Cant download that. But I have known and heard of Spirit of the Age for years, this is not a new thing, been around amongst artist in paticular for decades, the English band Yes in which most members belief in this came out in songs, example of one is on the Tormato cd, track called Madrigal, have nearly all their music and very common on tracks on most albums.
I think the world has been in control of certain bankers well over a century, the illuminanti or elite which controls the bankers or are the major bankers consists of a few very powerful and elite families also linked is freemasonry, dont know if we could put all this down to conspiracy to much evidence and the chess game that is being played is evil, people are like fodder or part of the purpose of these evil elitists and mass destruction is or getting rid of the usless feeders those that don't contribute is on the cards. Makes one wonder which country they will choose to starve next.
Astrology is the oldest belief system. The story of B and my Ishmael is another interesting read by Daniel Quinn he gained a following in the eighties, there has been many illuminaries over this past century that have been dismissed as evil or crazy or chaletons, by the ones that have the most to lose. I keep my mind open although I do have a belief in God and still hold many teachings of the bible in my heart, I can say that in every fable there is usually some truth to it, and a connection or link to something incredible.