As I told in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39802&site=3
There is an opinion of an expert who argued that the second part of the text is a fraud.
scholar touts oldest link to jesus mon oct 21, 5:11 pm et.
by richard n. ostling, ap religion writer.
As I told in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=39802&site=3
There is an opinion of an expert who argued that the second part of the text is a fraud.
in my country there are one office in the branch who's named service desk.
this service desk is in charge of all the judicial affairs.
this experience happened almost 2 years ago, and is related with child abuse.
Hi Hamp,
Is it possiable the service table new more than it led on to believe?
At last the chief of the Service Desk Branch told that, when they had not more argument to gave us.
As the brother of my congregation told me it was very common that young girls approach him in all ocasion. He's good looking, spiritual, well instructed and wealthy this kind of combination is very uncommon in our country. On the other hand, it appears that he likes the youngs girls in theirs firsts 20's, he was in his 30's. But for me is very common that a man in his 30's likes girls in there's 20's. There was not any other evidence to us, to believe that he was an abuser, he seems to be a very good brother. I also heard a rumour that when he was a CO some brothers told that he was involved in a romantic experience with a girl in her 18's who was studing the bible and wanted to be bapticed. As I believed he was removed as a CO because this experience. I believe that this last conduct is wrong, but I think that this point is very different to be a criminal abuser.
On the other hand, I believe that he didn't lie to me and the others elders, and as I told, one of the elders who was of the Branch Comitte of our country told us that he believes that there's some sort of envy against him in the Brach Service Desk.
The main point is that the Branch Service Desk gave us an order without any more information. They order us to sign a paper as we, the elder of my congregation had decided that judgement with the evidence at ours hand.
Edited by - Ginosko on 10 November 2002 20:58:59
Edited by - Ginosko on 10 November 2002 21:7:13
Edited by - Ginosko on 10 November 2002 21:10:40
Edited by - Ginosko on 11 November 2002 18:55:20
in my country there are one office in the branch who's named service desk.
this service desk is in charge of all the judicial affairs.
this experience happened almost 2 years ago, and is related with child abuse.
In my country there are one office in the Branch who's named Service Desk. This Service Desk is in charge of all the judicial affairs.
This experience happened almost 2 years ago, and is related with child abuse.
It happened that the elders committe of my congregation submited a recomendation for elder nominate of one brother, but the Service Desk didn't agree with us in 2 CO visit opportunities. In the third visit of the CO we get an order from the Service Desk not to ask again for this recomendation, and they order us to put a note in the file of this brother because of a child abuse experience.
They told us that when this brother was 18 years had an assign in one city and that in this assignment he had a love experience with a girl of 15 years, and recently almost 12 years after, she made a claim about that. The love experience involve kisses and hugs not any more, and the girl taked the first step.
The elders of my congregation assigned me to make a research and finally they asked me to write a letter to the Service Desk with a position against their order.
Our position was that she was not a child, because she was 15 years old. We sustains this position because all the laws in Latin Amrecian talked about sex abuse crimes when the child are less that 12 years, and one country talked about 14 years. We point to the experience of Jesus at 12 years as an indication of the Bible about that at this age, the child are in other mindset. We also argued that this was not an abuse experience because she began approaching the brother, she began with the kissed. We also argued that if they insisted in the position that every young man or young girl less that 18 years was to be considered a child in this kind of child abuse crime, then maybe almost all of the elders and publishers of Peru might be child abused criminals, because in the Latin American countries is common that the love experiences began and this age, and also at 14 years for most of the girls.
Our research also told us that in the following years this girl was constantly following this brother from city by city and that he refused to continue with this experiences, and also and elder of our congregation who is member of the Country Branch, told us that he believes that this brother was being accused by the Service Desk because of some sort of envy.
Another elder and me were assigned to talk with elders of the Service Desk in one acasion, and this elder of the Branch asked me for all my research, he was very interested in the legal appers. In a second opportunity, in this case with the chief of the Service Desk of all the country, we had and ugly experienced because we got a point in which he threat us to be removed because we don't want to follow his orders, he said that he had more information that he can gave us. I replied that I need to obey my trained concience in this topic, and that he don't gave us this more information, for me will be a sin if I follow his order without a clear biblical reason. At last he told us that he will take the responsability, that he will put the note in the files of the brother because we don't want to do it.
As I told in another thread, I had been DA by this same Service Desk because of my position in the WT-ONU affairs, against my will, I told that I didn't want to be DA. I believe that in some degree this judgement was taked because of my position regarding this topic. They are more history about this point, maybe I told you in another thread.
What do you think about this experience ? I believe that there's a lot of topics to talk about.
Was me and the elders of my congregation right or the Branch Service Desk was right ? ... maybe we both are.
Thanks for your comments.
Edited by - Ginosko on 10 November 2002 20:42:43
Edited by - Ginosko on 11 November 2002 18:53:48
please forgive me if this goes to the wrong forum.
it's the first time i've posted anything on the internet.
i must commend you on the time and research you all have done on this subject.
Welcome Derrick,
As I read you realice the problem with the JW because the UN-WT affair as me, and also that you actually are a JW. What are your plans in the next future regarding your position as a JW ?
Best Regards.
Edited by - Ginosko on 9 November 2002 15:24:41
as a business consultant, in some opportunities i found articles that in my opinion apply to the wt.
it covers, between others, the topic about why some measurements programs in the business may fail.
the reason that in my opinion may apply to the wt is the use of: indicators that motivated wrong behavior.
As a business consultant, in some opportunities I found articles that in my opinion apply to the WT. I think that the following may be one. It covers, between others, the topic about why some measurements programs in the business may fail. The reason that in my opinion may apply to the WT is the use of: Indicators that motivated wrong behavior.
As we all know the JWs needs to report theirs service hours and the headquarters consolidate all the information to report the grow of the organization. For me to have this only kind of metric to be measured in a Christian organization is dead wrong because its not balanced, it promotes a bad attitude to see only the hours in service, the books printed, and the grow in mumbers in all the world. In others words it control the quantity, but not the grow in love to the brotherhood, neither grow in love to God, or the grow in Christian maturity of the brotherhood. In this scenary in my opinion is better not to measured anything.
Of course there are more importants reasons because the WT are wrong. Maybe you have your personal opinions about why it happened that people that believes in God and that are in others way good individuals may be so wrong as an organization, I would appreciate your comments, if you include a psicological approch or similarly would be better.
it was not hidden because god didn't want man know it.
it was hidden because it was too awesome a concept for man to comprehend and appreciate until now this is a significant time in human history as man is about to reach his adult stage as the earthly child of god.
god has provided by way of special inspiration all the object lessons neede for man to being to appreciate this important truth about his life.
Hi Dmouse,
I had an experience of loosing my faith and recovering it.
I'm not prepare yet to make it public in the forum, but if you send me and e-mail I can tell you.
this is a link to one opinion about someone who claims to be an expert about the james ossuary.. i think that is important to be informed about the lastest views about the topic.. we will need more evidence in the near future.. http://www.jewsweek.com/myturn/320.htm
You may also like to see this others links, they may be others evidence of the historicy of Jesus Christ.
this is a link to one opinion about someone who claims to be an expert about the james ossuary.. i think that is important to be informed about the lastest views about the topic.. we will need more evidence in the near future.. http://www.jewsweek.com/myturn/320.htm
Here is a link for others opinions: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/james-bone-box.html
this is a link to one opinion about someone who claims to be an expert about the james ossuary.. i think that is important to be informed about the lastest views about the topic.. we will need more evidence in the near future.. http://www.jewsweek.com/myturn/320.htm
This is a link to one opinion about someone who claims to be an expert about the James ossuary.
I think that is important to be informed about the lastest views about the topic.
We will need more evidence in the near future.
it was the point i decided to become agnostic.
i found my final stumbling block in my search for god.
i asked (myself as well as others): why would god create carnivorous animals before sin?
I refer to John the Baptist, because he had and import role announcing the Messiah.