You're behind the times with this one. The warning was given on JWD in '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '07.
One word: Search
dangerous chemical dihydrogen monoxide now found in every river, lake, and ocean on the planet.
it was only a matter of time..
You're behind the times with this one. The warning was given on JWD in '01, '02, '03, '04, '05, '07.
One word: Search
dont just list one, list them all so we can laugh because in all honesty i can't believe we believed some of them.
for example, i was told annie lennox stopped a concert to ask if there was any jw's in the audience, and if there was could they leave as they were stopping the demons getting this even remotely true?
did annie lennox ask the jw's in the audience to move because they were stopping the snack lady getting through...and it got twisted through chinese whispers.... the other day (i felt sick) one witness was banging on about how amazing it was that the watchtower society's building was the only one standing stepdad responded with a 'wow thats amazing' and the first brother was like 'yeah i know'...grrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaah screaaaaaaaaam .
A man with OCD was so depressed he tried to kill himself by putting a shotgun in his mouth and pulling the trigger. The man survived and cured his OCD. Used as an example to say "just coz so-and-so tried this or that, doesn't mean everyone should". Have they seen what damage a shotgun at point blank range does to someone.
This one's true:'s%20Health
Once upon a time a brother I once knew accidentally left his Bible on a bus bench after "street witnessing". He went back to look for it but it was gone. Several months later, *his* brother delivered a talk at a Circuit Assembly. After the session ended a stranger walked up to that brother and asked if he was related to "So-and-So". He answered yes, that the man was his brother. The stranger pulled out a Bible and asked if he would return it to his brother. He found it on a bus bench and, yes, was now "in the truth". I knew both brothers involved, both tell the same story. Oddly, they have never named the person who found the Bible!
i prayed before i came on here.
i know that it weird.
i have been reading here for a long time.
"I hold some privileges"
Which "privileges" do you hold? The one that graciously allows you to spend hours away from your family "shepherding the flock"? The one that requires you to spend more time (and money!) away delivering scripted propaganda? Or perhaps it's the one where you take time off your paid employment and act like a construction worker putting up buildings that you must also pay for but will never own? Or is it the one that filled all our hearts with gladness, the most excellent privelege of lawn care and toilet swabbing one Saturday a month while at the same time juggling field service hours, child care and home responsiblities? You were saying something about being in so long you only know one way of thinking? Time to stop thinking WT is doing you the favor here!
Do they have "the truth"? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? No. Some good points? Yes...but they squeeze all the joy and benefit out of it by loading on the man made rules and regulations. If it could be as Jesus told the people 'do as they say but not as they do' it might be OK, but you can't; it's their way or the highway.
Get ready for the ride of your life! Getting out the door is difficult but once you're on the road the weather's fine and the view is fantastic!
i go back and forth everyday.
one day i'm like, "suppress your gay feelings and what you think is wrong about this organization and keep going forward because you want eternal life and all of your friends are here and it's as close to the truth as it can possibly get so just deal with it.
" others i'm like, "live your life.
You're trapping yourself with your own question. By phrasing it that way you are pre-supposing that God actually has an organization. What if he doesn't? God is organized, sure, but that's different than having an organization.
First figure out if you think God has an organization (on the human level) or not. Second, you can work on whether it's WT or it isn't.
Personally I don't think you'll need Step Two.
words of wisdom at the kingdom hall went something like " don't marry for looks because looks fade.
" what i want to know is if the person you married turns out to be a crabby old miserable so and so how do you cope with ugly personality plus ugly looks.i mean if you marry a looker at least you have enjoyed some vision of delight, if you get stuck with both you are in a double bind.
The C.O. told our congregation "marry someone more spiritual than yourself".
i was driving on some back roads today and seen a large building, the building was about 700 feet square and only 2 cars in a very large parking lot.
the sign in the front said jehovah's witness assembly hall.
the doors were locked and i heard no machine noise inside.
Actually a lot of the work is done offsite by unpaid workers. Making a new Jehovah's Witness can take a long time since the workers usually have other, full-time jobs to support themselves and their families and are often reluctant to become involved in the required process.
What you saw is actually a testing facility. They fire it up most weekends.
If you do investigate further exercise extreme caution; in a place like that there is always a danger that you will be sucked in.
i know that dubs think that apostasy set in quickly in the early church, but i am not certain how early the think that it set in.
do they think that it was in the apostolic fathers, directly after them, legalization of christianity, etc.
I have never seen anything in any of their publications that puts in kind of certainty as to when the apostasy fully took hold.
According to JW's there have always been members of the Annointed on the there were always at least a few faithful Christians, those with correct understandings.
i need written proof in their own publications ..
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
I wonder if Truth In Advertising might be at issue here. That was their slogan for such a long time ("Advertise, advertise, advertise...").
The cigarette companies finally had to pay...
i was thinking rather humorously how to keep part mother earths brains the "internet" from being clogged with useless or misleading information that might cause moma to respond poorly,, kinda like our brains when they get chuck full of crap and we start hurting ourselve because we got a bad or faulty program running inside our mind.. so i was thinking of simons effort to stop this type of faulty useless information cluter in the space he has dedicated for jwd.
and i was thinking it might even be a good idea for a vote that goes like this:.
if you post something political and it is propaganda of a very biaed kind and a couple of member posters flag you on it and if it gets over a certain a certain amount you get an award or blue ribbon on you avatar saying you are in the lead and hold that award till someone passes you out and the ribbon get passes on to them,, and the mods can use this as a gage as to when to errase a post so as not to clog up mother earths brains with garbage..
And what are the mods going to do when the board owner holds the award?
i have been fading for years now and attend meetings very rarely these days.
but something happened recently to make me think about going regularly again.
a couple have returned to my congregation who used to be special pioneers here twenty years ago.
I think you're in mourning. There's a stage of mourning where the only things that are remembered are good; the happy moments, the love, the caring, all the things that you mentioned concerning that JW couple.
The reality is that even if such memories are based in fact, they're just that, memories. The reality is something much more harsh. Your desire for peace and calm must be balanced against all the disturbing elements in the WT world which you know well.
Ever watch a sci-fi or fantasy show where a person has a chance to go back in time or into another dimension where they can be with someone or something that they once loved? Some go for it, some don't. The ones who try to re-live their past can only succeed if they remain focused on just that one feature of their life and times, nothing else can exist for them. Do you have an ability like that; to block out literally everything else except the slender thread of beautiful memory connecting you to these people and to the org? Do you have the ability to sustain yourself indefinitely in what amounts to an artificial existence? Are you willing to let go of anything else to which you may have formed an attachment in order to live in an imaginary world?
Mourn, but don't lose yourself in mourning. Let the pleasant memories have a place in your heart but live in the present, stay rooted in reality.