I was a teenager visiting a friend to go out in service at a nearby congregation. It's her turn at the door and she decides to completely lie to the householder about our names. Then, he asks questions and she doesn't know the answers so she just completely made stuff up. Then, she started laughing and couldn't stop and asked me to take over. I didn't know what to do cause I couldn't even remember the name she gave me, lol.
Posts by cognac
Tell us your strangest, weirdest, funniest encounters going D2D
by BluePill2 inif you where a brave little witness soldier, or even a pioneer (gasp), you must have seen a lot of strange shit.
the probability of encountering "interesting" people or getting yourself into weird situations is pretty high.. i'll start.
i have to get them together, but today i remembered this ones:.
Friend gets "scriptural divorce" over wifes transgressions before they got married...
by sosoconfused inso i have a friend in a congregation in new jersey who recently called me to tell me that he got a divorce.
nothing surprising there at first but it is the fact of when it happened.
his wife began pioneering april 1, and after about three weeks she came to him and told him that about 4 years she had engaged in loose conduct (fondling the penis and the guy kissing her breasts) during a time that she was inactive.
I've never in my life heard of this being a rule. Watch, the Elders will contact Bethel and Bethel will tell the Elders they are actually wrong. Now, the guys "thinking" is corrected, he has to go crawling back to his wife but by this time she will probably be repulsed by him...
Tell the guy to contact Bethel to make sure of this rule. I think the Elders are saying what they think and they are actually wrong...
Who I really am, my story on YOUTUBE!
by Gojira_101 inthe death of a jw and the birth of me the apostate.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2lwgowdpj8.
a huge thanks to my friend ray publisher (jwstruggle) for posting my video for me.
now that i am no longer held prisoner from the fear of watchtower, i can now help others!.
You are so lucky your parents and husband are out!!!
14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars inyou guessed it.... .
Funny, cause the only reason I stayed in my first abusive marriage was because of being a JW. I rightly believed he was cheating on me so stayed to try to catch him cheating because I would have rather been dead then be stuck with him forever.... Fortunately, I succeded in time. And now he is an MS...
$3 Billion class action lawsuit on behalf of Jehovahs Witnesses children
by mind blown indecember 1, 2012. australia.
a $3 billion class action lawsuit is being launched in australia on behalf of up to 6,160 children within the church of jehovahs witnesses.
documents relating to the class action reveal over 14,000 serious criminal breaches of mandatory child protection laws, committed against these children by elders and ministers of religion within the church of jehovahs witnesses over the past 4 years.. the victorian government inquiry into the handling of child abuse by religions and other organisations is currently investigating the allegations, and is expected to hold a public hearing in relation to this in early 2013.. http://jwnewsnetwork.wordpress.com/2012/12/01/3-billion-jehovahs-witnesses-class-action-over-child-abuse/.
Anything new on this??? The only thing I read was that there would be a private hearing in February.
IMPORTANT: District convention in Evansville, IN - please PM if you attended or know someone who did
by goatshapeddemon inplease pm me if you or someone you know attended the evansville, in district convention over this past weekend (june 21-23, 2013).. the key talk of the convention was given friday afternoon and our recording of the friday afternoon session was accidentally recorded over.. getting a recording of this talk would be very, very helpful to many on this board..
Nope, sorry...
SAD news about OOMPA......
by redredrose inour friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
I still think of him too... Remember the "Bat Phone"? I miss him...
The Apostle Paul VS. Jesus Christ---Were They On The Same Page?
by minimus inif you believe in the bible, it's hard to reconcile that paul acted very christlike.
he was always instituting rules and opinions that might be construed as rather harsh.
christ on the other hand exuded love.. do you think they both had the same views in handling matters with people?.
It seemed to me that the Apostle Paul made allowances for circumstances that were very strong. For example, if I remember correctly, he brought up the laws the congregation should abide by in Acts 15:29 because people were going to murder eachother over the situation. In the congregation of Corinth there was a very shocking situation where I believe somebody was sleeping with his stepmom? But, even there the Apostle Paul wrote a follow up letter we see in 2nd Corinthians to not be to harsh in the words he tells them.
In other situations I have to wonder if there were strong situations going on and that was why he said some things that seem shocking to us today. It was a different time period and people were different then they are today. Notice he didn't give the same rules to all of the congregations....
I believe that is why it is so important to let love govern your conscience. It seems scriptures are taken out of context and verbatim to apply in our day to everyone and since the circumstances are very different it becomes a very unloving thing to do. For example, if the Apostle Paul only said not to eat blood specifically because he knew that people were going to murder others over the situation, that would be a very loving thing to do. To make that apply in our day with blood transfusions makes that a very unloving rule to make.
A Positive Comment About The Witnesses
by minimus inmy mom is 87, in a few weeks.
she's been ill for many years.
she's been in the hospital in the last week and is now in rehab.
That's really nice. :)
Any JWs on here that still believe?
by cognac init would be nice to start a thread with those people to reason things over in the bible.
no name calling, no putting others down, etc.
it would be nice to show this to my husband without him seeing things like, "if you were a real jw, you would not be on here to begin with.
They are like a support group and a therapy group. Therapy, effective therapy can become messy, at times.
That's very true and to be expected! That's why I was wondering if it could be a sectioned off place or start the thread names with, "JW" or something like that.
Thank you for sharing your experience Sapphy. I'm betting there are a lot of people that have similar feelings.