What I drink depends on why I'm drinking. When I'm in pain, physical or emotional, I'll drink to knock myself out: no, not to pass out, but just enough to get drowsy and go to bed and stop thinking. Rum, decent scotch, or even vodka will serve, as long as it's on sale and doesn't come in a damn plastic bottle!
When I'm celebrating, being social, or just having fun with the flavors, I'm more likely to enjoy wine (Merlot lately). And I like white zinfandel, dammit! I'm beginning to like beers too; I think it's Pyramid that makes a line of wheat beers with some fruit in them. They're not sweet at all; the fruit comes through only in the aftertaste. It's far better than it sounds.
Oh, and Wyler's Peach Cider, with pecan pie. And, at Christmastime, eggnog (even store eggnog), but only if thoroughly spiked.
Gently (hic) Feral
"There were cockroaches of course,
but very clean cockroaches."
-- Julia Vinograd