Terry, how about this? God loved the world so much that He provided a "whipping boy" to accept the punishment in lieu of the world. Why? Well, just as in days of old, a noble person was too important to be literally whipped for a misdeed so a substitute, a scapegoat, was used to receive the punishment meant for the "important" person. So then, "the world" must be so important in God's eyes that a scapegoat had to be produced to receive the alloted punishment.
How is the world of mankind important to God? Well, to a dead person the universe does not exist, God does not exist. The scriptures tell us that God is not a God of the dead but of the living. This makes sense since the dead know not that a god exists and hence could not worship him. Without "the world" of mankind there is no god, no fulfillment of His intended purpose for creating mankind. His purpose, reverting everything back to Him, making Him the "decider", then is the reason for Gods repentence and thereby making Himself the basis for "justice" in this matter.
God wants a world of perfect humans to exist on this earth and this could only happen if He, and only He, contravened to put a halt to mankind's eventual extinction.
No world=No God=A God that cannot fulfill His purposes. Can't have that, where's the whipping boy?