JoinedTopics Started by Bible_Student777
In Search of the Hysterical Jesus
by Bible_Student777 init arrived in my email yesterday:.
merry christmas one and all!
the christmas season brings to mind visions of the baby jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (a manger is a feeding-trough for farm animals by the way, and i know darn well most of you didn't know that!
John The Baptist. More than a Prophet?
by Steve J inin bite me's recent post about the virgin birth i raised some serious questions which make us doubt that jesus was conceived by gods holy spirit.
my research over the last few years, since leaving jw's has led me to believe jesus was just a ordinary man, and to me that makes his sacrifice even more powerful.
this post raises similar questions and challenges what we actually know about john the baptist and the part he played in jesus' life.. in islam, john the baptist and jesus are as important as one another and in arabic, the language of the qur'an, john is known as yahya the infinite.
Who is the most important man or big shot in the wts nowdays?
by Fisherman in.
i do not know how important the new wts gov bod membes are today.
are they or who are the most important people nowdays?.
new public edition of the WT
by loosie inok i have about 4 friends who don't know that i am out of the org.
because there is 3000 miles between us and the subject has not come up.. well one of them has emailed me a jpg copy of each page of the public edition of the wt.. i was feeling a little ornery, and i replied back.
i said wow having a private copy and then a public copy of the wt makes me feel like a secret agent.
New Light Extravagansa!!
by jefferywhat ina lot of people are in a little fuss about the generation change, which as far as im concerned, doesn't change anything, it could be step one of a bigger adjustment down the track, but on its own, its been done.
but at the annual meeting of the wtbs, there wasn't 1 but 5 changes of thought, the light has literally exploded.
one that has caught my attention is the the change on the dragnet of matthew 13. if you have wt 92 6/15 read it!
Acts 15. What is meant by Fornication
by Steve J inat atcs 15 we find the familir decision of the jerusalem elders;.
keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication.. i have always thought that fornication, or sexual imorality was a strage thing for the elders to come up with here, when they were obviously talking about issues surrounding worshiping "false gods.
could it be that the greek word porneiahas been misinterpreted here and actually refers to religious fornication in the same sense as found at rev:14,8 17:2,4 18:3 and 19:2, where the great harlot commits fornication?
What did Jesus mean by "this generation"
by Fisherman inwhat did jesus mean by "thisgeneration" ?.
34 truly i say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
in all 4 gospels, every time that jesus said "this generation" he was refering to his contemporaries, the people that lived in his time.
World to end March 2008???
by GetOverIt inthis is very lengthy, if anyone has time, i'm interested in opinions.
i haven't gone over it thoroughly.
it also identifies jw's as having know become known as a false religion and uses a lot of chronology..
by Bible_Student777 ini am a student of the bible, though not a follower of charles taze russell.
it does not deny that some sins are much more than a mere mistake.
compare the words in ezekiel with those of john.