I'm a firm believer in equal partnership and if I ever get married I would share responsibilities with my wife based on what we are good at. Though lately I'm not sure if marriage is even necessary, it being just a piece of paper. I like strong minded women and one I can carry a conversation with. Obviously theres gotta be some physical attraction but thats pretty much the gist of it.
JoinedPosts by Regretful_J
What kind of women do men want?
by semelcred ini ve just read the blog asking what sort of man a woman wants!
i am fed up in this world that men don't stand up and start letting the sisters in the world know what we really need.
lets take the game to them!!.
What's the logic behind 'Quick-build' KHs?
by african GB Member indo they really have to build khs in 2 days?.
how safe are those khs?.
As to the safety, that depends. At the congregation I grew up in the kingdom hall burned to the ground due to an electrical fire, something having to do with the switch box. So it can be dangerous, since when your doing it fast you overlook different things.
Were you a JW that "bend" the rules?
by Mr. Monday Night ini knew a few jws (including some of my family members) who would go clubbing, concerts, play sports ,watch rated r movies and go to party's with "worldy" people.
at the same time, managed to live life in the "truth" (such as field service, give talks, hold the mic during the wt study, etc.).
were you one or knew a jw who was like that.
I guess you could say I bent the rules from time to time. Things started getting really bad after my baptism and I felt like it was forced on me. The guilt that was put on me at all times pushed me over the edge a few times. I would smoke with some kids in school, and I'd hang out out with D'fed kids because that was my escape from all the cult BS. I would get angry at times because my parents couldn't see the damage that being a JW was doing to us, but because I was born and raised in it they just did what they thought was right and still do. It's hard to put this all down in a way that makes sense but I always saw the hypocrisy in religion and it was long overdue for me to leave when i did. I remember one of the JW kids telling me I was too laid back
I spoke to Ray Franz for the first time today
by recovering ini have been feeling very blue and hopeless lately.
i miss my family and needed some affirmation that i am right in my characterization of the jws.
i called ray to hear it from the someone in the know, as to what really goes on in the gb meetings and if they really believe what they say.
Thats great that you got to talk to Ray, I called him once too to thank him for his books and helping me to get out of the JW mindset. It had been very difficult for me because my grandpa has a high level position in one of the Bethel headquarters. One time my grandpa tried to get me to drop my disbelief's in the organization and I brought up Raymond Franz. At first he tried to dodge the subject and redirect it towards his uncle fred franz and say good things about him. After I pressed him further on information on Raymond, he finally claimed that he never knew him personally but that he heard many stories about him from people at headquarters.
He told me that other GB members would get upset with him from time to time because he would talk about different doubts he has with some congregation elders and they would basically tell him KEEP THAT KIND OF TALK WITHIN THE BODY!!!! Basically he would try to portray him as someone who hides in corners and trys to stir up opposition. In my grandpa's mind this was a justified way of thinking about Raymond Franz, but to me I see it as intimidation. You know how they talk about unity at all times? Yeah right, I think we all know what it really means....
How Many JWs Stay In & Are Not "True Believers"?
by minimus inhow many are simply there because they don't care about religion and "where would they go"?.
how many have sold their souls just to remain in "friendships" and "family"?.
i think there are tons of jehovah's witnesses in name only.. .
For most of my life I was a Witness in name only, I realize today that I was in denial about being a "JW in name only". I was pressured to get baptized and I loved the attention I got for that brief period though when it wore off I realized there was nothing really good about it. Now I had to watch my back constantly. My Grandpa has a high level position in Bethel in Poland and my mother who came to the U.S from that country is always paranoid to make sure nothing gets back there that would embarrass him. Sometimes I wonder if she really cares about anything but her image. My dad isn't much better, they just try to put on this front of righteousness when deep down they probably are conflicted about many things. When I was still going to meetings my brother would sometimes tell me that he sometimes had doubts about the existence of "god" but now that I'm not going anymore he's in total denial too.
Having said that I believe that there are many JW's that are in denial about doubts they have and only keep going to the meetings and doing everything asked of them in order to maintain their "good image".
How many kids never buy into the JW B/S???
by navytownroger inat the conventions, there always seem to be parents gushing about how their kids are 'in the truth', pioneering, etc.
i'm wondering how many jw kids just flat-out reject all the jw b/s right from the start.
surely there are some kids who just say 'no way!
I posted this awhile back and this can give you a better idea on this topic....
"The group with the worst retention is one of the fastest growing — Jehovah's Witnesses. Only 37 percent of those raised in the sect known for door-to-door proselytizing said they remain members".
Parents with JW Adult Children Shunning Them - How Are You Coping ?
by flipper ini do understand your plight - as i have 2 adult jw daughters shunning me aged 21 and almost 20. they married witness boys 2 years ago and it's been 1 year since i've spoke with my younger daughter, 5 months since i went to coffee with my older daughter.
i call them, but they won't return my calls.
i tell them i love them, but it's as if i don't exist.
Hi Flipper, It is very sad to hear stories such as yours. My situation is likely to be a reversed one in the future. My parents brought me up in this cult and they are starting to see that I have little to no interest in it and are trying to shame/guilt me into going to the meetings regularly. When the time comes when i move out and stop going altogether I have a feeling they are going to shun me but at this point i couldn't care less. I admit I have a grudge against them for bringing me up in this cult and preventing me from having a normal life. I might be getting a good job in a couple weeks if one of the interviews i been on materializes into something. Thankfully they let me go to college.
I also have a bad feeling that they are only going to come to me if they need money, since they are starting to do that now. My brother and his wife will probably shun me as well because they are so indoctrinated into this Bull$h!t that they think the organization can do no wrong. I hope my parents will wake up some day as you have though im not too hopeful on that one.
The act of disfellowshiping should get more media attention and be outlawed for what it does to people. The organization is very abusive as we can all attest to. I hope your daughters wake up someday and realize what this organization is really about. Take care Friend.
I've had it... I'm gonna do it.
by Darklighter ini'll be free from the bondage of the watchtower pharisees.. after over a year now of researching my belief in god and the watchtower society, i'm convinced that i can't live my life untill i'm out.. they finally just a few weeks ago deleted me as an ms, over six months after i asked them to.
that's a big relief.
they didn't get the hint from my 2 hrs.
Hi Darklighter,
Wow I commend you for putting up with all that crap happening with you for so long. I know all too well what thats like. For a long time I've been living a lie until my cover got blown a little over a year ago. Since then my family and I hardly say a word to each other but I actually like it better this way. The reason is because I'd rather have a bad relationship with them, than have a fake good one with them. Trying to keep up the charade for so long starts to really mess you up inside and the moment your able to do away with it, its so much better. Granted the brief moment following your escape is very unpleasant but it gets better. Well I wish the best of luck to you
How big of an idiot are you really?
by donny insent: monday, april 21, 2008 11:04 pm.
to: reed, donny r.. subject: how big of an idiot are you really?.
from way back then.
Wow the things he said to you are just sad. Thats a case and point of a brainwashed J-dub. I know this personally because I have had similar situations with my immediate family. They won't listen to anything that isn't completely in line with what the society teaches. That guy though needs some professional help though from what ive seen in his messages to you. Then again thats probably the case for most JW's as well lol. I do give ya props for being civil, im not sure i would be able to contain myself in your position.
Consequences of being a JW
by Regretful_J ini've been thinking about what its like to be born and raised as a jw and the mistakes that parents make as an almost direct result of this cult.
for one thing, the children are not allowed to think freely, and if they say or do one little thing their parents disapprove of, they are chastised and basically bullied into abandoning that thought or action.
another thing is that no matter what you do, and no matter how good your reputation is among friends, teachers, administrators, etc if you don't want to go to meetings, and don't believe in this faith, they do what they can to make you feel lower then dirt for this and will often resort to verbal abuse, and sometimes violence to force you to believe in them and conform.
The one thing I don't like is how most JW's are unable to form a real opinion without consulting the publications. One of the other things that got to me was when young people got DF'ed and they had no support group and in many cases they started abusing drugs and alcohol. When this happens the ones in the congregation will say that this is evidence that they are the true religion because they weren't doing that while a JW. The actual reasons that those things occur is that the JW life is so rigid and strict that when you are out and you have freedom, you don't know what to do with it and sometimes you engage in risky behavior.... Now that I think of it, seeing that stuff as a kid may have been the beginning of when I started questioning the "relgion" (cult).