JoinedTopics Started by FrightMare
straight from the horse's mouth.........
by jeffory inthe horse in this case is district overseer aimee .
commenting on what brooklyn is doing about the wtc tradgedy he said that after the initial lock down, [ done because of security concerns due to lack of police in areas as they were all down town] as if that excuses it, they are now providing assistance in the form of a shuttle for fireman from brooklyn to the downtown area as well as the providing of cutting torches and equiptment which may be needed.. he made it sound as if they were actively doing something but i think it was merely an offer as opposed to an act done.
i am sure their pr machine will have a glowing report of their activity in the days ahead.. he also said that brooklyn bethel has provided all po's in us with a sermon outline incorporating this tradgedy in order to give "hope to others".
by FrightMare ina professor is debating with one of his students, a christian: .
professor: "let me explain the problem science has with jesus christ.
" the atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand.
Eye for Eye, Life for Life????
by Cassiline inin light of the recent events, and all the different viewpoints of the members of this forum.
i would like to ask what are your thoughts of exodus 21:23,24?
just would like to know what your views of these scriptures are?.
The WTS Almost Cost Me My Life
by VoodooChild inin may of 1999 i attempted suicide by over dosing on medication.
i thank goddess & god every day that i didn't succeed.
at that time i was a member of the jehovah's witnesses cult.
A Sincere Question
by FrightMare inas some of you may easily tell, i enjoy abusing others and rousing debate and anger.
however, just for a moment, i'd like to stop that trolling so that i may reach an answer to a question that has been running through my mind ever since i encountered this board over a month ago.
i would like to know why the participants on this board waste so much time and energy talking about jehovah's witnesses.. i have studied with the witnesses at one time, and of course, didn't agree with their doctrines.
Poetry as Therapy / A million falling tears
by jonjonsimons inas i sit on the stoop and watch the evening arrive,.
my thoughts wander back to another place and time.. when a candle in a window was a sign of hope and cheer,.
not a symbol to remind me of a million falling tears.. i watch the news reports, i hear the newsman speak,.
Our American Flag
by Vienna indoesn't it feel good to not be a jw at this point in history?
through the fear of the last few days, i do have comfort from scripture about my eternal salvation through jesus (as a witness you never felt secure with god--don't miss a meeting or field service for long or you're out), but also because my husband and i can display our american flag on our cars and in front of our house to support our country!.
as americans, we will not stand for terrorism and i'm proud to be in this country.
Even MORE Watchtower Spiritual SMUT
by Tallyman ini want to caution the parents to shield the little kiddies as i keep.
posting this watchtower pornography, because this stuff is x-rated.
and the eyes of a child should stay innocent for as long as possible.. here it is:.
Christian Nutheads
by FrightMare init's comforting to know that our religious nuts are taking a positive spin .
virginia beach, va. -- religious broadcaster pat robertson said tuesday's terror attacks occurred because americans have insulted god and lost the protection of heaven.. "we have imagined ourselves invulnerable and have been consumed by the pursuit of ... health, wealth, material pleasures and sexuality," robertson wrote in a three-page statement issued thursday by his christian broadcasting network.. "it (terrorism) is happening because god almighty is lifting his protection from us," said robertson.. you christians sure have some wonderful leaders!
The Bible Code ???
by Celtic ini guess we were all brought up on perfection theories quite a bit.. anyone here know anything about the bible code, the torah and among other things, cryptology, frequential analysis and mathematical analysis?.
cos if so, theres a few things on my mind concerning recent events that i would like to converse with in more depth.. why did i ever ask why?.
words fail me in light of recent events how to tail off this request, my expression though, is one of warmth, encouragement and compassion to everyone whatever nationality and wherever you are on this beautiful, crazy planet.. and thanks onen hag oll (one and all) for assisting me in coming to more of an understanding of myself and the reassurance and knowledge that i wasn't totally alone.. so many questions...