you can give them a copy of the poeme. If they say no, you can still stand up towards the end, walk right up to the podium and say you'd like to read it. It will be much harder for them to say no then. I have seen this before.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
My Grandmothers Funeral
by Enrique Tomlinson 1 inmy beloved grandmother has passed away and her funeral is next week at a kingdom hall.
she was a loyal jw, and unfortunately i am not understanding of the funeral procedures.
please could you kindly explain what what will happen in the funeral?
Adam could have put Jehovah In Paradox!
by JohnTron72 ini'm going to be the first and throw this out there for others but, from careful study of the scriptures i've found a loophole that even adam who was perfect at the time missed!
i'm sure everyone has heard the conundrum about ,"can god create a rock he can't lift?
" and if he can't create one he can't lift, then god cannot do everything" well that doesn't really matter since we know jehovah says himself he cannot lie right?
While I don't believe in the Adam and Eve story, you don't have to be an all knowing God to know that Adam won't be able to pull out for hundreds of years with a perfect-super-furtile women designed by God himself. So, yeah, having kids was an obvious observation.
As for God allowing this to happen in the first place knowing full well all the suffering that would be brought upon billions upon billions of innocent people, well, that's not justice. That bringing hell on earth. That never made sense to me, even when I tried to convince myself.
3-New Files For You!
by Atlantis in2019-11-s-77-e-notice of disfellowshipping or disassociation.
2020-01-s-52-e-bi- assignment to view special talk.
I think the best disassociation letter would be for a rank and file to fill out the form for the elders!!
Changes In Canada
by LetTheTruthBeKnown ini am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in canada.. maybe they have but i missed it.
so here are some of the facts as i know them.
ontario only.. sault st. marie had their six congregations whittled down to two.
I can attest that they are indeed shifting everything around in Ottawa. I've heard that one of the french congregations over at the Aylmer assembly hall is moving to Gatineau hall to make space for the english congregation that will me moving in. Apparently that they are looking to make a 160 publishers congregation. -
Elder dissassociates himself from platform!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara in
This is the best way to leave. The more people are quiet, the more power the WT retains. Sadely, as a fader, I don't have the pride and joy that will certainly be rewarded to this man for his bravery! Bravo!
Happy Alcoholic Jehovah's Witnesses
by The Bethelite infor many years since the witness organization, after i have told people that i'm no longer a jehovah's witness, people would say "oh the religion were people are not allowed to drink!".
"no they drink alright.....they can't do much of anything else but they do drink!".
in fact the first place i ever got drunk was bethel.
Alcohol is "don't hear don't tell". If no one complains about it, or if you don't go out of your way to confess to it, Elders won't do anything about it.
In general, they appear more concerned to what you do while intoxicated rather than simply being drunk. If you did nothing wrong while drunk, you can use excuses such as :
- I wasn't aware that I could not mix some medecine with alcohol (My favorite).
- I had worked all day and was burned out, I can see how this was missunderstood as "drunk".
- I have an extremly low tolerence to alcohol, one drink and I'm out.
However, if you trashed a party while being touchy feely with the sisters, no excuses will work.
New JW Site - feedback please
by Jake101 inhi.
we've just launched and we'd value this forum member's feedback please.. especially see what you think of our jw timeline piece... thanks!.
your fellow traveller .
While the site is certainly full of information and well designed, I'm not sure it will appeal to JWs. It seems to be a christian view of JWs, which is a bit too removed from JWs to identify with.
That being said, this is clearly the result of a great amount of work and can only applaud you for it.
Has leaving made you racist
by Steel inso i use to go this hall that was basically 100 percent white and basically anyone under the age of 40 has either faded or makes a token effort to keep the peace at home, of course outside of the usual dregs of society .
the hall went from two congs to one and i was quite happy that in ten years they would be lights out.
then in the last two years about six young filipino families have moved in and three of them are newly baptized .
Racisim means that you judge someone based on their race. What is happening here is a trend based on the culture/environment in which people were raised.
For instance, many of us, on this forum, were raised as JWs. In addition, many left way beyond becoming of age. Were we stupid? No. We did the best with the information and experiences to which we were exposed.
It is the same with many immigrants.
Cost to build a hall and the lies of the cult
by JimmyYoung ini was listening to a podcast on cost to build a hall and there was a brother from the stage saying it costs the cult half a million to build a hall.
lol its bs.
there is no fing way that it cost the cult a half million to build a hall.
Usually, in quebec, the rule is: Labor + material + land
Labor is generally equal to the material cost (or a bit more).
Using this logic, lets say WT could sell a KH for 500k. Land might be worth 150k. Thus, material would be 175k. This means that Watchtower would pay 325k for a 500k property. removing other expenses (such as chairs, decoration, etc.), net profit could be around 100k.
November 2019 Watchtower Study....Exaggeration at its finest
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | november 2019. lessons we can learn from the book of leviticus.
16 satan and his world have done much to make the work of that faithful slave challenging, even impossible, to carry out from a human standpoint.
despite two world wars, relentless persecution, global economic crises, and unjust treatment, the faithful and discreet slave has continued to provide spiritual food for christ’s followers on earth.
I accepted these broad statements until I tried to quantify them in comparassion to other religions. When I did look into quantifying/fact-checking them, it is when I realized these were non arguments.