JoinedTopics Started by Francois2
Roadside Assistance?
by outnfree ini think i remember reading somewhere here about how some poor df'd sister's car broke down on the way home from a meeting once and none of the brothers would stop to help.
it made somebody ashamed, as well it should have!.
here's a twist: the son of the local p.o.
by JW72 inanyone else feel that the jw big 'a' countdown is really the countdown to their demise????..............
i do.... chris
by nicolaou inon april 2nd i purchased the domain name .
a few weeks later i posted a comment on the thread
it was titled 'can you stop the preaching work?'.
Jehovah Creates Apostates
by metatron inaccording to the bible, jehovah himself "raised up" resisters.
of the corrupt rulership of the elderly king, solomon.. --- you can read about it at 1kings 11:14,23-39.. the term apostasy comes from "to stand away from, rebellion",.
so "resister" can easily act as a synonym for apostate, here.. also, jehovah created dis-unity among israel by deliberately.
are you sitting down?........PRINCE is a JW!!!!!
by lisaBObeesa inhello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
Things That NEVER Made Sense To Me:
by Englishman ineven when i was a dyed in the wool jw, there were a few things that never made any sense whatsoever to me.
like most dubs, i glossed over them, here's my top 3 doubts during my period of dubdom, doubts that were never resolved:.
"all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching".
by teejay ini came upon the idea for this topic in backward fashion.. not long ago, someone was attributing greatness to one of us .
because of all that one had done to bring about the end of the .
did you talk to the elders?
by Moxy inon your way out, did you have the 'talk' with an elder?
(or elders?
) the kind of, 'excuse me, brother only-elder-who-i-really-trust, i've been having serious doubts about such-and-such and i would really appreciate it if you could help me see if i'm missing something, i sincerely want to know...'.
June1,2001WT QFR Confess to Elders?
by ISP in(entire article).
questions from readers.
in view of jehovahs willingness to forgive sins by the merit of the ransom sacrifice, why is it necessary for christians to confess to the older men in the congregation?.