He returned invisibly. Soon he will return and the whole world will see him (or something like that)
In reality the memorial is a mind programming tool to emphasize to the rank and file that a small number of the elite are running the show.
why do jws have the memorial anyways?
they preach that jesus said , do this until i return.
the jws say he returned in 1914, so what gives here anyway?
He returned invisibly. Soon he will return and the whole world will see him (or something like that)
In reality the memorial is a mind programming tool to emphasize to the rank and file that a small number of the elite are running the show.
i'm relaying this story to show all of you how disfellowshipping can be made to backfire on the .
i have only changed nonessential details to protect anonimity of those involved.. .
Excellent story, maybe they will change this policy if they realise it would suit their agenda. Making enemies intent on destroying you is not good for business.
now that you're mentally out of the religion, do you have an expressed goal regarding the witnesses?
do you want to expose the religion for the fraud that it is (like i do)?.
do you want to set up a ministry devoted toward the destruction of everything watchtower?.
I see some longtime posters here that regularly contribute helpful info for struggling exjws. I don't think one must "forget" the past in order to move on positively.
Good point.
now that you're mentally out of the religion, do you have an expressed goal regarding the witnesses?
do you want to expose the religion for the fraud that it is (like i do)?.
do you want to set up a ministry devoted toward the destruction of everything watchtower?.
At the moment I want to help as many people as I can to get out and try to counter some of the destructive impact the WT has had on the people I know. This actually helps in my own healing.
Going forward, one day I hope to be able to forget all about the WT. Not very likely as my wife's family are all witnesses.
However I don't think it is healthy to obsess too much about them, everyone needs to move on at some point, wanting vengence and trying to destroy the WT for years on end has to be bad for your pysche and can be self destructive as we have recently seen.
i just cant understand why the watchtower still holds to this convention from 1933, that millions now living will never die.my nan was born in 1925 and shes in her late 80s.so who was the watchtower refering to when they said that they would never die.it coudnt have been people who were middle aged back then or older.and i cant believe they were just talking to people between the ages of 7-20 or so either that wouldnt fit the " millions " hype.yet its still refered to today in meetings and in the revelation book as a very important event.
No silly, didn't you hear it's ... Millions Now Living May Never Die.
i wanted to research more on cults and the mind control techniques they use.
if i had any doubts (which i haven't) that the wt uses these highly sophicated techniques, then i certainly wouldn't now!!!!!!.
as we have had a thread asking why people don't leave the wt when they know that it has major flaws, i thought it would be beneficial to explore how powerful these methods of control are.
When it comes to cults, the Watchower ticks every box and then some. My own research in to this and the subliminal images in the literature has led me to believe it is deeply satanic. To be honest it gives me the creeps. I won't have any literature in the house now.
Love the poem. I think the writing is on the wall for them but it will be a slow bleed rather than a dramatic blow out.
to make friends since you're out of the organization?
maybe these things take time.
it's hard to establish new friendships when ones i had for years floated away in an instant.
4digit, it can be very lonely. My wife and I are in the same boat, she has been a witness all her life and all her family are witnesses. We are also moving away to a new town so we don't have to keep seeing and being seen all the time. Its like starting all over again.
We'll both be at the London get together, hope to see you there.
Regards David.
heading to the apostafest this weekend, we have made a deal with our friends to look after our kids.
given that they already have 3 children, adding 3 more could be stressful so we thought we would ask my parents if they wanted to take one overnight.
bobbi mentioned that she hadn't really heard much from my mom and suspected something was up.
Para, I admire you're clarity and determination. Please keep us up to date on how the meeting went.
my babe (wife's approved nickname) finally vented today because it was her birthday, which we couldn't acknowledge, and she feels really emotional that she never had a chance at a real career, may have wasted her life, etc.... she may be coming around a bit but now this is really uncharted territory!.
ironically i'm getting through to her but it's scaring the bajeebers out of me now!
Hang in there, it can be a bumpy road but its a journey worth taking. My wife was a second generation witness, took me over a year of gentle persuasion and logical reasoning but she got there in the end. Some times the anger can be directed at you for revealing it, once she knows there is no going back, that can be hard to take.
All the best.
i am currently researching a graduate paper about the jehovah's witnesses and the recent "new light" on the application and interpretation of the 1914 "this generation shall not pass away" teaching.. i am particularly interested in hearing from anyone who was active in the watchtower society during the period in which this doctrine was reworked -- specifically the mid-1990s.
i am interested to learn how this change was made known to members; the impact it had on congregations; how much congregational discussion there was about it; the impact on members and membership; if it sowed seeds of doubt in member's mind, etc.. any help anyone can offer is most appreciated.
i may be reached at [email protected].
Hi Rodney and Welcome,
I am interested to learn how this change was made known to members
It was during a 1995 district convention in one of the talks and then in a subsequent watchtower a couple of months later. (This is how 'new light' is sometimes dispensed, other times just through an article in a watchtower.)
how much congregational discussion there was about it
Other than through the official Watchtower study - NONE. To question this is skating on thin ice, it might be discussed in private circles but it would have to be with someone you trust if you don't want to be investigated for apostacy.
the impact on members and membership; if it sowed seeds of doubt in member's mind, etc.
It had an impact on a sizeable minority, because Armageddon was now postponed indefinitely, no fixed time anymore and some felt let down. But most accepted it as new light without thinking too much about it.