Sorry to hear about your loss. I didn't cry when my mother passed away, but we were enstranged at the time. She suffered from mental illness and I was happy that she was no longer unhappy.
Your emotions and tears at the dr. office were normal. I'm glad you didn' t end up in a psyche ward for being human and crying. It sounds like you kept alot in and your response was within the realm of normal. The same thing would happen if a garden hose that's running was kept against the ground. The water will only remain contained so long and then it squirts out all over. On the other hand if it is allowed to flow out without restraint it's manageable.
After trying to stuff emotions for so long it can be hard to identify or name what you are feeling. Are you happy, sad, angry, frustrated, confused? Every emotion is normal, it's what we do with them that can be unhealthy. Try to put words to what your going through and find a trusted confidant to talk to. Take Care.