The only thing I know about adam's and eve's body is the first thing Adam would have said to Eve when he saw her the first time.
"Stand back - I don't know how big this thing is going to get!"
if they won't,at what point did human have a belly buton.. what is jw viewpoint on subject?
The only thing I know about adam's and eve's body is the first thing Adam would have said to Eve when he saw her the first time.
"Stand back - I don't know how big this thing is going to get!"
i forwarded the link to the uk jw donation site to my father a couple days ago as for me, it was christendom at its best - give me cash even when you don't have it.
he probably wouldn't be a jw if it wasn't for her and i am hesitant to say too much to him because of her.
she is a loyal (even though they had to get df'd to get married) .
thx stealth for the response.
Continue doing good all. Sorry I couldnt contribute more. Ciao - sparrow
i forwarded the link to the uk jw donation site to my father a couple days ago as for me, it was christendom at its best - give me cash even when you don't have it.
he probably wouldn't be a jw if it wasn't for her and i am hesitant to say too much to him because of her.
she is a loyal (even though they had to get df'd to get married) .
I forwarded the link to the UK JW donation site to my father a couple days ago as for me, it was christendom at its best - give me cash even when you don't have it. He is still a JW although he was DF'd when he married his current JW wife (and she was too). He probably wouldn't be a JW if it wasn't for her and I am hesitant to say too much to him because of her. She is a loyal (even though they had to get DF'd to get married) but at least I am not shunned.
Anyway I got a good payrise today (woohoo!) and was talking to him about it and he says tongue in cheek "now you can donate more from the website". We had a laugh but then he says - "when someone shows me something better I'll change. Until then whats the point".
I don't know what to say to that. I don't have anything better to offer because the only thing better I have is knowing it aint the truth. My father is down to earth and at the end of the day our family motto is "as long as everyone is happy - it doesn't matter" Don't get me wrong - I'm not crying over my relationship with my parents as I know so many people here have had to endure so much once being shunned. It's just so frustrating knowing my father has an open enough mind not to shun me even in the slightest (we still love drinking a few bottles of wine between us) and yet I can't get through.
Don't expect to many replies but just needed to vent
i finally found my way to the silent lamb website, and am at this moment shaking with disgust and anger.
i know from experience that the organization covers up child abuse issues, and protects the abusers.
i just hadn't read anything like this before.
I felt the same. It wasn't that I didn't think it was the truth, or because I was pissed off because they DF'd me when I repented, or because that the elders in the cong I was in were so ignorant and backwards. I personally knew people molested and couldn't come to terms with what happened when the sh#t hit the fan. NOTHING!!! And to top it off they made a young boy apologise to his molestor. There is not enough !@#$%^&*() characters on this keyboard to express that lunacy.
for those of you don't know our story sweet pea and i stopped attending all meetings quite abruptly about 4 months ago.
since then we have had a few ill-advised conversations with jw friends and family stating our reasons - sometimes in emails.
also sp emailed a new friend on another forum her experiene with going to a new church.
PS - My rapid graceful fade appears not to be working :-)
LOL - I know who not to recommend for fading tips. I can't give you advice sorry as I was given the DF kind of fade. Good luck though.
Personally I like the idea of showing up with the DA letters ready.
out there?.
i am currently sipping on a green tea.
but am partial to celestial seasonings tension tamer or ginger.. what's yours?.
I love green shit...Got it mixed up with wine again. I love white wine because it looks like green tea.
so i was thinking with the new kool-aid edition of the craptower and the (now proven and confirmed) september 07 km basically telling us to only look at society literature, and the light getting brighter and brighter the noose getting tighter and tighter.. .
why not start a campaign to let the society we have noticed.
i would love to hear your thoughts and this wont cost any of us much money or time.. buy 2 packages of kool-aid (make sure it is that brand)...and preferably grape.
WE DON'T HAVE KOOL AID DAMN IT!!!! (otherwise I'd be in)
is it now possible for jehovah's witnesses to make credit card donations to the watchtower society on line?.
if so, could you direct me to the web site.
OMG. That is too funny. I just emailed that link to my JW father with a smart arse comment. Another thing that proves to me I haven't left the truth. I was never in it.
it seems to me that many jws who leave are so anti-religion because of their jw indoctrinations that they rarely investigate much outside of their cultural up bringing..... so how many here have done more than read about things like buddhism, hinduism, new age, etc... actually lived these alternatives rather than just glanced their way?.
and what was the result?.
I believe I'll have another wine. I don't know how I could ever believe in anything ever again. I'm over it. Got another half of a life to live and hopefully I won't go painfully,...
hi, i need to contact brothers in india,,any ideas?.
please email me, [email protected].
come live in my neighbourhood for a few weeks near Sydney. You will meet more indians than honky white dudes and I am sure one of them will know a witness back in the ole country.