Which translation is the best? Why the one that supports your pre-concieved notions of course. The one that comports most comfortably with the beliefs you already hold.
That was easy.
50 years ago respected textual critic ernest cadman colwell created an apparatus of 64 scriptures to determine which is the best new testament.
i created a chart using the same criteria...and the results will surprise you!!.
http://hector3000.future.easyspace.com/colwell.htm .
Which translation is the best? Why the one that supports your pre-concieved notions of course. The one that comports most comfortably with the beliefs you already hold.
That was easy.
here are just a few, just to see if it flies:.
messages to the ladies:.
sometimes we're not thinking about you.
Francois here, bowing to your superior list of stuff.
deceptive jw elders case#4c .
[the following is a little over 4 pages, but it is worth the read and it gets better as you get to the end.].
while i personally experienced several more acts where jw elders lied to me personally, the following is the most serious because it involved brother a. i mentioned him earlier where he was lied to by the jc and they used a confidential file against him that they developed over ten years a file he was never allowed to see or defend himself against.. sometime between january 1993, the jw elders on the jc were in the final stages of their meeting with brother a. this was before his first appeal.
I tape recorded my meeting. After it was over, one of the guys stayed over and asked me to turn off the tape. He then told me that a certain elder was "out to hang me from the highest tree."
Several days later when I repeated what he had said when the tape was off to yet another meeting of their kangaroo court, he denied it under oath. He was also three-quarters shit-faced at the time.
I knew I was going to walk out on the Borg anyway, but this lie told by a guy who had been my good friend previously demonstrated the utter spiritual decadence of the Borg and all its henchmen.
here are just a few, just to see if it flies:.
messages to the ladies:.
sometimes we're not thinking about you.
Here are just a few, just to see if it flies:
Messages to the Ladies:
Sometimes we're not thinking about you. Live with it. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared to discuss such topics as navel lint, stainless steel propellers, or the grunion run.
Sunday = Sports. It's like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.
Learn to work the toilet seat. If it's up, put it down. Quit yer bitchin'.
No, we don't know what day it is. We never will. Mark anniversaries on the calendar.
Let us ogle. We're going to look anyway; it's genetic.
You can either tell us to do something OR tell us how to do something but not both.
ALL men see in only 16 colors. Peach is a fruit, not a color.
If it itches, it will be scratched.
And yours is....?
that's the title of another poxy thread on witnesses online that has me scratching my head in disbelief that anyone could be so deluded.. i would love to be able to post a reply in the thread saying something like: "well, i guess none of you have any unbelieving relatives, then?"..
link: http://www.witnessesonline.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/witnessesonline/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=000345.
A thousand years with Jehovah's Witnesses? I'd rather be dead.
jesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
"Beam Me Up Scotty,
No Intelligent Life Here"
there is a fallacy of logic that is so common that few people realize that it is, indeed, a fallacy of logic: the fallacy by appeal to nature.. one argument against homosexuality goes something like this:.
the natural use of the reproductive organs is obviously to make children.
using these organs in a way that cannot produce children is unnatural and thus ethically wrong.. .
Yes, the Borg taught us all to hate; to hate a wide variety of things.
Personally, I feel the most pernicious hate-lesson we were taught by Jehovah's Witnesses was not the hate for homosexuals, but to hate ourselves - to hate ourselves for our "imperfection" and to hate, to reject, our own ability to think.
It's the same thing that's going on in public schools today. There's no attempt to teach how to think, only an effort to teach what to think. If you see a difference between the Borg and the public schools in this regard, I've missed it.
jw doctors to administer blood transfusions?.
1964 - may administer blood transfusions to non-jws - 1964wtwr 11 15 680-3.
I fully believe that the WT could pick any of life's transactions at random and make of it a disfellowshipping offense complete with scriptural "reasons" for doing so.
And all over the world, almost six million knees would jerk.
Francois, of the Johnathan Livingstone Seagull Class
another book i am reading called "the jesus mysteries" makes this claim:.
"according to matthew, jesus is born in the reign of herod, who tries to have him killed as a baby to prevent him becoming king of the jews.
herod who died in 4bce.........luke makes a similar point of having his jesus born 10 years later at the time of the census of 6ce.".
break the silence .
seconds until the next rape: 23 .
rape, abuse, & incest national network.
For additional support provided victims of traumatic sexual encounters and other forms of abuse, go to:
This is a great site for survivors. Of both sexes.