Godd question, I often poder in a similar way. I think gid put us here to do what we wish, Honestly I think he doesn't care, or maybe he lets things like thi happen to remind us that we are a bunch of morons sometimes. I just try to do my thing and not bother anyone else, If i see a wrong, I try to right it. I also try to keep an open mind to everything.
JoinedPosts by giantjason
Does God Really Care?
by Undecided ini'm wondering about god lately.
is he really in touch with the earth at all?
how much trouble would it be for him to bring a rain in colorado to stop the fires and save the houses of those people?
by bay64me in.
question for ex jws.......what do you really enjoy doing, now that you have the freedom to do it?
My wife goes nutz at christmas......She loves it. especially with the kids now, I think she gets more into it than I do now!! Also birthdays, and all the other fun holidays. Our Son was alittle devil for his first halloween, I couldn't believe she let me do that. I posted the pictures on the web that I KNOW her JW family constantly checks.....I love harmlessly jabbing them once in awhile.
Why Ex-JWs Will Never Go From Door to Door
by comforter injehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
You mentioned you do not fraternize or hobnob with outed bretheren?? What the hell are you doing right now?
Pledge of Allegiance
by giantjason ina bill by sen. william ``pete'' knight would require that all california schoolchildren say the pledge of allegiance daily.
under sb 1248, public school teachers would have to lead students in saying the pledge at the beginning of each school day.
this is very interesting, although i seriously doubt it would pass.
A bill by Sen. William ``Pete'' Knight would require that all California schoolchildren say the Pledge of Allegiance daily. Under SB 1248, public school teachers would have to lead students in saying the pledge at the beginning of each school day.
This is very interesting, Although I seriously doubt it would pass. I do not support it. What would happen if it did? What would JW's do in this situation? Pull thier kids out of school? I have often wondered as well, why don't JW's start their own JW schools? It makes more sense to completely shelter children form the "worldies"?
What do you guys think?
Surviving the Hearing to DF Me.
by Sentinel ini must say that reading all these posts have really brought back so many memories for me.
i had a terrible experience at my hearing, which i believe now, really bordered on sexual abuse of the mental kind.. our congregation was small.
this was difficult for the few young people that attended.
Sentinel, My wife has actually been DF'd twice, once before I knew her and the 2nd time was after we moved in together. I think the first time was for smoking.drinking and they found out she was sleeping with her boyfriend. She told me that they did the same thing, "did he penetrate?" ,"Did you enjoy it" Positions, etc. As a fatther....If anyone ever subjected my daughter to that ,I would probably end up in jail for assault. How her father Who was an elder at one point allowed this I will never know. Anyhow, she went back and begged for mercy and was reinstated a year or so later. I willnever forget the day they came to our house to df her. They had been hunting her for awhile. We would see them waiting for us at our house and she would freak out and make me leave. In my younger days I wa a bit of a Psycho. I just wanted to walk up to them and beat them(I now know that would have been wrong... >=) ). ANyhow one morning I woke up and heard my wife crying and I heard men in my house, I was a bit hungover from the night before so I was not in the greatest of moods. At the time I had long hair almost to my butt, a very long goatee(it was a grunge thing gimme a break) Many times I was told I loked like the devil himself. I listened for a second and figured out what was going on. My wife was sobbing and these bastards were reading her the riot act and showing know sympathy whatsoever. I lit up a ciggarette walked out with no shirt and said "What the F*ck is going on here, and who the f*ck are these mother f'rs!!" I watched both guys about piss themselves. My wife choked out the words "they are disfellowshipping me". I looked at tehm and asked them "I hope you are finshes because you have 2 seconds to get the f*ck out of my house you peice of sh*t". They quickly grabbed their things and left. We knew it was coming but it still pissed me off that they would come to my house and pull that. How would they feel if I walked into a meeting packed full of people and told them all how stupid they are?? Sorry you had to go through that Sentinel. And I was a very young rebellious boy back then, I now handle things differently, I still thinks it's funny though.
I did something really stupid.... :(
by Eppie inhey,.
ok, i need all the advice i can get...... last week i told my sister (she is jw, as is my entire family) that i did something stupid.
i had just broken up with my boyfriend because he was cheating on me.... and in some kind of drunk-revenge-mood i slept with his best friend..... .
If you feel that you are not a JW anymore than absolutely do not go to the elders. You owe them NOTHING. If your sister tells then she tells there is nothing you can do about it. You do not have to submit anything to thier investigation period. Was there 2 wintesses to this act? If not by jw rules they can't do anythign about it. But we all know that if they want you out you will be out. You know you made a mistake, Make peace with yourself, you don't owe anything to anyone else but yourself.
non-jw family might hire jw nanny--r we crazy?
by fred inwe are a non-jw family with 2 kids under 5 thinking about hiring a jw live in nanny.
she is in her 30's, active jw.
we all have talked about mutual respect for each others religions, and all agreed to a hands off policy.
It's very simple, Jehova's rules and laws come before all alse. If she is a strict Jehova there is no way the religion will not become a factor. I have nothing against anyone in any religion until they give me reason. Although I seriuosly doubt I would hire a jw to care for my children, BUT if you feel that this woman would be the best thing for your children and you trust her that she will not bring the religion home then by al means do what is best for your kids.
devil in church
by carolbell ini was watching my daughters children last year.
thy were going to vacation bible school.
my son who is a j.w.
Heh, Sentinel
Once again I am reminded of some of the things I went through. About 2 years after My wife and I got together(and very soon after her DF). A very close cousin of mine was murdered. My family are all catholics so of couse they had mass in the big church etc. My wife didn't want to go in...I got pissed and basically guilted her in to going in. She was very uncomfortable and as soon as the mass was over she ran out of there. At the time I didn't understand. I feel the same as you now, I don't need anyone to tell me how to love god, my family or myself. It's just not for me. My wife is still torn, she feels the need to be spiritual but doesn't think thats posisble without some sort of"help" form a church or whatever....Man those bastards did a number on her. It makes me so mad because it seems so logical to me. Now(10 8 years later) She doens't have any problem going into a church for funerals, weedings etc. I just remember how weird it was to me when she told me they weren't allowed to go into a church.
Finding out Who you really are
by Sentinel ingood morning everyone,.
i'm very new on here--just "born yesterday", as a matter of fact, but am finding out how wonderful it is to be able to be free to express thoughts and opinions, share ideas, give comfort, and find hope, within "these walls".. i'm going to ask a question, and that is, how long did it take any of you souls out there to find your true self, after leaving jw's?
i was very young when i was first introduced to the studies of jw's.
Thanks for you response. It really give me hope. Luckily for us My mother in law is on the other side of the country so we don't have to see her much. My wife does get stronger every day. But she has a habit of sweeping things under the rug. Kind of out of site out of mind type of thing. The problems only occur when her mother decides to come out for a funeral or a visti with family. My wife tried counseling before and it din't work well, she said the counselrer didn't understand the religion so wasn't real helpfull. Maybe we should go together. All I know is I have no problems standing up for her and I do alot, but there is a fine line, sometimes I get angry and may say things I shouldn't about her family. I have realized over the years that doing that only makes things worse. So recently I have just told her to come to me when she needs me and i will stay out of the mess unless the kids get involved. She is still very frightened of whats going to happen in the end or when she dies. This is what I want to help her with, I just wish she could understand what a crock of SHIT that religion is. Oh well, baby step I guess. You seem like a strong woman who has been through alot. I am glad that you are happy now. My wife is pretty happy most of the time, it comes and goes in phases as I am sure you know.
Thanks again.... This board will be a big help... i hope to have my wife on it soon.</P>
Jason -
Life is Wonderful When Your Free
by bajarama inmy name is brian.
in the past few years i 'm happy to say, "i have gained myself and one of my sisters.
" i was forced to leave behind the rest of my family, friends and a mind control group some call the (please insert profanity of your choice) watchtower.
I married got together with my wife 10 years ago. About 2 years after we moved in together she was DF'd. She has nothing but pain and torment from her mother and father for 10 years. Same situation with them they would stop in when it was conveiniant. I have recently told them they will not see their grandchildren unless they treat their daughter respectfully and without religious retribution. My Wife was born into jw so she still struggles. Luckily two of her sisters are very supportive. Heh One is Openly Gay and her mother chose not to turn her in like she did with my wife, the other is recently divorced and has had a few boyfriends who she "fornicates" with and does not hide these relationships, yet she is still a member. Her parents simply can not get ove rth DF. My wife recently Told her mom that she is no longer welcome to call her and she will never see her grandchildren. This kills me...My wife has lost everything for me but in doing so she has gained a family who loves her for who she is. My parents have accepted her wholeheartedly from the get go and show her more love than her parents ever could, plus we now have 2 beautiful children. I hope my wife can see things the way you do someday, it's very difficult.