ya know I've come up with some pretty crazy concoctions but NOTHING like that. WOE! lol When I was married to my first husband he totally loved chicharron (deep fried pig skin), which is very salty but edible. lol But wow, I've lived down south before and have never heard of the stuff you all are talkin' about.
JoinedPosts by Gryph
Recipes for Pig Tails
by snowbird inwhen i was a child, my mother used to cook pig tails a lot.. she would stew them down in onions, peppers, and other spices.
then she would dust them lightly with flour and brown them in the oven.
they were simply delicious.. i haven't had any for a while now due to blood pressure problems.
Have You Divorced And/Or Remarried- What Did You Learn From It ?
by flipper inin seeing a lot of posters threads , i feel i see many people who have been divorced at one time , and either have remarried or have stayed single .
i totally understand those who choose to stay single, as i was single for 6 years before i got married again !
as experts say, next to death it's one of the hardest experiences you'll go through !
Thanks for the personal comments Flipper. Another thing I've learned... looking back and seeing others posting on their "failed" marriages is simply this... It takes 2 to make the marriage work. You shouldn't fault yourself, granted learn from your mistakes, but don't EVER consider yourself a failure. As Thomas Edison had said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Of course he was referring to his incandescent light bulb, but it's the same principle. As soon as you allow yourself to be beaten into thinking YOU are the failure you've failed yourself.
lol I wish I had a pic to post, but they were stored on an old computer. Anyway, I had my brother SHAVE my head! It was awesome and very possibly the most liberating thing I've ever done. My mom didn't talk to me for two weeks. LOL I've since let it grow back out but more because my new husband would have a fit. lol Hell, my dad wouldn't even let my sisters and I get our first hair cut until we were 12 years old.
Have You Divorced And/Or Remarried- What Did You Learn From It ?
by flipper inin seeing a lot of posters threads , i feel i see many people who have been divorced at one time , and either have remarried or have stayed single .
i totally understand those who choose to stay single, as i was single for 6 years before i got married again !
as experts say, next to death it's one of the hardest experiences you'll go through !
married/divorced and remarried... of course my exhusband thinks I want to remarry him now... yeah right! lol Through my divorce I learned I'm much stronger than I gave myself credit for. I knew exactly what I wanted the second time around and laid it all out on the line. Of course, the second time around my son played a big factor in helping me make my decision. If someone could not accept my son as an extension of myself and give him the love and respect he deserved then that man wasn't worth my time. I was only 19 when I married the first time, and having been raised a JW I had myself convinced that it didn't matter who I married I would grow to love that person and with the Bible as our guide we could over come any obstacle. Granted I should have realized the day after the wedding when my first husband tried to strangle me I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. I also should have taken off running. I stuck it out with him for about 2 years, it took another 2 years to finalize the divorce. Another thing I learned was if someone accuses you of cheating, chances are they themselves already have. My husband now was someone I "dated" back in middle school, but obviously being young and him being a Lutheran led to our break up. When we met again he was going through a divorce as well. It really helped that we knew and completely understood where the other one was coming from, other than he and his first wife didn't have any children. We began our relationship based on complete honesty and trust. Neither of us was really looking to remarry, but it was pretty clear to us (and everyone around us) it was simply meant to be. We've now been together for 4 years, married for 2 of them and are expecting our third child (and yes WE include our eldest in that number... because he views my son as being his own).
I got shunned yesterday
by loosie inman i love the feeling of power i get when people run away w/o me doing anything but beiing me.. but now that i think about it.
it's not my power but the power that fear has over them.
dang it i liked my first feeling better.. anywho.. i was in walmart yesterday and i was walking down the main aisle when the p.o.
LOL I got that about a week ago. I was at a local convenience store talking to some of the employees there (I used to work there as well) when I noticed one of the elders from my parents hall. I had already made my purchases and walked over to say hello. LOL It was too damn funny, I had forgotten that I bought cigarettes (I was never baptized an so never Df'd or da'd) but he looked at me, looked at my purchase in my hand and promptly walked out the door.
Southeastern WI (Waukesha, Delafield, Oconomowoc)
by Gryph inanyone from these areas on here?
my parents originated with brookfield, from there went to oconomowoc, until they branched off and created delafield.
i think technically i'm in oconomowoc "territory" but would love to get together with anyone from the surrounding areas.
Anyone from these areas on here? My parents originated with Brookfield, from there went to Oconomowoc, until they branched off and created Delafield. I think technically I'm in Oconomowoc "territory" but would LOVE to get together with anyone from the surrounding areas. Chances are we went to the same conventions.
Non-traditional marriage proposal -- she ask him?
by merfi inyour thoughts?.
(thinking about it...).
Absolutely!! (Traditionally speaking they say the woman is only "allowed" to propose on a leap year on the actual DAY Feb. 29) BUT, I say to hell with tradition! Go for it! I proposed to my second husband, he said yes, I gave him an "engagement/ promise" ring whatever and he later proposed to me, cuz of course he wanted to be the man. lol ;) But yes, totally... go for it. No one says you have to get married tomorrow
I need help telling Mom
by momzcrazy inok guys, i have really come to respect your advice.
now i need some please.. my sister and i left the borg at the same time, coincidentally, for different reasons.
she told mom already, as they are in the same hall.
I wish I could help, but I'm in a similar situation myself. I allowed my mom to believe that an online video my brother watched and then discussed with her, had been sent to him by our brother in law. I couldn't fess up and admit that I had been the one to share it with him. She knows that I haven't gone to meetings for years and that I have NO desire to raise my children that way. But I also know she doesn't realize the damage that it has caused me and my siblings having been raised that way. I don't want her to think that she and my father failed in raising us, because really, we're all doing pretty well over all. Just not part of that organization. I wish there was an easy way, but really, when someone has been in for as long as our parents have been what could we possibly say or do to change that? All those years of brainwashing and conditioning, teaching them exactly what to say and convincing them that they believe what they are saying... it all seems so hopeless. But I know I can't give up hope for them.
3 fastest ways (as read on a different site)
by Gryph inwhat are the three fastest ways to spread news?
What are the three fastest ways to spread news? Telephone Telegraph Tell and Elder's wife