Here is one thing that always bothered me, the parable of the one lost seep being so important, and the society is completly the oppisite, they are the one is very unimportant to the good of the org. You either conform or you are gone. You are told to question anything that any other religion speaks but don't you dare question [unless is a soft ball fest like Hannity questioning Limbaugh] the GB FTS. MADjw is trying to be the "I am one of you guys" and then swing back to try to put doubt in our minds. It can not work because there is nothing to doubt about how evil the society is. It is a cult, a dangerous cult that had killed and damaged and ruined familys. It should be shunned to our last breath and any one we meet who is even thinking of looking at this shit cult we should talke to them untill they understand that this is a JONES TOWN cult that will eventually destroy their lifes. You will lose your individuality, your self respect, your critical thinking and ability to question. You will become a walking talking zombie that has no ability to make a desision outside of the borg telling you what posistion to screw you wife in, what to eat and what medicen is best for you. NO FUCKING THANKS.
Posts by dogon
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
Where was "gods Earthly channel" before Rutherford and Russell?
by Vachi 8 He Is inwhere was it in 1600s or in columbus' day?
and if it was here where did it go, or was it "new lighted" into something else?
this whole religion is based on the interpretation of these two.
The view is that it was there even if they cant trace it. I have heard of several obscure cults through the ages thay point to and say that could have been the line. More garbage to try to bolster more garbage.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
As far as this idiot saying that there is a difference, I knew of several COs who would put away 20k plus a year on the backs of the JWs who give out 100s under the table to these poor over weight old child molesters. They run around our used to in 100k RVs and every one breakes their back to ask them to come over to their house for dinner and at the same time ignore the poorest and most valnarable among them. They are liars and decievers and MAD is trying some superficial confusion tactic. The problem is there is no confusion when you remvoe the veil and see the silly old fart called the GB behind the curtain. All the fear they put into the rank and file is smoke and mirrors. They have nothing and will never have anything. NO GOOD COMES FROM THE GB OR THE JWS. The best thing I ever did was to run away as fast as I could, I lost family but you know what when people put demands on you for their relationship they are not worth the air to blow them up. Nothing lost.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
This guy mad is batshit crazy, he comes here tying in a thin veiled way to act like he has reason but then trys to put a spin on the batshit crazy crap the socity puts out, there is not good that comes from this clut. NOT ONE DAMN THING. They are a controling group that runs the rank and file into the ground for their own aggrandizement. The GB does not give a shit if one or thousands of their rank and file choose shoveling potatos for a life so they can work like the little slaves they are to the borg. I once saw a drama in Holt MI assembly hall where two kids come out and one askes the other so what are you doing this summer, the reply was Im going to college, the other says, I have a part time job shoveling potatos and am going to pioneer. The other starts to rethink his going to college. Bull shit of the first order and the NWT is a bunch of crap, If it was so damn accurate how come freddie brown shoes never caught the reed sea red sea mistake? The bible is a buch of crap and the NWT is toilet paper, no not even good toilet paper, no absorption.
Does Jehovah prefer to be worshipped by force ?
by wasblind inas many of us know, the shunning policy is a useful tool to the wts.. it helps to retain members by force, holding family members hostage.. many members go back, not because they believe in what is being taught.
by the wts, but out of the human need to have the love and affection from.
their loved ones still in.
God, Jehovah, Jesus, Allah, Vishneu all are myth and can not desire anything, they reflect the ideals of the current population that believe in them. This is why the bibil tends to be bipolar,from OT to NT.
JT blog radio: Jehovah's Witnesses - The Only True Religion?
by darth frosty inthis is the title of tomorrows show.
it starts at 10 am but can be listened to any time after that.. .
that is a main plank in their platform, they are the only true religion, they are the continuation of gods apporved religion from the Myth of Jesus to the GB now. This is old news, the GB has always said that your thinking is to be put out of your mind if you do not agree with the society.
my xwife is still terrified of the jw's help!
by warmasasunned inspoke to my xwife for the first time in 14yrs via facebook.
we were in the witnesses together we left about twenty years ago got divorced almost straight away we were never suited i liked sex and she didn't (i'm very ugly).. anway a few years later she went back, i got the sermon of course "you should comeback its the truth" i put her straight on that one, her eyes glazed over as i spoke and she went her merry way.. 14years later i pop her name into facebook there she is tattos and spouting politics animal rights (not very jw they ignore all that of course).
dropped her a line, caught up, shes got four kids (she likes sex now, told you i was ugly).
You cant make a horse drink. People who need social crutches turn to religion, others use religion for business as some use bars. But the thing is you get nothing from the dibdom. They are a allone way suck the life out of you group. First off why do you care what she thinks? Move on and forget her. Make a life with those who share your way of thinking. Those who will hang around and apoligise for the cult will only in time bring you down. Leave them in the mud where they seem to like it.
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
Debating aobut myth, god and jesus are one, no they are seperate, you may as well debate who is stronger bat man or spyderman, because they are all pretend. And that crap about the NWT being the most accurate translation, is like pizza shops who put up voted best pizza in the state, Ya, who the hell voted and when who did the poll? It is crap, you have a book that was translated by unknown [franze or freddie brown shoes] and he has no formal training in the languages. Even if it were and it is NOT, it would still be an accurate book of myth only. Gezzzz, get real, NO GOD NO GOD. It is porvable that there was no global flood, and the questions that arise just from the dinosaurs that the bible leave out wipes out the bible and its on the seventh day god rested crap. Lets get togeather and have a NWT book burning party, I have at least 5 of those stupid things sitting around, we could video tape it and put it on youtube and hear how some Pioneer's head exploded. LOL
Brace yourselves: The GOOD things about the WTBS! heh
by theMadJW inyes-lotta nonsense; a self-proclaimed "slave class" that is not a prophet but like a prophet, giving so awfully embarrasing opinions that are supposed to be automatically acceted by all of us jws...pretenders...mistakes... and moves not "discreet" at all- like the ngo united nations membership they secretly had for awhile....terrible, isn't it?.
i mean, look at the inspiring example we have in churchianity: such wonderful dogma- such as the three sadist-gods who have been torturing billions of men, women, and children for thousands of years- with eternity to go...and god making the universe in 72 hours...and backing the wars of their governments- "god and country!
", as they send their men out to war, telling them they will be blessed for it, and so many more wonderful revelations: the rapture, once-saved, tithing, etc.
Mad jw you are so full of crap I don't even know where to begin. First of even if you were correct and you are so not correct, the JWs take more and destroy more than they could ever give, your examples are like saying Ya the Nazis were bad but the trains ran on time. Jesus fucking christ, that is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. There is no good that comes from that cult. And to try to pull something like that out of your ass shows you to be a closet sympathizer and apoligist for the dubbs.
Next time an and elder pulls out ...
by wannabefree in... a watchtower or km to give you a little counsel, share this from this weeks "bible study".
*** cf chap.
10 p. 101 par.
dubbers will never take their own advice to them selfs. idiots