Hey! "Ya gotta do what ya gotta do."
Save up and come to Oz. You need a holiday man.
Beaches, Babes , Sunshine and getting back to nature. That's living.
my rest was disturbed by a midnight phone call from a goblin who did not stay on the line - ass!
now i look outside at 0130 as i prepare to leave to my job, which is outside in the elements.
it is pouring down rain and the wind is blowing about 35 miles an hour.
Hey! "Ya gotta do what ya gotta do."
Save up and come to Oz. You need a holiday man.
Beaches, Babes , Sunshine and getting back to nature. That's living.
can prisoners be reformed?.
all too often, prison is simply a training ground for more serious crimes.
but read how some inmates have been helped to make genuine changes.. .
He looks like chester the child molester.
have noticed an inevitable trend in australia.
(probably is all over the world).
as a jw u can't have sex before marriage right?
Hi !
Have noticed an inevitable trend in Australia. (probably is all over the world).
As a JW u can't have sex before marriage right? - "u can't test drive the vehicle before buying it".
Well marriage is much more serious than buying a car. So we have heaps and heaps of couples getting married when they are teenagers. i.e 18 - 19yrs of age.
So u can't whack off, u can't have sex, so u marry one of the first girls/guys you really like. My niece just got married 2 weeks ago - she has only just turned 18yrs!
Is that a time when u know yourself? I didn't. Is that a good basis for a marriage?
I hope there is more to it than just sex.
Just had to mention it. If this post sounds incoherent - I've just come off the night shift!
please have a look at the white horse on page 91 of rev climax book(the horse that jesus is riding).
this horse is what a horse should look like.
(don't look at it too long or you may be tempted) now look at the same white horse on page 23 of the feb 15th 2008 wt.
Who cares?
a different congregationthrough all my years as a witness, the times past were not always good.. too many mistakes were being made, brothers not doing what they should.as i look back now, there are times, i can recall,when i didn't look forward to going to the kingdom hall.
the brothers showed no love.
they didn't seem to care.the elders were unyielding, demanding and unfair.meetings were dull and boring.
Oh Mary, i like your style!
I found pills were the only way i could cope with the meetings and witnessing to people who didn't want to be annoyed on the weekends.
ARHHHHH yes. Vallium is very useful for covering up and dampening your true feelings.
A VERY large number of witnesses here in Australia are on various medications for Anxiety and Depression. The elders get up on the stage and say it is because of " This System of Things". I personally think it is because you never feel good enough, you always feel guilty and you have people telling you how to think, feel and act. The pressure is coming mostly from the "inside".
That poem is a classic example of how anything negative in the org. MUST be your fault. Very healthy thinking...........NOT!!
the last 3 circuit assemblys that i attended the following was announced - " a snake has been sighted in the gardens around our assembley hall.
please keep your children out of the garden areas".
the first time this was announced there were a few gasps from concerned parents.
The last 3 circuit assemblys that i attended the following was announced - " A snake has been sighted in the gardens around our assembley hall. Please keep your children out of the garden areas"
The first time this was announced there were a few gasps from concerned parents. The second time there was less reaction. The third time just sounded rediculous!
I know this is very trivial, but i thought "Why not just say' keep your kids out of the garden areas please Brothers?' "
I knew, and most people knew they were making it up. From an organisation that forbids lying, it's just lame! ......I'll bet a million bucks that next assembly there will be a snake in the garden.
Which reminds me of another announcement that i became sick of hearing ( Usually after Sunday lunch break ) - " We thankyou Brothers and Sisters for your support in paying the costs for use of this wonderful meeting place. However, we still have a deficit of 3-4 thousand dollars. We trust that with your generosity we can cover that cost, ....You may be seated....."
Since i can remember, we have ALWAYS been running at a deficit around Sunday Lunch. Funny that. If the JW's own the hall outright, does it really cost that much to meet there for 2 days? I very much doubt that.
And back to the snake. Who used a snake as part of a lie in the past?
just curious.
open mind.
I'm from Oz and never really questioned it's origin. I was told it was "The Truth" and never questioned it until now.
How's that for gullible!
Americans are our mates so i have no problem with that.
i often wonder about the unwritten rule in kingdom halls that a witness should be in dress clothes and brothers cannot have beards (the beard rule i think is pretty much us-only though).
sure, they won't stop you from coming to a meeting in your work clothes and they might even treat you fine.
but, if you want to go anywhere in the congregation (i.e.
"Worldly Andre" nailed it in one sentence. Good onya mate!
I think if Jesus came back right now and examined the organisation using his Father's name, He would be disgusted as he was with the Scribes and Pharasees. All those thousands of rules that burden the people - rules that come from man not God.
In Australia beards and Goatees are frowned upon and it is very rare to have privileges in the Cong. if you have one.
Afew years ago my brother who is still a JW cut above his lip in an encounter with his surfboard. He could'nt shave because of his injury for a while. During this time he was strongly recommended to shave off his mowe. As a MS he was'nt allowed to give a talk until he was cleanly shaven! In Australia if a young man decides to grow facial hair it is seen as a sign of rebellion. Simple as that.
have only been out of the organisation for 2 months and the wounds still run deep.
particularly hard is the fact that my wife and 8 yr old son are now divided in our beliefs.
we cannot go out as a family with our old friends like we use to.
Thanku all for your advice and personal experiences, these are much appreciated.
Yes it is something that i must decide upon and then do it "all the way". I feel that she is putting her religion above our relationship. I can understand this because from a young age we were taught to "Put Jehovah first". Unfortunatlely, this means whatever the GB writes in the Watchtower is taken as undeniable Truth. If the Elders advised her to leave me, she would.
I have decided that for the sake of my own sanity, i will not go back. However, i will try to be a good husband as best i can without making things more difficult for her. This is a fine line. If it does'nt work then so be it - i will know whether she loves me for who i am.
It is very important in this life to be yourself.To be anything else is unhealthy.
My son will get to see both sides of the coin ( An opportunity i didn't have). He is a smart little tiger and is quite capable of making his own decisions as he gets older. I will make sure he has a balanced upbringing.
To all you guys and gals overseas - If you are ever visiting Australia, send me a message and we will meet in person. I will show you the sights and we can sit down over a cold beer and relate our experiences.
have only been out of the organisation for 2 months and the wounds still run deep.
particularly hard is the fact that my wife and 8 yr old son are now divided in our beliefs.
we cannot go out as a family with our old friends like we use to.
No not Adultery. For Smoking 6 cigarettes a day.( Not around my wife either - because she hates it)
Last week i had no cigs and was going well at quitting.Then one remark from her "If you could do it now, why couldn't u give up when the elders told you to?"
So that night- i thought F#$% it and bought a pack. So back to square one. Will not smoke around her or my son though.