R.I.P Roger Moore one of the best Bonds ever.
R.I.P Roger Moore one of the best Bonds ever.
anybody want to guess?
for some years the office for national statistics tried to hide the answer by counting different spellings as different names.
it no longer matters.
Enoch Powell....nuff said.
with the "generation change" and them changing it all the time it would make sence to dump it all togeather.. lets face it ,it can be disproved easly.. they dumped 1975 in a heart beat .. this would buy them all the time they wanted as they would just find another date to start the generation from ie: "the u.n year of peace and sercurty'',1986 i belive or whatever else they could think of.. they could sell it to the r&f as easly as they sold 1975,then dumped it when it did'nt happen .. anyone questioning them would be told they are running ahead of jehovah or lacking faith in his earthly org that feeds us food at the proper time .. what do you think?.
In lite of the 1975 video i think 1914 is up for being removed over time.
with the a.r.c.,closing bethles,selling off k.h's.publisher numbers at best stagnating,court case's going against them.. i give a 3 out of 10.. karter.
With the A.R.C.,Closing Bethles,Selling off K.H's.Publisher numbers at best stagnating,Court case's going against them.
I give a 3 out of 10.
behind closed doors my dad, an elder, was so emotionally abusive that as a child i once got out of bed to get a knife from the kitchen so i could stop the abuse once and for all.
i cried, and didn't go through with it.. behind closed doors, my next door neighbors, the family that "brought us into the truth" was yelling and screaming constantly.
he hit her once while we kids played out back.
Behind clased doors a guy rapes his 14 year old sister.(he was married at the time and still is)
It was kept behind closed doors becouse their family got mentioned in the year book that year.
He's now an Elder worthy of double honer.
Behind closed doors they think we have problems.
this is obviously a question for the older generation.
i'm really curious what it was like to be a witness in the 60's and 70's?.
was the society as strict as it is today?.
Pre 75 it was the end is coming in 1975 so do all you can sell your house and whatever else you can and get out preaching.
I think they were more strict then some congro's had a no jeans policy at social functions and other stupid man made rules.
everybody here right now is busy "battening down the hatches" as they wait for the approach of a tropical cyclone.
a state of emergency has been declared in the district - the second one in as many weeks.
(the floodwaters from the tropical cyclone that hit just last week have still not drained away).. so far, the biggest hazard looks like it will be the storm surges from the ocean, and people living in some exposed coastal areas have already been evacuated.
I'm north of you and raining heavily,Cyclone ment to make landfall in a few hours.
Stay safe mate.
just reading a posting about relive a day for one year of your live... .
getting older, i am so sad thinking about years ago and missing my family members.
am i the only one believing they would never die?.
Every day i read the obituary as long as my name is not in there i consider this to be a good day.
wt has made a number of references to this alleged quote by j. paul getty:.
“money doesn’t necessarily have any connection with happiness.
nothing in my wt life brought more stress and anxiety than not having enough money.. this quote makes far more sense:.
Ive been poor and happy and rich and happy......i know which one i prefer.
yesterday, visited the hall for family reasons.. wt was about elder positions, educate younger brothers, delegate your work etc.
the usual story about the body of elders, give younger people a change and don't get atached to your position.
what was evident: 90 percent of the answers came from the sisters.. the elders looked like the house cat just eaten tweety.. never heared so much theory and knowing it will be fully ignored.. why make it a 45 minute issue for every tom, dick and harry?.
With 70% of young ones leaving the pool to pick from is at best limited.
They just keep lowering the bar to get appointed.