Just to clear up some possible confusion, this particular Brooklyn is in Ohio, just south of Cleveland.
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
Jehovah's Witnesses Seek New Building Property In Brooklyn
by Bangalore injehovah's witnesses seek new building property in brooklyn.. http://blog.cleveland.com/parmasunpost/2010/11/jehovahs_witnesses_seek_new_bu.html.
Why can pioneers count time working on WT construction but not looking after orphans, widows, the hungry, the thirsty or the homeless?
by yesidid inapart from the scripture about love being the identifying mark of a christian, it seems to me that james 1,27 and matthew 25:34-40 quoted below are the biblical priorities of a christian.. .
although preaching was not included in the three quotes i guess it would be included as christian thing to do.
it has been the thing most stressed by the watchtower hierarchy and certain hours are required to be an elder etc.. does it show something about their priorities that pioneers can count time hour for hour when working on watchtower buildings?
Well, I bet there's probably at least a couple of orphans and widows who have some $$$$ that they "look after" from time to time.
Is the Soul Immortal...Biblically Speaking?
by Vanderhoven7 ini wonder if someone would care to produce a list (full quotes) of all the proof texts in scripture they are aware of that establish that the human soul is innately immortal?.
just the scriptures...without comment please...so everyone will see just how clear the bible alone (sola scriptura) is on this issue.
Spirit and soul are two different things. Even a cockroach has a soul. The spirit cannot die. It is the "I AM" that was given to humans. It allows some of us to reason.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
Matthew 10:29 Where is the line for remembering life forms that die.
by donny ini pitching this to the group because i am looking for a variety of responses to a question a co-worker has posed to me.
since i am agnostic, i know what my answer to him will be, but i'd like to hear others response.. the question he brought up was in regards to matthew 10:29 where it states that not even a sparrow dies without his knowledge.
he asks "where does god draw the line on this 'remeberance'.
Interesting question, james. These things can also be found in Christianity and even within the pages of the Bible, once we can spot the terminology. What I've found is that the earliest Christians and church fathers taught and believed these concepts, but then the Roman Empire eventually wiped out every trace of it, for obvious reasons. The truth destroys the business of inherited sin and salvation.
Matthew 10:29 Where is the line for remembering life forms that die.
by donny ini pitching this to the group because i am looking for a variety of responses to a question a co-worker has posed to me.
since i am agnostic, i know what my answer to him will be, but i'd like to hear others response.. the question he brought up was in regards to matthew 10:29 where it states that not even a sparrow dies without his knowledge.
he asks "where does god draw the line on this 'remeberance'.
Consciousness is energy, and energy cannot be destroyed, it can only change states. This energy comes from the Creator and is constantly evolving. In Masonry, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Hinduism and other metaphysical sciences, all life forms are separated into four kingdoms: Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Human. There is a progression of souls through these Kingdoms that the Hindus and Buddhists called the "Wheel of Samsara". There is a point at the top or apex where one can get off the wheel, escape the suffering of cyclic existence, and enter "Eden", the state or Nirvana. ("Go in through the narrow gate".)
As an example of how it works, when an animal is in the wild, its soul is not reincarnated, it is dissolved and fragmented before it is redistributed into its particular soul group. Animals that are pets and develop relationships with humans evolve more through their experience and may come back in a similar body with a similar personality, and maybe even something in the eyes that heartbroken owners who lost their pets could see in a new puppy or kitten.
I understand that some are bewildered by my comments.... metaphysics is not for everybody.... for some, nothing exists beyond what can be perceived, and thats ok. But isn't it revealing how all these eastern religions and mystical sciences are all in agreement in revealing deeper spiritual things, while Christianity and the Western world is mired in its literalism and its inability to think in the abstract.
by Vicosovich_R indo you believe that just because you start your posts with, may you have peace, that you are genuinely kind?
when in actuality, when you greet people with that message, then follow it with sarcasm and snide remarks, you are really being cruel.
when was cruelty ever synonymous with being faithful?
Hey Shelby,
My favorite channeler, Kryon, uses phrases like "dear one" and "peace to you".... and I think he's the closest thing to God on the Internet. So keep right on doing what you're doing, 'cause we may not always agree, but we like you....
BrotherDan's POV
by PSacramento inbrotherdan seems to have left and before he did he psoted this:.
so this is goodbye.
thanks for the help in getting out of the cult.
I have a problem with this word "faith" as religious people throw it around. Jesus said that a tiny amount of "faith" the size of a mustard grain can cause a person to have great powers. He likened it to making a mountain move from one place to another. What did he mean by this "faith"? I believe he meant "knowing". When you KNOW you can do something, you DO IT! When you "believe" you can do something, you leave the door open to fall short. When you "know", then falling short doesn't deter you, it just makes you try again.
One of my main objectives is to try to get people, especially Christians, and particularly JW's or ex-JW's, to realize that "beliefs" don't mean a heck of a lot as far as being "saved". The only "belief" that's going to save you is the KNOWLEDGE that you were never lost in the first place.
Simply "believing" that Jesus died for our sins and that we are saved as a result is probably the biggest hindrance to spiritual growth and keeps a person in third-eye-blind la-la land. One of the big secrets that's been kept from us (mostly by the Roman Church) is that since Christ is a consciousness and an energy, we can all BE Christs and hence our inner Divine Spirit. This is borne out by the fact that the Watchtower claims that the "anointed" are all "Christs".
Another suppression is that we are all one and we are all connected, so eloquently stated in our Great Master's prayer in the 17th chapter of John. The last thing the ruling elite want people to know about is the power of unified group consciousness. A small minority has always been able to change the world and that is still how it works. One person shining a light in a dark place allows many to see. Separateness is an illusion. While we have individuality, we are all capable of going "online", but our modems have been disabled by negative programming. The teachings of Masters like Buddha and Jesus and many others show us the WAY to turn them on.
Are you suspicious of LURKERS?
by VampireDCLXV inwe all know they're here but we don't really know who they are.. they are people who sign up here and then never comment (or rarely ever do).. doesn't that make any of you regulars here at the very least a tiny bit suspicious?.
why would a person sign up to a forum like this and then never say a damn thing?
it seems to me that there is a primary reason why some folks sign up and then never comment on anything: to spy.
Personally I couldn't care less who lurks around a db, although I used to, because I thought Homeland Security was infiltrating them.... LOL! Now I know that it was all fear-mongering and they don't give a shit what we write or say.
So, anybody from Bethel, Governing Bods, any JW's, come and lurk all you want, maybe you'll wake up and ditch the Cult!
What is Free Will really??
by SweetBabyCheezits inisn't that a movie about a boy and a whale?
or a "big fish" maybe?.
It's basically free choice... since we all have a piece of the Creator within us, we're all co-creators. We make up our reality as we go along. We do this individually and/or collectively as a race. Human consciousness is being allowed to chart its own course. We could have opted for Armageddon, but thankfully cooler heads prevailed.
From what I understand, not all planets have free will, but the Earth does and that makes it very important in the evolution of the galaxy. It's one reason why we shouldn't place too much emphasis on prophecies, especially the negative ones, because we CAN override them.
Can we understand the Bible without the Watchtower?
by brotherdan innot according to c.t russell.
in the september 15, 1910 wt he made these shocking claims regarding the 6 scripture studies that he wrote:.
"that is to say, they are not merely comments on the bible, but they are practically the bible itself...".
The opposite is true Shelby. EVERYONE knows right from wrong if they dig deep enough. That is the spirit (intuition) of God within you (Eccl. 12:7). We're not gonna find him up in the sky anywhere. The battle for the Promised Land takes place right inside of us. When the Bible says not to lean upon our own understanding, it's trying to tell us that we have to look deep within ourselves for the wisdom of God, and not to react to things based on how we've been programmed. If those enemies of Israel that we need to slaughter mercilessly are our egos, internal demons, then the Bible makes perfect sense and it is truly contains divine wisdom, however tricky on the surface.
The fact that people read this stuff literally, however, is the reason why Zionists (who funded people like Chuckie Russell and things like the League of Nations) have been controlling the world for a long long time, and they've managed to amass most of the world's wealth. Tell me how they could have done it without the Old Testament War God behind them.