Hi there!
yesterdays meeting had a conversation talk about cyrus and the prophecies in Isaiah 45:
(Isaiah 45:1-3) 45 This is what Jehovah has said to his anointed one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue before him nations, so that I may ungird even the hips of kings; to open before him the two-leaved doors, so that even the gates will not be shut:2 "Before you I myself shall go, and the swells of land I shall straighten out. The copper doors I shall break in pieces, and the iron bars I shall cut down. 3 And I will give you the treasures in the darkness and the hidden treasures in the concealment places, in order that you may know that I am Jehovah, the One calling [you] by your name, the God of Israel.
the sisters pointed out that these prophecy was given by isaiah like 200 years before it happened.
societys publications say that the book isaiah was written "After 732 B.C.E.". The conquest of babylon was in 539 B.C.E...
*** w76 10/1 p. 602 Cyrus, a Man with a Prophetic Role ***
Cyrus, a Man with a Prophetic RoleFEW men throughout the course of human history were foretold to fulfill a specific role in God’s purpose. Cyrus the son of Cambyses and the founder of the Persian Empire, however, was such a man. His conquest of Babylon in 539 B.C.E. and the subsequent release of the Jews from exile were foretold long before his birth.
in the conversation the proof was just saying "the prophecy was ~200 years before!!! even the name of the conquerer and how he conquered babylon was mentioned!" "oh, yes, thats wonderful, i need to become a witness now!!!".
for me there was no proof at all. just an old book which has a date-sticker on it and another old book with another sticker when i sit in the meeting. i found out that i never examined these dates. stickers alone arent reliable... are they?
so basically my question is: how can you determine
a) the time when the book isaiah was written
b) the time babylon fell
i decided to look it up. ive searched for both in the wikipedia.
In 539 BC the Neo-Babylonian Empire fell to Cyrus the Great, king of Persia.
Isaiah lived during the late eighth and early seventh centuries BC, which was a difficult period in the history of Jerusalem.
The wikipedia seems to back up the societies teachings...
its even backed by ms encarta... (only the german version is free of charge...):
Der Überlieferung nach erlitt er den Märtyrertod 701 oder 690 v. Chr.
translation: the lore says he died as martyr 701 or 690 BCE
539 v. Chr. wurde es von den Persern unter Kyros dem Großen erobert
translation: 539 BCE it was conquered by the persians under cyrus the great
So what do we have here? A true prophecy?
Wouldnt that make the bible something special? Wouldnt that rule out any atheist views?
Wouldnt we need to search for a god fearing lifestyle? What is the right way to live? Is it the JW style and if not what is it? Is there actually a religion who lives in a way god likes?
Love your comments. Whats is right and what is wrong with my line of thought?
do you have sources which are more reliable than the wikipedia and encarta (even though it actually is pretty reliable in many cases)?
What does it mean to you that its "the lore" what tells us about the life of isaiah. may it be completey false? do you have arguments for or against the bible story and the "lore"?
Thank You All!