Be polite, don't give them ANY personal information, and just faaaaaaaade awaaaaaayyyyyyyyy............ They can't df you for not going to meetings.
JoinedPosts by ProdigalSon
The CO just called :S
by ele_lux inaaaaggghhhh!!!
it's the co's visit this week at "my" hall.
i've been dreading this week and now the nightmare is starting to unfold :s the co just called wanting to know how i'm doing.
Cinema Paradiso
by Newborn inif you haven't seen this movie - watch it!!!!
it's a wonderful story.
you laugh and you cry.
Saw it a couple of months ago... wonderful film. Foreign flicks are the best!
Are mentally ill people possessed by demons? Watchtower view.
by ThomasCovenant inwatchtower 15th march 1953 page 191.. ''there is no reason to think that they [demons] cannot possess persons today.. this is not to say that all those mentally sick are so possessed, for they are not.. mentally sick persons, however, in their weakened state, may present more vulnerable targets for their assaults and invasions.. some show evidence of demon possession, whereas others show evidences of merely mental sickness or nervous breakdown.
'' (emphasis mine).
i for one would not want to work with people with mental illness or depression just in case they were possessed by some of those pesky spirits.. .
So what else is new, blaming EVERYTHING on demons? Does this mean I should call an exorcist for my friend with Down's Syndrome? Or my other friend with Asperger's?
All this organization does is judge, judge, judge, but they don't know their asses from their elbows. If they were REALLY God's channel of communication, they would have nothing but love, empathy and compassion for EVERYONE, good, bad, sane or insane, homosexual or straight, even "apostate".
Just as a side note, once again a lot of the blame falls squarely on the alleged "Word of God" that came out of the Roman Councils. That little story about Mary Magdalene having a Legion of also says she was a prostitute. Do you know of any guy, no matter how horny the dude might be, who's going to have sex with a prostitute while she's vomiting green bile, talking with several different deep raspy voices, and her head is spinning around like Linda Blair? I think I'll pass, thanks!
The Gnostic Gospels say that "demons" are egos (same as Hindus, Buddhists, and others teach). Could that be why the Roman Church tried to destroy them all? Really, would "Satan" or demons even EXIST if there were no humans for them to manifest themselves through?
I challenge any JW, or anyone else for that matter, to name one single incident (except for the allegory in the Bible) where Satan can be directly and unmistakably blamed for causing one ounce of suffering without a human being to do it through.
Nobody forced us to believe. We CHOSE to follow their crap advice.
by hamsterbait inhave you noticed that the recent trolls are now claiming that if anybody drew conclusions or made decisions based on what the society was printing, it was their own fault?.
kind of "we didn't force you to believe what we said or adjust your life because of it.
you chose to think we were teaching the end would come in <insert time range>".
I definitely chose, but the indoctrination started at 8 years old and by the time I was 12, in 1973, I had to get baptized because Armageddon was coming in two years. It was a no-brainer at the time.... pun intended....
It was all downhill from there....teenage bedlam in the mid-70's. Instead of Armageddon, we got Frampton Live.
Governing Body New Directive For Ex Members
by Hairyhegoat ini have just found this out and this is why my family are suddenly 100% shunning me.
it won't get me to go back to the cult, but it will result in a very lonley old man not seeing his 4 grandkids ever again.
what a waste!
I hope and pray for those six and a half million lemmings to wake up before they follow the Watchtower off a precipice.
Tower of Babel built by Babies!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inthe weekly tms bible reading assignment is not read, or not carefully read, by most of the sheeples.
it doesn't really matter, because the consideration of the bible reading material is one of the shortest parts on the meeting with a limited number of comments, and those comments are restricted to less than 30 seconds or you will get counselled.
over and over, the dubs are told to read the bible, yet the organization gives no real encouragement to read the bible by keeping everyone busy in the recruiting work and using relatively few scriptures in their "talks".. why?
What a great find Billy!
This really should be the final nail in not only the Watchtower's coffin, but in the Bible's, at least as a literal account of history. But truthfully, in this day of modern communication, if they can still wrap their brains around the Noah's Ark story, this won't faze them in the least.
....and as usual, ROFLMAO @ Satanus!
I love Christmas!
by Newborn inthis will be my third christmas and i love it!!!
i love buying gifts to my friends and family (those who are out) .
and best of all, this year i've got a boyfriend.
Christmas is very much like the Festival of Dedication that Jesus celebrated. This article is very inspiring, even moreso if it's read with the idea that the light (Love) of Christ shines THROUGH US..... go ahead, put yourselves in his sandals!
14 "YOU are the light of the world. A city cannot be hid when situated upon a mountain. 15 People light a lamp and set it, not under the measuring basket, but upon the lampstand, and it shines upon all those in the house. 16 Likewise let YOUR light shine before men, that they may see YOUR fine works and give glory to YOUR Father who is in the heavens.
Are Jehovah's Witnesses Damned For Their Beliefs?
by Cold Steel inobviously this is for people who believe in an afterlife.. are jehovah's witnesses damned because of their beliefs?
please elaborate.. .
Well Palimpsest, you must have missed what i said on page 1. The truth lies at the core of ALL the major religions, in the form of myth. Take the Catholic Church for example. They celebrate the birth of Christ on December 25th, and his resurrection, the most important holiday on their calendar, at the festival of the sex goddess of fertility. Both of these things have everything to do with the SUN, not the SON. The Watchtower is really good at pointing out how ALL the religions came from "Babylon". Could it be, that what's "pagan" is the truth, in the form of metaphor? And that the literalized, "Jesus is the ONLY Son of God" version of salvation is a lie? That the "Christ" is an energy, a consciousness that enters our solar system through the sun and hits us in the solar plexus every second of every minute of every day? Could it be, that we were never lost in the first place, and therefore don't need to be "saved"? That perhaps we each have inside of us all we need, and don't need any of these religions?
Religions are what keep people in the dark. So in that sense, the Watchtower is dead-on about Babylon the Great being false religion. This is the harlot that prevents us from ever finding God inside of us, themselves included and given their highly egotistical version of kabbalistic truths, they are the Mother of the Harlots.
But, it doesn't mean being damned. It's simply a do-over. In golf, they call it a Mulligan.
Why I think Jesus spoke against Organized Religion
by sabastious inthis is going to be a short essay on a point i have been thinking about for a while now.. jesus explicitly stated in the gospels not to judge.
i think this a grossly overlooked statement from jesus from the witnesses and a lot of christian denominations.. judging could be defined as figuring out what's right or wrong for another person.
it's a pretty simple concept really, and jesus warned against it.. organized religion by definition creates doctrine and policy, some enforce them more than others (like the witnesses).. to create (or interpret) doctrine and initialize policy is to judge others.
I think the idea of not judging is probably best illustrated in what Jesus said about little children. They have no preconceived notions about what is good, bad, ugly, pretty, right, or wrong. They simply observe. It's exactly what the Dalai Lama teaches.
On the other hand, once a person has been "instructed" by teachers, parents and mentors about all these things, which may very well vary according to what part of the world they are in, they start judging everything according to preconceived notions.
An example might be, "Ahmadinejad said Israel should be blown off the map, so he is evil." Well, that's a judgment based on incomplete data. Did the person actually hear him say that, in their own language? Or was it a mistranslation foisted onto gullible Americans by a Zionist-controlled media and oil barons in the White House interested in turning Iran into an ashtray and stealing their oil?
Things like these can lead to World War III. This is how egos cause suffering.
On the day you eat...
by PSacramento insince it has been brought up a few time, i though it cool to post this interpretation of this part of genesis 2:.
one issue that occupied the attention of many early interpreters is found in genesis 2:16-17, where god warns not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat of it you shall die.. the problem is well known: adam (and eve) did eat of the fruit, but they did not die on that day.
We have an entire endocrine system which includes our chakras and many organs and glands like the thymus, pituitary and pineal that act as an antenna to our higher self or the higher realms in varying degrees depending on how open they are. They are like spinning vortices that transmit and receive energies. The average person today is about 3 percent open and 97 percent closed. This is what it means when the harlot (egos) sits on the seven mountains, they are your chakras! These higher realms are not physical, they are mental, emotional, astral, solar, ethereal, etc. The tree of knowledge represents the mistaken idea that all knowledge comes from one source. In the case of the Bible, that source would be God, some tyrant up in the sky who is apart from you and examining you like a bug under a microscope. This is the deception of the story and what every priest in the sin business doesn't want you to know.... that YOU have a direct connection to the source of all knowledge within yourself. You don't have to look anywhere. The illlusion that you are cut off is spiritual death, and there's no hope of waking up until you know you're dead!