My wife’s family has not really kept in contact with her after we left the cult. I am the main reason but she never was a strong believer she just went with the flow as to not cause problems. She has not heard much from her mother since the death of her brother 3 years ago. Then suddenly old family friends who she/we have not seen for many years called her up and wanted to visit while they were on vacation. We spent the day with them and I was determined not to talk about anything controversial and limit to 0 my Fbombs. I was also braced for the approach on the cult and we are so sorry you left. Nothing all day except a few gay bashing remarks to which I had to reply that I don't have a dog in the hunt but I really don't care if two men or women want to live together, its not my place to tell them how to live. I am a live and let live guy. At the end of the day very quietly the wife handed my wife a couple of watchtowers and said if you need some reading material. LOL I have to laugh at how Dubbers think that somehow the words in the Tower are magical and if you would just sit down and read them you would magically see and the scales would drop from your eyes. bla bla bla. It also reminded me on how difficult it is for the cult to live and let live. They were very nice but you could tell the undying tension of the JW thing, and I wonder how much of it was actually orchestrated by her parents.
Posts by dogon
Consperiacy or am I seeing things?
by dogon inmy wifes family has not really kept in contact with her after we left the cult.
i am the main reason but she never was a strong believer she just went with the flow as to not cause problems.
she has not heard much from her mother since the death of her brother 3 years ago.
10,000 year old spear point found in FL - man is only 6,000 years old?
by Comatose in
as evidence piles up, will we reach a tipping point where people begin accepting the age of humans existence?.
he described as "phenomenal" the preservation of the finds, whose location as many as 5 feet deep in oxygen-free sediment had protected them from decay.. they include a suwannee projectile point -- a spear point -- whose estimated age of 10,000 years puts it "right at the cusp of the end of the ice age," arbuthnot said.
You can not carbon date stone, so it must be dated by where it was found in relation to fossils around it.
Atheists, what is the best argument FOR God?
by bohm inthere are no convincing arguments for god, but some are worse than others.
i thought it would be interesting to see what people consider the best (of the bad) arguments for god?.
in my oppinion it is the fine-tuning argument from cosmology.
Argument by design is the best argument. All others fail miserably. I am an atheist but the argument by design has some legs that can be argued. Not saying it has solid legs but legs. You can refute the argument of the eye by showing that its not all that great of a design, and has many flaws but you can still argue it shows design. But even so, even if you believe in the ABD you have no proof that its the god of the bible that is responsible. It could be littel green men from Altires that put us here. If god exists and I doubt he does he is a dead beat dad.
by steve2 infaking of hours in field service or dragging service time out by making coffee stops or driving for hours "between" household contacts are never frowned upon, let alone mentioned, in the publications.
yet, in each congregation of jehovah's witnesses, to one degree or another, faking hours, padding time out with coffee stops and long journeys between opportunities to "witness" are endemic practices..
No one I ever went out in service with ever followed those rules. We would drive 15 miles to some coffee shop and sit and get warm in winter then go to a RV and waste the day. I even knew a few who did not even go out but put down time. Its a joke. The org is a joke and no one follows the ruls, its like Yatzie every group plays it different.
Fighting JWs on Facebook
by dogon inkind of new for me, but i have been letting go of being in fear of posting what i feel on fb.
i have been posting links to very good videos on youtube that show the history of the cult.
funny thing my one cousin posted how he missed a person who passed and that that god only takes the best to be with him.
I really don't have any JW friends. We just have family who over lap. It was a cousin who I am friends with that is a Christian in a regular church and posted a thing about god taking the very best to be with him, and he is friends with some of the bastards who are family that are JWs. I can then read their comments because of the overlap. I don’t now nor will I ever care about but those fuck tards. LOL Can I call them fuck tards? Well I did. Anyway, What the hell are they going to do? not talk to me more? LOL I decided to not hide it as much as I used to. I also moved to Fla, and had an elder from my North Michigan cong, come knocking at my door. He did not remember me and I said I knew him. I should have let it slide. Now they know where I am but I don't think it matters as if any one does come they will be asked to leave post haste. KariOtt, I would set up a facebook and other outlets with alias names. Don't tell your husband you post if he has to be so controlling.
Watchtower is not keeping up.
by dogon inanyone who knows the history of the cult, knows.
that they regularly used the very newest of technology to the fullest possible way.
to get their message out.
Anyone who knows the history of the cult, knows
that they regularly used the very newest of technology to the fullest possible way
to get their message out. Phonographs with recordings of talks, taken from door
to door. Radio stations across the country daily giving people in rural parts
of the country the ability to listen to the cults propaganda. They used very
means available to them. Now the new media, from Facebook to texting is not
only something they do not use but they tell the cult members to avoid it. They
have become afraid of exposure to any critical thinking. Remember growing up
where it was said “we have all the answers” “the rest of the religious organizations
fear us because they cannot answer the questions we ask” Now who is afraid? Who is hiding like scard
rabbits in the grass hoping the hawk does not see them move. I find it funny that the very same principals
that once expanded the cult membership is now the very thing that is taking it
apart limb by limb. -
Do you give thanks for every meal?
by bruh indo you give thanks for every meal or do you thank god once for the whole day of meals???
is thanking god for every meal scriptural or something that came along in early christianity ?
When god goes to work to help pay for it I will thank him, until then he can fuck off. LOL
John 3:16 - "believe" or "exercise faith?" Same thing?
by Faithful Witness ini recently asked my jw mother, if she believed that jesus died for her sins.
(john 3:16).
she agreed, but then added the jw party line, "you have to exercise faith also.
Jesus dies? I was just reading that book, spoiler allert!!!
Fighting JWs on Facebook
by dogon inkind of new for me, but i have been letting go of being in fear of posting what i feel on fb.
i have been posting links to very good videos on youtube that show the history of the cult.
funny thing my one cousin posted how he missed a person who passed and that that god only takes the best to be with him.
Kind of new for me, but I have been letting go of being in fear of posting what I feel on FB. I have been posting links to very good videos on YouTube that show the history of the cult. Funny thing my one cousin posted how he missed a person who passed and that that god only takes the best to be with him. I did not post anything neg. as its his right to believe in god or whatever. He was not being obnoxious or pushing any line of belief on others. One of my other cousins, who is a Dubber, posted that it’s a shame that people blame god for bad experiences, blablabla, condescending crap. I posted directly to her on his link how JWs are wrong, have never been right and a few other things, Her sister [flesh] came on and said how people who do not believe in god are fools blablalbla. I proceeded to knock her on everything front he flying spaghetti monster to aliens being just as reasonable as talking snakes and men living in the belly’s of fish as how we as a species came to be on this planet. That I can not prove god does not exist but that I also cannot prove that a golden tea pot is not orbiting Pluto but I doubt it. Has anyone ever exposed them self on FB as Apostate to other Dubbers? I don't think they can do much because there is no way to prove who is actually doing the typing.
Probably the most bizarre encounter with a witness family.
by Dis-Member inwent to a bar with a friend a few days ago.. we were sitting in the outside garden and i went back inside to get another round.
on my way back out i passed some tables with a family of about 6 or 7 people sitting and celebrating a birthday.. i overheard the name jehovah mentioned and i stopped and asked if they were witnesses to which one of them replied 'yes'.. we got into conversation about the latest watchtowers and the governing body.
none of them had a clue what i was talking about.. they new nothing of the 8 men brooklyn being the faithful and discreet slave, nothing about c.t russell or rutherford, nothing of how jesus came and selected them as his chosen people in 1914-19, in fact the only thing they knew about 1914 was that that was when the first world war started, nothing about malawi and mexico, never heard of candace conti or any of the sex abuse scandals, nothing about the 2 witness rule, nothing about the elders being chosen by the holy spirit, nothing about 'new light', nothing about the orgs involvement with the un, nothing about the blood fractions changes they knew almost nothing at all about the majority of their own organisations core teachings.
There have always been hangers on in the cult. From my exp. the cult does not jump on people until they are baptized. Its not really amazing that people don't know anything of the history of the cult, they work hard not keep it that way. I once went to a hall many years ago with a family in north Michigan. I think they were called Levett or something like that. Two boys and two girls, the girls were never baptized and would drink and smoke, the boys went into the military and smoked. I saw the one boy several years later, he was out of the Military and was smoking a cigarette. I made some comment on how the JWs were a cult and believe it or not he started in with the Hey, I am a JW. I have the scar on my cheek where I had to bite down not to laugh in his face. You are smoking a cigarette and don't go to meetings and you claim to be a JW? He could not see the irony in it all.