In Watchtower 15th April, 1992 p. 26 you find a Report by Hermann Laube who tells his story about his JW life in the German Democratic Republic. He was something like a CO back then. He is also mentioned in the Yearbook 1999. After the Berlin wall fell he became part of the leading. But today it is known that he cooperated with the Secret Service of the GDR, his undercover name was "Hans Voss".
JoinedPosts by GermanXJW
Secret agents in the society?
by sleepy ini've just mentioned on another thread how in russia secret agents managed to get into high postions of authority in the society there in order to keep a watch on what they were doing.. i believe this has happened in other countries to.. so how about this, do the british and american goverments have infiltraitors in the society to keep a watch on them?.
it seems an obvious thing to do if you are in power, you somehow need to keep track of what fringe groups are doing.. could they even be high up in the org if they are there?.
there was an article in one of the newspapers this week that claimed over 1000 organisations in britian are involved in secret obsevations of individuals and groups for various reasons.. it seems possible that they would want to keep tabs on groups like the witnesses.. what do you think?
McDonalds Prohibited?
by DakotaRed ingiven how the org went after tobacco in the late sixties, resulting in it's total prohibition in the early seventies, based on the health communities claims of how bad it was destroying the body (a claim not disputed by me) and how they made it a disfellowshipping offense to smoke, chew or otherwise use tobacco, i wonder if they will now ban eating at mcdonalds?.
there is a group out there of health professionals (or claimed) that wish to heavily tax mcdonalds and other so called junk food places.
the taxes would be used to treat all the millions of people who are afflicted with the dreaded disease of obesity and to combat the rising costs of treating these poor misguided individuals that have been led astray, thinking they were getting healthy food at the loacl greasy pits.. will the elders start smelling everyone's breath upon entry to the kingdom halls for tell tale signs of mustard and pickles?
When the Bethel extension in Germany was inaugurated a talk was given by Dan Sydlik condeming fast food.
Many in the audience were disappointed. They had brought their students with them to hear about the deep things and he talked about fast food and health.
Reprints of Pastor Russell Quotes
by moneypenny ini have just been reading some previous threads about russells quotes.. it is possible to get hold of reprints of all six of russells studies in the scriptures.
1. the divine plan of the ages.
2. the time is at hand.
In German you get them from The Dawn:
Tagesanbruch Bibelstudien-Vereinigung
Postfach 252
67253 Freinsheim -
NGO-letters mentioned at German KMS!
by GermanXJW inat one of the kingdom ministry schools that took place in the city of gelsenkirchen in germany, richard kelsey of the german branch comitee mentioned the letter campaign conducted by participants of the german forum
as mentioned on jwd the participants collected adresses of elders and kh and sent letters just before the kms.
now kelsey mentioned during the announcements that some may have received a letter.
At one of the Kingdom Ministry Schools that took place in the city of Gelsenkirchen in Germany, Richard Kelsey of the German branch comitee mentioned the letter campaign conducted by participants of the German forum
As mentioned on JWD the participants collected adresses of elders and KH and sent letters just before the KMS.
Now Kelsey mentioned during the announcements that some may have received a letter. The reaction of the audience showed that there were many that knew about the letter. Kelsey explained that the letter was about NGO and claimed the Society was a member of the UNO. He states that the Society was an "observer" at the UNO but has quit. He says that "they have written a very nice letter and we believe the GB".
Kelsey said that the elders will get a letter soon about NGO. And they should destroy the letter they received.
There were no known of discussions about it in the breaks. They seem to swallow the Society's explaination.
by OhHappyDay inhawkaw/kent/dogpatch/zev...please make this known!!
And this is how it has been done: on German board a current elder told that he would attend the Kingdom Ministry School,soon. He encouraged to picket this meeting to inform about the WT-UN connection. The idea of picketing was dropped. But soon a new idea was born. The board collected adresses of current elders and Kingdom Halls in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. A German speaking member from Spain suggested to send the letters. The board collected adresses and - money.
And on the campaing went. Hundreds of Elders and Kingdom Halls got a letter explaining the UN connection - and this just before the Kingdom Ministry School.
At the same time there are press releases telling the public about dissidents among JW, about the letter and about the KMS.
There are first reports from elders attending the School on the board that tell that the letters are a major topic among the elders.
Next, week-end there will be more KMS.
A good example what can be achieved.
How many JW's in the nazi camps?
by Norm in* some were arrested many times.
1950: 1,000 witnesses executed 1,000 died in prison and concentration camps:.
another 1,000 of jehovahs witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps.
Nowhere does Norm say or suggest that they knew from the beginning or at any early point what the right numbers were.
What he did he say - and prove - was that the Watchtower recklessly and VERY repeatedly uttered figures as being authoritative which were then seen to be materially wrong, and it deceitfully quoted at least one source that itself was only quoting previous Watchtower mispeculation..
But it is SO MUCH more convenient for you to argue against some strawman that you wish Norm had written, instead of what he did write -- isn't it? We do understand Theocratic War Strategy rather well, You Know.
I referred to Norm:
As we can see, the Watchtower did have accurate figures. The Watchtower leaders have always been “control freaks”, and “Judge” Rutherford was not less so than the later leaders.
Maybe, I misunderstood him because English is not my mother mother tongue.
But you got me right in this: they did not care about the figures before 1990.
I have some problems with your ad hominem attacks on my person including ridiculing my position. Must have been a hard time for you as a JW, surpressing all this aggression - or were you an Elder? ;-)
I think you are mentally a step far out of it when you don't get aggressive when discussing it.
There is some work to do for all of us.
Circuit leasing is expanding
by DazedAndConfused ini don't have time to look up a post that showed that the society has a circuit leasing here we go.
i looked up circuit leasing in my program "copernic" (ah what a wonderful thing) and i came up with a page that shows that not only are they in grand rapids, mi but they are also in 4 other states.
I looked up Circuit Leasing in my program "Copernic" (ah what a wonderful thing) and I came up with a page that shows that not only are they in Grand Rapids, MI but they are also in 4 other states. The URL for this is:
Is it by chance that at each delivery point outside MI there is a big WT facility (Patterson & Assembly Halls)?
How many JW's in the nazi camps?
by Norm in* some were arrested many times.
1950: 1,000 witnesses executed 1,000 died in prison and concentration camps:.
another 1,000 of jehovahs witnesses died in prisons and concentration camps.
My problem is that you cut'n'paste this article every three months or so: "in 1950 they gave that figure, in 1970 they gave that figure and in 2002 they give this figure: and look they differ. I'm sure they knew from the beginning the right numbers"
And I continue: No, they did not. They did not care after WWII because they did not see a benefit. When historians mentioned it, okay they quoted it as an "encouraging" article.
My point is that the WTS did not really care about the figures before the 1990s.
ballistic, do you think many here remember Paul Hardcastle?
The German branch did a survey in 1994 but only published a chart in a brochure without exact figures.