JoinedPosts by freeme
What generation witness are you?
by Bonnie_Clyde ini'm a 4th generation witness.
however, i have jw cousins with grown grandchildren (that makes 6 generations), and two of them are married--all in the "truth.
" if they have kids, they will be 7th generation.
I found Jesus in the falls on p 93 live forever book!!
by cultswatter ini always heard comments that there were faces and other objects in the falls on p 93. now i think i have finally confirmed this.
i scanned page 93 using only 300 dpi scanner and did some colour correction and sharpened the image a bit using photoshop .the result is surely jesus and there is also a face of a young kid below jesus.
now i think that the falls image contains a plurality of peoples faces, some people are standing and others just see the face only.. you can clearly make out a gash in jesus forehead.
i dont believe in any of these "i found whatever in a drawing in the book/wt xy".
a) humans are SPECIALISTS in regonizing faces in random data. its our brains fault. when i was a kid i while in the meetings i stared at the carpet seeing monster, humans and animals in the carpets texture. none of them were intentionally created by the carpets manufacturer.
b) even WHEN someone of the drawing department intentionally created a face in an waterfall its by any chance his own decision and does not imply anything
c) whats the problem with it at all? hypnotizing ppl with hidden images which only affect the subconsciouness? COME ON....
on my first steps in the internet for the term "jehovahs witnesses" i found a website about "demons" in the literature. the guy who created the website altered, scaled and turned drawings from the literature and i still couldnt see much. i was scared away by such weired stupid websites like "the wts is right! apostates are only lying!".
dont think its any sense to discuss such topics. sorry.
So...ya wanna see my ugly mug?
by Little Drummer Boy ini figure it's time.. i've been out of the borg long enough and i love you guys and trust you.. so....here i am for the world to see.... this is me striking a pose as systems administrator.. .
i love my servers.... oh, and "i believe you have my stapler?
Finding a Therapist
by freeme inim thinking often about finding a therapist to talk my burden off my shoulders.
since many years i have noone to talk to.
im lonely while having plenty of friends.
HOWEVER, I will say one of the benefits of it all is just being able to say ANYTHING. I mean JWD is awesome and everything, but having a person in front of you who wont blast you for your feelings and thoughts and will take the time to listen (mainly cause you're paying them, but I digress) is so amazing. It felt lke such a rush for a second to say that, "I don't believe it anymore and I'm gay." Well, I don't think you'd say that....
haha =) our situation is not completely equal (i bet its even more hard when you're gay... brrrr... i means its not easy for a non-dub gay person to come out. i feel for ya bro), but i know what you mean. JWD is great, but its really something different to have a person who is experienced with such problems who listens to you without JW judging.
thanks for your suggestions so far. because of all your suggestions ive found some therapists who i plan to try out. lets see what happens.
Finding a Therapist
by freeme inim thinking often about finding a therapist to talk my burden off my shoulders.
since many years i have noone to talk to.
im lonely while having plenty of friends.
Hi there!
im thinking often about finding a therapist to talk my burden off my shoulders. since many years i have noone to talk to. im lonely while having plenty of friends. just friends who want to talk to me about anything but THIS ONE thing.
ive looked up therapist in my area (europe) on the internet... and i found none who may know what im in (none who work with ppl who get out of a cult). I do not have any experience with psychologists and therapists... so whats your experience. for what should i search for to find someone who has experience with the situation im in (born in, married in, all family in, still in, 11 years baptized, took the pink glasses down, minimalistic meeting attendance and service, often has a hard time to deal with all the lieing, the pressure, the fear, the deillusion, feels sometimes worthless and see no solution, feels like life is over at the age of 26).
should i go to my family doctor to ask him what he might recommend me to do?
at this time i dont like to go to ex-witness meetings. its way to "apostate" for my current stage.
Thank You for your opinions and suggestions.
Who Really is the Evil Slave of Matthew 24:45-47?
by Honesty injehovah witnesses once taught, promoted, and identified charlest.
russell as being the faithful slave of matthew 24:45-47. .
the watch tower (10/16/1916) .
i cant help me, but for it seems like the evil slave include some society who add to the scriptures, give false prophecies, want complete obediance, forbid the examination of the bible and create human laws and twisted doctrines to beat and even kill (blood) their "fellow slaves".
just a guess.
God Is Love
by freeme injws are told that jehovah is love and that his love his higher than any other love.
it is actually more intense that the love of parents to their child.. so the question is:.
what type of parents would actually murder their son if he were gay and kill their daughter if she smokes?.
How is this possible?
JWs are told that Jehovah IS love and that his love his higher than any other love. It is actually more intense that the love of parents to their child.
So the question is:
What type of parents would actually MURDER their son if he were gay and KILL their daughter if she smokes?
(plus a thousand more examples like "blood transfusion", "doubting the JW doctrine", "wear too sexy clothings", "having a weak faith in things that cant be proved nor seen", etc)i was wondering about this one even when i was a child.
Being afraid
by ex-nj-jw inwhen i was a little girl, i was very afraid of thunderstorms - every time we had one i thought it was armageadon (did i spell that right?)..
so what were you afraid of?
what made you think the "big a" was here?
So what were you afraid of? What made you think the "BIG A" was here? Or were you anxiously awaiting it?
i STILL think of armageddon when a thunderstorm begins. i still fear demons somehow.
its a non-rational fear, but i cant switch it off completely. even though i can live with that and its not very intense i sometimes get angry that my parents planted that seed into me which wont go away completely for the rest of my life
The Beauty of Dogs
by restrangled ini was always a cat lover, but after adopting my 2 big dobies, i am in awe.. there is a west wind coming in tonight after a miserably hot day.. my 2 boyz in the dark have their noses to that wind.
they announced my son coming home before he arrived.
he came out and greeted them and returned back inside the house.
when i was a kid i was totally scared of dogs. when i was like 4 i was attacked by a dog and that was the reason.
with ~16/17 my fear began to decrease and now im owning dogs myself
i love them. never want to live without dogs again.
BUT... i understand ppl who fear dogs too and i watch my dogs not jump at other ppl or stuff (they love everyone i speak to). even though they dont even bark and are the most pazifistic beings on this planet...