This thread makes it seem like the issue lies with Jehovah’s Witness teachings, but the real problem is actually the Bible and Christian beliefs.
No matter how you explain it, the core idea boils down to this:
God created humans with everlasting life. Humans sinned. As a result—due to principles established by God—humans now suffer and die. And not just those who originally sinned, but every generation afterward, for thousands of years. Today, billions of people continue to suffer and die.
If we step back and look at the big picture: billions of humans have endured suffering for thousands of years. By comparison, historical figures judged as monsters—like Genghis Khan and Hitler—caused significantly less harm in scope and scale. And yet, in their time, they had their reasons, their justifications, and millions of people agreed with them. Even so, history has rightly condemned them as monsters.
Yet, when it comes to God allowing human suffering and death, this same fundamental evaluation is often ignored.
Some will argue: "He's not directly hurting or killing people, He’s just allowing it to happen." To that I say: If you have the power to stop something and choose not to, you are just as responsible as if you had done it yourself.
As for: "It a consequence of humans rejecting him in the first place!" As far as I can see, among those who suffer, billions have devoted their lives to God, praying, obeying, and following His commandments as best they could based on information available to them. Yet He still lets them suffer. If suffering is a punishment, then what was their crime?