. That doesn't mean I wouldn't rather go back and do it all over again without the Watchtower.... I may have ended up being a rock and roll star...the el-duhs made me give up being in my "worldly" rock band when I was 16.... the bad-breath old Pharisee coots!
wittnesses of who?
by arimatthewdavies injehovahs wittnesses have adopted their name because they want to show that they are wittnesses for jehovah, but i need to point this out for your consideration first the name jehovah while it shows your referereing to jhwh really is not valid in the least, to be a wittnesses of some one in any court you must have his real ful.
name, proxies [stand in names] are not allowed.
second it was jesus christ who comisioned us to work for him.. third he is the mediator between us and god, hence how or why can you be a wittness for jehovah ?
ari, this is not e-watchman but an entirely different mindset. You know me over there as Jeshurun. You're preaching to the choir over here when it comes to the falsehoods of the Watchtower.
The New Testament was put together to make it appear as if it was the fulfillment of the Book of Jewish Fables. Jehovah of the Old Testament is none other than the internal Iod-Havah (male and female) that we all have within ourselves, but was presented as a male god external to the universe who demands worship, obedience, yada yada. He is the gnostic demiurge who thought he was the Most High, but as we learn in Psalms 82:1, he is nothing more than a sub-god who sits in the assembly of the Divine One (Most High). This is all the trick of a corrupt Levite priesthood in the sin business, while at the same time giving the truth to the insider initiates of kabbalistic wisdom. So, a true witness of Jehovah has seen God within, and since he has, he also has the wisdom to see God in others, and that we are all One in spirit. With work, this eventually results in Masterhood, a "do unto others" spirit, a reactivation of the 12 strands of DNA, and a fully functioning pineal gland.
"Jacob named the place Peniel (which means 'face of God'), for he said, 'I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared.'" ~Genesis 32:30, New Living Translation 2007.
by ProdigalSon inthe subject has come up in my reincarnation thread and i think its worthy of its own.. when i saw the movie "rain man", what amazed me the most about what raymond was able to do (i.e., counting the number of matches in a matchbox after a glance, or memorizing all the names and numbers in a large phone book in a matter of minutes) was that it proves that a human mind is capable of performing the functions of a computer and more.
why then, do we not a: all have these supercomputer abilities, and b., why is an autistic person lacking in other areas such as social skills?
my second son was born in 1992 with a lipoma on his tail bone which was also wrapped around his spinal cord.
I suspected that my son had this condition at birth, because his constant crying started right away, even before the surgery. I know that he had it when he got home from the hospital, so over the years I always thought it had to be either genetic or related to something that happened during that first month.....either in surgery or in the ICU afterward. Over the years since then, the research I've done has convinced me that it could not have been related to anything that happened in the hospital.
In the beginning of this thread I said that I had reached my own conclusions and I guess its time to share them. As for this being an old condition that has always been common and is just now being diagnosed properly, at one time I thought that was true, but once again, the more research I did, the more I was convinced that this is a proliferating new phenomenon. There is no evidence of this kind of condition present in such a large percentage of children anywhere in history.
When I learned how evolution really works, it answered all my questions. It appears that the information that changes DNA during quantum leaps in evolution are emitted from the center of the galaxy, in the form of electromagnetic waves. When the earth aligns with certain sectors of the galaxy's spiraling disk, there are the sudden appearance of new forms of life, and this has now been proven from the fossil record. I'm not proficient at explaining this and what I'm going to paste next will not make so much sense without this basic overview, so here is a link that can do a much better job...
So once I became familiar with how this process is working, I came across quite a few different channelers and spiritual guides that were saying that things like autism are caused by this new genetic information that's coming in already. They say that God is evolving just like we are, and that would certainly explain our imperfect world and universe. If the future of man is to be able to go "online" to a universal consciousness, then it would make sense that we would also have these supercomputer capabilities in the future. I can't think of a reason why not if these children have demonstrated these savant abilities.
They say that these things are happening not only as part of our biological advancement but also our spiritual growth. Conditions like this cause suffering and pain, but they also cause people to learn love and compassion, just like any hardship or tragedy. We can't fully understand this process yet, but it certainly makes a lot more sense to me than some god who put us here, went on permanent vacation and doesn't give a shit if we destroy ourselves. When I came to the awareness that WE are God then I had peace within myself as to why this happened to ME and MY son, and now I can see it as a very positive thing, since we are doing something for the overall benefit of the planet in the long run.
So of all these spirit guides who are saying these things, of course my favorite is Kryon . Here's a quote from this channeled entity that rings very true to me. What say you?
What do you think the Human brain can really do? What do you think it's built to do? Let me give you an example of what your society has come to accept as an "unbalanced person." Some of you think it's a "sick person." Let me talk about the autistic one. Let us talk about autism in what you call the most severe case.
Blessed is the autistic one who has come to this earth to show you what future Human evolvement looks like! They spend a lifetime trying to figure out linearity and it frustrates them. Blessed is the savant who the earth looks at and calls unbalanced. For the Humans who do this cannot see what they don't understand. The autistic one is able to get up off the paper and be in color! Many of the autistic ones can do what your calculators can do on your desks, did you know that? And they don't need a calculator! Give them a problem - two digits multiplied by three digits. Now watch how fast they give you the answer. Because they're not linear! Ask them what weekday the 13th of August will be in 2012, and they'll tell you, and they don't need a calendar. You might say, "What kind of a mind can do that?" I'll tell you - a nonlinear one without the walls in the brain that you have.
Have you ever thought about that? The autistic have a nonlinear mind. The barriers are dropped. Can you imagine the frustration of this Human? Here he is in a world of black and white while he is in color. Not only that, you want him to go in a straight line when he is used to all directions at once. This also explains why the only energies that will work to calm him are interdimensional ones - music, art, and love. Does this start to make sense to you? (see below)
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
I'm going to give you some attributes of Human evolution in a moment, but let's return to the autistic ones. Many reading this are very concerned about autism. You wish to know why there are so many autistics being born. You say it's beyond coincidence that there are suddenly so many! There's more autistic children being born today than there ever have been on this planet. Humans are scurrying around wanting to know what's wrong. Is it the chemistry of the food? Perhaps it must be vaccinations! Some are saying, without any proof, "Yes, that's it - vaccinations must be it." You are grasping at almost anything to solve the puzzle of why so many autistics are arriving.
Yet very few Humans, if any, have looked at the puzzle and said, "Perhaps we're evolving, and this is the first wave of what we're going to see?" Not mentally unbalanced, but nonlinear thinking! This is, indeed, the case. You are seeing a form of evolution and you are calling it odd and unusual. It's simply those who are coming in early with activated quantum DNA. This early forerunner has DNA activated in an uncontrolled way, and so learning is needed to know how to make sense of it all. This is what they are doing, and each generation of savant will have a better time of it, figuring out what is linear and what is not.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.
Let me tell you something that's nonlinear in your life. We have said this so seldom. You're given two quantum things as a Human Being, two things that pass between the other side of the veil and this side of the veil that are absolutely quantum, not linear. They have structure, but they are not linear. Perhaps you haven't even thought about them? I'll tell you what they are - art and music. There is no limit to the number of notes that you can hear at the same time, which your brain can listen to and put together. There's no limit to the number of symphony orchestra players that can come together in harmony on one stage. The more you add, the better it gets! Try that with lecturers [smile]. Did you ever think about that? There's no limit to the number of colors that you can comprehend and resolve in certain patterns. They are beautiful and have communications within them all. Music touches your heart. Now you know why. It's interdimensional. It's quantum. It was designed to do that. Now, apply that same scenario to communication and you'll see where you're going. This is Human evolvement. It's beginning on this planet. It will go slow, but that's what's going on. -
Why Did Jesus Suffer?
by leavingwt inif i want to forgive someone, it's not necessary for me to punish anyone.
it makes absolutely no sense to me, why an almighty, loving god would punish his son, for an offense that someone else committed.
here is what some others to have to say on the topic.
What a great idea for a thread. This question has not been asked nearly enough!
It amazes me that Christians (and especially JW's, who are NOT Christians) are so averse to any discussions about mysticism, and yet the idea that blood has some magical, profound, "sacred" and "holy" essence to it that it not only must be treated as such but also has the power to forgive all the sins in the history of the planet if the shed blood comes from someone who is "perfect", whatever that means. Atonement is ridiculous and it comes from the same brilliant minds as the "eye for an eye" mentality.
Also, one would think that a god who is "love" would find a way, some kind of escape clause, to make an exemption to this psychotically deranged blood "requirement". No, instead, this loving "Daddy" would rather stick to his guns, punish his own son brutally and make billions and billions suffer for thousands of years while he safeguards the holiness of this sacred bodily fluid.
by ProdigalSon inthe subject has come up in my reincarnation thread and i think its worthy of its own.. when i saw the movie "rain man", what amazed me the most about what raymond was able to do (i.e., counting the number of matches in a matchbox after a glance, or memorizing all the names and numbers in a large phone book in a matter of minutes) was that it proves that a human mind is capable of performing the functions of a computer and more.
why then, do we not a: all have these supercomputer abilities, and b., why is an autistic person lacking in other areas such as social skills?
my second son was born in 1992 with a lipoma on his tail bone which was also wrapped around his spinal cord.
Thank you all for your very helpful comments. What's most disturbing is how common all these conditions have become!
Leolaia, while Rain Man has become a stereotype, my son does have extraordinary abilities in music, computers, and memory. However it is extremely difficult to get him to respond to questions with coherent sentences rather than one-word answers.
I recently read a book called "The Brain That Changes Itself" by Norman Doidge, Psychologist and Psychoanalyst. He has put together a lot of information on recent brain research that suggests that it is not nearly as hard-wired is much more neuro-plastic than had been previously thought and can be remapped. He started a reading program especially tailored to autistic and developmentally delayed people called "Fast-For-Word....
by ProdigalSon inthe subject has come up in my reincarnation thread and i think its worthy of its own.. when i saw the movie "rain man", what amazed me the most about what raymond was able to do (i.e., counting the number of matches in a matchbox after a glance, or memorizing all the names and numbers in a large phone book in a matter of minutes) was that it proves that a human mind is capable of performing the functions of a computer and more.
why then, do we not a: all have these supercomputer abilities, and b., why is an autistic person lacking in other areas such as social skills?
my second son was born in 1992 with a lipoma on his tail bone which was also wrapped around his spinal cord.
The subject has come up in my Reincarnation thread and I think its worthy of its own.
When I saw the movie "Rain Man", what amazed me the most about what Raymond was able to do (i.e., counting the number of matches in a matchbox after a glance, or memorizing all the names and numbers in a large phone book in a matter of minutes) was that it proves that a human mind is capable of performing the functions of a computer and MORE. Why then, do we not A: ALL have these supercomputer abilities, and B., why is an autistic person lacking in other areas such as social skills?
My second son was born in 1992 with a lipoma on his tail bone which was also wrapped around his spinal cord. It was MAJOR, they had to fly in a special surgeon from France and artificial bone chips from Germany. As a newborn, he spent five hours in emergency surgery and a month in the ICU. When we got him home, we knew something was seriously wrong. Nothing would make him stop crying, and it wasn't "colic". He wouldn't listen at all, much more so than a "normal" baby, to ANYTHING, such as efforts to get him to stop trying to climb the stairs. I would pull him off the stairs repeatedly until after about 20 times, it hit me: (Aside from BLOCKING the stairs, lol) ....this kid is not "normal". This went on until he was about 14 months, when I was watching him play with a comb, making the same motions with it repeatedly. I immediately thought of the movie. I brought it to my wife's attention that I thought it was autism. She took him to see a "specialist", which turned out to be a "social worker". They said he had a "developmental delay". I continued to insist it was autism. To make a long story short, two more very critical years went by before he was officially diagnosed as autistic.
The most important question in my mind, in order to work with this problem, is to get to the root cause. Of course I have my own ideas , but what do YOU think could be the cause?
~Jimmy C.
Child's Nightmares and Memories Prove Reincarnation
by ProdigalSon inmatthew 17:10 however, the disciples put the question to him: "why, then, do the scribes say that eli jah must come first?
" 11 in reply he said: "eli jah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things.
12 however, i say to you that eli jah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with him the things they wanted.
I have an autistic son who's turning 19 in January. I think this subject is worthy of its own thread, so I'm going to start one when I get a break at work.....