"People say i'm crazy doin what i'm doin,They give me alsorts of advice to save me from ruin"
John Lennon.
waisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
"People say i'm crazy doin what i'm doin,They give me alsorts of advice to save me from ruin"
John Lennon.
or atleast tweaking it again... apparently there has been rumors of this coming out of bethel.
They can ditch it as fast as they did 1975 when that didn't come true.
the wts is begging poor relatives of mine for money, more money, and more money.
but, the wts has to be awash in money!.
1. does anyone know what the wts has sold?
joe134cd....you havent been to "Rendwick park"? karter.
the wts is begging poor relatives of mine for money, more money, and more money.
but, the wts has to be awash in money!.
1. does anyone know what the wts has sold?
joe134cd.The area around the NZ Bethel has improved somewhat the value was in the land they owned in skyes rd about 20 hecters a big houseing development is planned .there. karter
the wts is begging poor relatives of mine for money, more money, and more money.
but, the wts has to be awash in money!.
1. does anyone know what the wts has sold?
new zealand bethel $52 million thats about $45 million US Dollars. karter
i would love to know where most of our fellow forum members are from.... is there a way to compile a quick list?.
for example, i would love to know how many live near me......
New Zealand.
hey everyone!
i haven't posted here in a while, over a year i think.
just goes to show where i'm at in the recovery stage.
The 1st Amendment gets rite in your way here,There are groups with way more wacky idears the the WTS that operate with the full protection of the 1st IE the "Man boy love assoation"The "KKK" "White supremacy" groups the list goes on and on.
What your asking a court to rule is "Were does the 1st amendment run out"??
In my opinion it dosen't run out as far a shunning goes,Many groups like the "Free masons" and other religous groups have the same rules as the J.W's
The J.w's woul'd argue (and they are rite in IMHO) that you were read the rule book before you became one so you knew what you were getting into.
Ask he if she woul'd like a free home bible study.
here in nc it's snowing, about 6" so far.
haven't had so much snow and ice in a long time as we have so far this winter.. ken p..
Warm and sunny here in New Zealand.
hello my fellow "apostates".
just wanted to say hi.
i'm still in the borg but mentally out.
Welcome look foward to hearing more from you.