I recall two or three years ago a DO or CO said that there were 100,000 in the DF'd for immorality, ;and I thought that was a USA number.
I also like the "it's not a numbers game" humor with the debate!
we are a horny lot....oompa
i seem to remember some statistics on this but i'd like to find out how many you all think there are.
i remember hearing a statistic that i think came from the wt itself, stating that 70,000 jws are disfellowshipped every year.
so if every witness that has been disfelloshipped for the last 50 years is still alive, and we say that the average jws dfd a year is more like 50,000, that's 50,000 x 50 which equals - 2,500,000 ex-jws.
I recall two or three years ago a DO or CO said that there were 100,000 in the DF'd for immorality, ;and I thought that was a USA number.
I also like the "it's not a numbers game" humor with the debate!
we are a horny lot....oompa
we see alot of topics on the board about the end of the wbt$..i don`t think that will happen in our lifetime........so..lets change our focus..kingdom halls are getting fewer and fewer jw`s in them..congregations are being dissolved and kingdom halls are sold off..many jw`s are very unhappy and we see alot of them on this board.....the wbt$ is a billion dollar organization,they will survive for along time to come..........how about the jehovah`s witness`s?.......with fewer and fewer members..information about the wbt$ on the internet..and..some very depressed jehovah`s witness`s looking for a way out of the cult they are in.....will the "jehovah`s witness`s" survive?...outlaw
I think the only hope of bringing either/or both down is to have enough our own "large army" of women and men make charges against at least two elders per hall for molesting them as either children or adults. Now that would hurt the wallet, and the media would have a field day.
it could be fun too...pick mean elders....oompa
can anybody quote any articles which speak out against the radical muslim terrorists?.
the watchtower made its reputation in the 1900's slamming catholicism and christendom.
surely you'd expect them to lash out against the muslim extremes.. or, are they afraid to do so?.
Good observations about this strange silence. They do have a current brochure just for Muslims, and I can't remember the name of it, but part of it goes on and on about how accurate the Bible is and somehow ties it in with the Quran---Wierd. But it too is silent on the daiper head dandies with bombs strapped on.
will poin this out to my dad...oompa
i am baptised and wish to write a letter to the brooklyn branch requesting a response to two belief-related issues regarding which i have recently educated myself.
the reply to this letter will likely play a large part in my determining how the rest of my life is lived.
i have decided that whatever i do or do not believe in times to come, i will not disassociate myself.
I just wrote the Society twice about controversial matters they do not want to admit being wrong about. The only letters I received indicate that they will be working through the local elder body to assist me and they they have been sent additional information.
No paper trails are allowed for any subject that could be used by apostates. This was made very clear when I asked for a copy of the response letter.
being shunned....oompa
is death an end, a beginning, or just another stage on the path?
i watched a movie last night called the eye 2. it was about the buddhist belief in reincarnation.
in the movie, souls wait for women to give birth in order to reincarnate into the baby.
If anyone really had the answer to this wouldn't they have a huge, wealthy, and prosperous religion in place with people lined up to join?
glad I don't know...oompa
is this a legit excuse?
is this balanced and fair?
here is the link- http://www.jehovahsjudgment.co.uk/watchtower-un-ngo/appendix_jonesletter.html.
This letter is not from the WT Society. For years any controversial subject question is only answered by writing to the local Elder body, and they will only "talk" to the Brother who wrote the question. They allow no paper trail in these matters because it could easlily be used as ammo by apostates. NEVER would they express "dissapointment" in any written document regarding a Brother.
trust me on this.....oompa
has there been a crack down on group wt pre study.
we had a regular group every sunday night for any or all teens back in the day - 60's.
then raising children we had friends or other families on and off, get together for a group pre-study.
Regarding the Sept. KM QB it may not be a problem as long as the publications are printed by WT. And remember, just cause they don't "endorese" groups studying, does not mean that they are saying you "can't" do it.
no dictianaries allowed.....oompa
playing golf today with my sister she tells her bosses son - he is 28 yrs old.
he awoke one morning last week with an erection.
not uncommon among those in that age bracket.
Great AK, now after just 5 or 6 hours I will be getting worried.
worried stiff....oompa
if you are an elder and trying to fade away from the organization, let me offer some warnings:.
first, understand that there is much envy and jealousy in congregations of jehovah's .
Fondling a sisters breast is a quicker way to be removed and quicken the fade, but make sure there are two Witness witnesses first.
being helpful....oompa
losing elders in the us puts the organization into quite a dilemma.
they hate large congregations.
but can't split without enough appointed local 'enforcers'.
OK OpenMind, are there less elder meeting at the CO meeing of elders? Are numbers down overall?
And Metatron, talk about quality, you would really love my pool stuttering Elder that has to give PUPLIC TALKS and can turn a 15 minute part into one hour!!!!!
Shoot me please....oompa