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JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
First official shunning was AWESOME
by SweetBabyCheezits inwe went to target this weekend to look at halloween costumes for the kiddos (and maybe me - i'm still a kid at heart).
my daughter and i were walking down a main aisle when an ex-friend - the very one who testified that i refused to discuss my doubts - came out of a side aisle and almost turned our direction.
we made eye contact and i gave him a nod as we continued to walk toward him.... but he stopped like he'd run into a brick wall, then turned and started walking with his back to us so that we didn't cross paths.. my daughter pipes up and says, "hey, daddy, isn't that [edit]??
Apologies for God
by watson ini am growing tired of people trying to explain and apologize for god.
it doesn't need it.
it doesn't care.
Dawkins' description of the OT god is pretty accurate. One seems to run out of adjectives when it comes to describing his atrocities and attitude. I don't see how anyone can say it's an "opinion". As Bible students we've conditioned ourselves to use pretzel logic in defending this god, but there is no defense. The OT god is not a god of love. He sanctions incest, murder, pillaging, rape, child sacrifice (Jepthah's daughter), war, deception, and readily admits he "creates evil", and even seems proud of it.
This is why Jesus said "the world has not known you", but "I have made your name known". "Name", being the Greek "onoma", which can be either a literal name or a figurative name to denote "character" or "authority" according to Strong's.
The Gnostics have long held that the OT god was a lesser demiurge and not the Most High. I think the proof is in the Bible. The OT was not written in one particular style. Different writers had different ideas about God and they were separated by many centuries. There was the Jahwist and there was the Elohist. This accounts for the two different creation stories in the first two chapters of Genesis. One refers to the lesser demiurge that created the 3-dimensional universe, and the other to a plural divinity made of many gods and goddesses, evolved beings who occupy the positions for which we now strive.... in Oneness with the Creator. Psalms 82:1 makes a clear distinction between the Elohim and the Divine One, who is the God above Gods, the Most High, who is both male and female, and that God is internal to each of us.
1st Post! and the topic of Grace
by GOrwell inhi folks,.
a bit of a long-time lurker and a recently registered account, i thought i'd post my first topic.
i'm a successful fader, and have recently begun reading the new testament, using a few different translations (nwt included, for comparisons sake).
"Grace" just doesn't cut it for a fear-based cult. And then of course the Watchtower has to be different from everyone else in every sense possible in order to maintain the illusion that it's the one-and-only "truth". Since the truth is that our Divinity is within and hence the first commandment is to love ourselves, the Watchtower goes diametrically opposite in its teachings...that we are worthless servant-dung just begging for God to allow us to keep breathing after he wipes out the 99.99999 percent of humanity who couldn't live up to his gnat-straining Pharisee standards.
There is no way to evolve spiritually while in such a mindset, so what the Watchtower does is very effective in making sure that its followers remain spiritually dead, while under the delusion that they are spiritual trailblazers.
If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..
by Yan Bibiyan inthen i cant help but come to the conclusion that everyone who died (like 99.999% of humanity at the time) was doomed from the start.. if god directed noah to build a flotation device with very specific parameters, god must have known exactly how many people, animal species, plant etc, would be in it.. what if people actually listened to noah and thousands upon thousands turned up waiting to enter the ark?
god must have known that only so many people will listen and obey instructions.. no to mention that noahs message didnt really reach that many people.
at that time how many people could have heard it?
The Kabbalistic interpretation of the Ark of Noah is fascinating....
The Ark of Noah Part I
The Ark of Noah Part II
If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..
by Yan Bibiyan inthen i cant help but come to the conclusion that everyone who died (like 99.999% of humanity at the time) was doomed from the start.. if god directed noah to build a flotation device with very specific parameters, god must have known exactly how many people, animal species, plant etc, would be in it.. what if people actually listened to noah and thousands upon thousands turned up waiting to enter the ark?
god must have known that only so many people will listen and obey instructions.. no to mention that noahs message didnt really reach that many people.
at that time how many people could have heard it?
This should put an end to any lingering thoughts that the flood of Noah was literal.....
Deceptions and Myths of the Bible
by Lloyd M. Graham
Chapter 6: Noah and the Flood
Thought stopper: "We are the only ones doing what Jesus did."
by sabastious inthis is one of the top thought stopping phrases here.. it invalidates any argument presented against the organization.
it basically says this:.
"it doesn't matter who did what in the org, it doesn't matter how bad things get, we are the only ones doing what jesus did, therefore all errors and corruption are disregarded as we await the end.".
Another example of using their bogus translation to say, "we're the ONLY ones doing this...."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus went from "house to house".
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that any Apostle went from "house to house".
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that any Christian disciple went from "house to house".
Interestingly, at Luke 10:7, where it says (in the NWT!!) "Do NOT go from house to house", the Greek is "ex oikia eis oikia"-- "from-house-to-house". Simple, right? But at Acts 5:42 AND Acts 20:20, the Greek is "katah oikos", translated properly as "in every house" or "according to house", but in BOTH places the NWT says "house to house"! I mean, you don't have to be a Greek scholar to see this!
Amazingly, the footnotes right in the NWT tell the true story: "In private houses" or "according to house". In other words, it was fine and dandy to teach someone the gospel in their own home. That's it! Those little asterisks in the NWT are basically saying, "We are crock full of shit!"
Recognizing Armageddon
by Cold Steel init's appalling how little about armageddon jehovah's witnesses know.. first of all, if we experience a societal breakdown in the united states, chances are no one here will even know it's happening.
people in jerusalem will know it's happening because a huge international army will begin amassing in the valley of har-megiddon to the north of the city.
but before that can happen, the jews must build their temple as described in ezekiel, and two prophets must be called who can keep those forces at bay.
LOL... If there was going to be a literal Armageddon, it's too late....it's been canceled!
As for the internal Armageddon, well, the initiates are well aware of what it means... it's the battle between the forces of good and evil that happens inside of you. Since the Christ is within, so is the Antichrist. Somebody has to go!
Cyrus's Decree versus Ezra and the Chronicler
by Doug Mason inthe following is part of the decree on the cyrus cylinder, now in the british museum:.
i am cyrus, king of the universe, the great king, the powerful king, king of babylon, king of sumer and akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, son of cambyses, the great king, king of the city of anshan, grandson of cyrus, the great king, ki[ng of the ci]ty of anshan, descendant of teispes, the great king, king of the city of anshan, the perpetual seed of kingship, whose reign bel (marduk) and nabu love, and with whose kingship, to their joy, they concern themselves.. .
when i went as harbinger of peace i[nt]o babylon i founded my sovereign residence within the palace amid celebration and rejoicing.
Haven't read that one Doug but it looks good!
I think the evidence is overwhelming that the Hebrews took from more ancient myths and put their own twist on them. It seems to me that it's all part of a plan that was conceived long ago to establish a tyrannical world rulership from Zion. While I have no doubt in my mind that Jews do have a special God-given assignment in this world, there are SOME who have been abusing that position for power and control.
The good news is, their time's almost up....
Annointed Elder Publicly Reproved
by drewcoul ini recently found out that the former po from my old congregation who was annointed for many years was reproved.
his wife who was and is a faithful witness divorced him.
a person close to me phoned her to see how she is doing.
Being "anointed" as a JW is nothing more than a delusional hallucination in the first place. What it really means to be anointed is to have a fully awakened Christ consciousness (a fully functioning pineal gland or third eye)...which is earned through years of difficult work on the SELF including regular meditation (something Pharisees consider to be demonic).... and if that REALLY happened, they wouldn't be able to disassociate themselves from this asinine cult fast enough.
No one is going to Heaven (and my introduction to the forum)
by sobrino1 ini'm new to the forum, though i had been a lurker for quite some time now.
i studied w/ the witnesses for a number of years, to be specific, for 10 years (since i was a child) but never actually became one; though, i was counted as one in the yearbooks as a "publisher.
" so, as far as i got was as an unbaptized publisher.
ALL the scriptures, especially Hebrews chapter 11 would make sense if we just look at them from the aspect of reincarnation...except for that other bogus verse in Hebrews about dying once and one judgment...there's no getting around the lying pen of the scribes on THAT one!