Didn't a recent poster (last month) predict horrible events to happen this month? I wonder if the cyclone counts... Perhaps you have misunderstood; I do not think you are deliberately twisting my words because I perceive an innocence here. What I said is this: "The exact words given to me were 'ALL HANDS WILL DROP'". To me, this indicates an economic crisis. A catalyst event causes this to happen. Much like an underwater earthquake, much has been going on to take down the world's economic structure. Many things have been kept under wraps and hidden, much as a tsunami wave does not become apparent until it begins to hit the shore. What is happening is the first installment of that tidal wave upon us. We have been kept placated and all things were made to appear that we were just fine. These underlying disasters have finally caught up with us and it is becoming evident in the economy in a drastic way. Consider this: With rising gas prices delivery trucks are skipping deliveries to the stores. Less product on store shelves>less sales>less need for employees....LAY-OFFS Less product on store shelves> customers stop coming when they cannot find what they came for after two or three trips>customers cut back on unproductive trips> LOST CUSTOMERS who already have less to spend Less product on store shelves> products back up at warehouse> customer base drops>MANUFACTURING LAY OFFS Less product on store shelves>customer drops>less income> Bills and cost of operating exceeds profit> STORE CLOSES All people will be drastically affected. It is coming to light this month that many budgets have been cut severly. It may be that you loose your job due to budget cuts, layoffs, company folding, or maybe your job requires too much expense in upkeep of dress code and transportation. Are you watching food prices double overnight? Are you looking for products you can no longer find and store shelves are empty? Are you making more trips to the stores and returning empty handed? Of course, these sudden economic changes are going to reflect on wall street and every other place. The USA has been warned of impending doom by the IMF for two years now. Many other countries have already been experiencing this economic standstill. But, because most people are only interested in their neighborhood news, many have not been watching the global situation. The powerful USA will be the last to know what is really going on. It is going to hit hard during the month of May. May is also the "month of the dragon" and the birthday month of the illuminati. Here's some cut paste info because I am in a hurry: The origin of the May Day as a day for celebration dates back to the days, even before the birth of christ. And like many ancient festivals it too has a Pagan connection.
For the Druids of the British Isles, May 1 was the second most important holiday of the year. Because, it was when the festival of Beltane held. It was thought that the day divides the year into half. Those days the May Day custom was the setting of new fire. The ancient Celts and Saxons celebrated May 1st as Beltane or the day of fire. Bel was the Celtic god of the sun. The May eve celebrations were eventually outlawed by the Catholic church, but were still celebrated by peasants until the late 1700's. While good church going folk would shy away from joining in the celebrations, those less afraid of papal authority would don animal masks and various costumes, not unlike our modern Halloween. The revelers, lead by the Goddess of the Hunt; Diana (sometimes played by a pagan-priest in women's clothing) and the Horned God; Herne, would travel up the hill shouting, chanting and singing, while blowing hunting horns. This night became known in Europe as Walpurgisnacht, or night of the witches . (By the way, Diana the Huntress, is the icon on the new Amero dollar). The term may day is also a code for a distress call due to danger or impending disaster. Many people who watch the news are only interested in their neighborhood events. Also, the media gives international news mostly about war and most people are jaded to that because we know its all lies and propoganda. Have you noticed that you hear very little about what is happening in surrounding states? Mums the word. The news media is OWNED by these big corporations who belong to the Death Brotherhood organizations.
JoinedPosts by winnower
Who predicted something awful to happen in the month of May?
by inkling indidn't a recent poster (last month) predict horrible events to happen this month?.
i wonder if the cyclone counts.... .
A question for Christians
by keyser soze inwhat is 2 pet.
3:13 referring to when it speaks of a "new heavens and a new earth"?
if the jws are wrong about the earth being transformed, than what is the new earth that peter speaks of?
The scripture does not say that the earth will be re-modeled! It says NEW. I know this is a harsh analogy, but bear with me. If your family was murdered in your house, do you think you could just repaint and throw out the bloody carpet, and that would make it all new? You think you could continue to live there and not have reminders of your loss everywhere around you? Do you think true happiness and "no more sorrow" could be found amongst the rubble of a disintegrated civilisation? Don't you see some sort of Mad-Max landscape left behind? Consider this. Since the JWs are told that it will take "about a thousand years" to restore the earth to paradisical conditions.....does this not seem like a very long time of dangling yet another carrot? Haven't we all had lives touched by misery, emotional and physical pain, and the whole gamut of emotions? Haven't you paid your dues in this lifetime? Would you expect a good god to put you on KP and clean up crew for yet another thousand years before keeping all those wonderful promises? Would you be truly happy working in a janitorial position for say, the next 800 years? Maybe you could tolerate it if you were told 4 times a week, "we're almost there". Can you imagine the work that would need to be done to make the planet into that ideal? The buildings, concrete, parking lots, nuclear missiles, massive pieces of industry equipment, fast food chains, etc etc...it would all have to go. Can you imagine how rat infested these cities would become in the event of chaos.... like no garbage pick up? It is just preposterous to think that this very planet will be restored. That is not what the scriptures say. A new earth is just what it says. There will be no remnants of this civilization as reminders of what was. We will not be "looking back" as did Lot's wife. We will be on to a completely new environment. I am glad that you are open to the idea that Jesus will return as a future event rather than believing the lie that he snuck into Brooklyn invisibly and is hiding out there. That lie is contrary to scripture as we are told that he will come in great glory. Also the scriptures say that every eye will see him. If he had already come....why did you nor I see this? He will not return until the very end after the darkest of days. According to Jewish custom, upon which this was referenced, the groom surprises the bride-to-be by coming to steal her away in the night. This is the basis for the "thief in the night" scripture. However, many people seem to misread this as there is also another scripture that states that he will not be coming as a thief in the night for those who are watching and expecting. (1 Thessolonians 5: 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief.) When the "bottom falls out" with the crash of our political system and monetary system, many people will assume this to be the "thief in the night" because they did not expect it. They should have, but they have been in denial. But this is NOT the second coming yet. And Babylon does not completely fall until Jesus arrives and finishes it off. This soon occurring crash is not the true "thief in the night" spoken of in the scriptures, although many religions will try to make this out to be the event. This is part of the Great Deception. The transformation that you mentioned ("If the JWs are wrong about the earth being transformed") is right in line with the agenda of the united nations and all of the world wide religions. This transformation that is planned to be implemented will be brought about BY MAN. Oh sure, they will say they are "divinely inspired" but surely you have heard that lie before, have you not? Their idea of a "new earth" is actually a "new mind" or rather, a new way of thinking. It is thought reform gently brought about by the idea that mankind can be spared from this potential great destruction by uniting as a world wide oneness. All will be taught that it is the mind that will be renewed, not the physical planet. This is incorrect according to scripture. You said: "I've heard many Christians claim that Christ will return, and that the final battle of armageddon will ensue. The survivors will then be taken away to heaven. If this is the case, then what will become of the earth?" You have actually presented many questions in these three sentences. The answer is complicated and lengthy. It will require a lot of background information for the answers to make sense to you. If you will familiarize yourself with some of my past posts concerning the nephilim, I will try to answer these questions at a future time. I have been given a vision of the final event.
I can't believe you all are just skipping over the most devastating change. It is slipped in there so easily without great fanfare, as are all Watchtower changes. Later, JWs assume it has always been that way. I know most of you here are ex-JW, but I have to wonder how deep the manipulative reasoning has affected you still, to this day. Apparently the publication emphasises trival points to distract you from the impact of the most important changes. Take a look at page 5, second column. I quote: "we are told: 'The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men, and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame.' (Genesis 6:4)" First of all, this wording is different from what is actually in my Bible, which is an older King James. My Bible (Genesis 6:4) says "when the sons of God came in unto the daughters..." nowhere does it say the TRUE God. If the Nephilim were indeed the "True" sons of God, would that not negate this scripture: "For God so loved the world, that he gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTON SON....." In the Tyndale Bible (1534) it is worded "only son". (Ninety percent of the 1611 KJV was translated from the Tyndale Bible) (From the original Greek it translates "monogenes huios") So where did this word begotten come from? The word that is being translated as only begotten by the KJV is monogenes. The KJV translators liked to translate word-for-word when it was possible. So when they came to monogenes they translated mono as only and genes as begotten. Genos means "kind or type", ginomai is a verb of being. Hence the translations "one of a kind," "one and only," "of sole descent." Some scholars see the -genes element as having a minor impact upon the meaning of the term, and hence see monogenes as a strengthened form of monos, thereby translating it "alone," "unique," "incomparable." The TRUE GOD had ONE UNIQUE, INCOMPARABLE, SON. And though all religions erroneously teach that "Jesus came to die for our sins" that was not his purpose. What sense has that ever made to you? Really, think about it. Can you explain the "reasonableness" of this phrase? Does it seem logical to you? Jesus showed contempt for the political leaders and Temple worship. He spoke out against corruption and he bowed to no decree. He pointed out the hypocrasies. He locked horns with the priests, rabbis, and pharisees. He gave by example decisions that were moral even when they went against the "written rules" (i.e. Sabbath). He never held meetings in a Temple or any other structure. Jesus was a whistleblower. He exposed the corruption for what it was. Thats why the political powers and religious powers (fueled by the nephilim) hated him so much. And this was why he was murdered by nephilim descendants. How can christians make his death into something "glorious"? It was not. What is most important is to focus on the purpose of his life. His reason for coming was to inform people that the TRUE god was not to be found in any Temple. We have many clues concerning his contempt for the priests and rabbis and the way they made a business out of religion. He advocated against these wise-rds (wizards). Jesus came to teach people the importance of having feelings for others and to raise their consciousness. How else could the human race be transitioned from being barbarians who ate their own children and used human suffering for entertainment in the arena? Now, more about these Nephilim: The word Nephilim means "fallen ones". Jude, the brother of Jesus, describes them as "angels, having left their first estate in heaven." These fallen angels came to earth for a serious purpose. The Nephilim sought to merge with the bloodline of Adam, because of the promise to send a redeemer through Adam's kinsman. The sons of God saw that the women were a fit extention, for they thought to extend themselves into this realm, from the spirit realm as well as extend themselves into the "children of promise", the lineage of Adam. Satan tried to prevent the eventual birth, in the distant future, of the Messiah. The mating of human beings with angels resulted in hybrid creatures; evil spirits with human bodies. The human/angel hybrids began to corrupt and destroy the human race. This resulted in the Deluge, "the end of all flesh", except for Noah. Noah was spared because his bloodline was pure. See: (previous post) Scripture uses other names to describe these degraded fallen angels. "Rephaim" is from the root word rapha, meaning "spirits, shades" Gen. 14:5 "Anakim" meaning race of giants, descendants of Nephilim Num. 13:33 "Emim" meaning the proud deserters, terrors, race of giants Gen. 14:5 "Zuzim" meaning the evil ones, roaming things Gen. 14:5 "Zamzummims" meaning the evil plotters Deut. 2:20 "Zophim" meaning watchers, angels who descended Num. 23 "Seraphim" meaning the many The book of the Jubilees remarks that Jar-ed or Yah-red, an old testament partiarch, was so called, because in his days the angels descended upon the earth. Yah-rad means "descend". The book of Enoch explains that the sons of God descended first upon Mount Hermon, (which in Hebrew means "desolation") in the land of Jordan, the place of descent. The rebel angels intended to thwart Gods plan for the earth by destroying the descendants of Adam. Satan's goal in organizing the nephilim/human hybridization program was to pollute the bloodline that would produce Jesus the Kinsman Redeemer. By manipulating human genetics, whether through the guise of "alien abduction" or by supplying willing mortal accomplices with the proper technology...... Prophecy warns that advanced beings, the b' nai elohim, or "sons of god" (NOT GOD) will continue to decieve mankind. Although the Bible itself does indeed say that the sons of god genetically manipulate humans, they are NOT the CREATORS of the human race, but merely beings who pervert gods creation. These modern day sons of god that walk among us are the "hidden hierarchy". They claim to be preparing the earth for a "massive evolutionary shift of consciousness"; a "paradigm shift". They are pretending to have good intentions. The Watchtower is just one of many organizations under the control of this hierarchy. Their continuing plan is to "warn people of the impending disaster and their possible fate" while beginning to "re-educate" them. (more thought control and gentle re-programming them to align with the master plan.) They will gently begin to put forth that the human race CAN BE SPARED THIS DESTRUCTION if all will UNITE. (This is the same agenda worldwide....the same goal of the united nations, all religions, as well as the new age movement) This heirachy is designed to appear altruistic with the goal of uniting mankind under a global authority. The one who will take the throne as the global authority will not be the creator of the human race. This oneness movement, this call to unity, is the Great Deception spoken of in 2 Thessolonians 2:9. Those who do not love the truth will be taken in by this delusion. Another blasphemy used by the Watchtower is the word "Channel". They claim that the FDS is "their direct channel to god". Channeling is a spiritistic term. Channeling means to "conjure". This is a technique used by mediums to connect with "spirits of the dead" and evil influences. We have been specifically warned against doing this. Well, I have rambled on here more than I intended. But hopefully, those of you who absorb this information and take the time for this long read will better understand my future posts as I can go into greater detail about other matters.
wondering about YHWH & ALLAH
by unfree infrom what i can see allah has the same root (meaning) as yahweh {jehovah).
"i am"; "i shall prove to be what i shall prove to be"; .
apparently, from what i have read, allah in arabic actually means "god", just like "el" or .
Ask the Pope
Pope Pushing Idea that Allah and Jehovah are the same God. http://www.chick.com/bc/2000/samegod.asp
the new mark of the devil
by james220 ini heard last night, when i was watching tv, that some archaeologists in egypt discovered a ancient papyrus, with one on the original copies of revelation written on it, and i think most people have heard of the mark of the wild beast which revelation talks about, and the bible says it is 666, and this is the number which jehovahs witnesses and every other church around the earth has teached for thousands of years, but then the archaeologists translated the papyrus, they found that it said the mark of the wild beast it 616, and not 666.you might think it is not that big of a deal but if you think that jehovahs witnesses say that they are the one true religion and that jehovah talks to the faithful and discrete salve, so you would think that they would have said that it was 616, but it has not come out from them, also they mention a lot of the names in the bible which people say did not exist, and then when archaeologists find items with them on the make a big fuss about it, but i dont think this is something they will make a fuss about, think they will let it pass other them and not mention it.
On the sound use of mental suicide.
by Narkissos inthis topic is meant as a follow-up of my recent conversation with r. crusoe on different threads.. it seems to me that the current popularisation of eckhart tolle's philosophy, resurrecting what i think is the very core of age-old mystical traditions (to put it shortly: death of the culturally constructed "self"), without the collective mythological, institutional and social settings for such an experience, is potentially very liberating but also very dangerous.. i am sensitive to that because i went through a similar experience when i left jws -- i felt both its empowering and destructive force, and, although i certainly don't claim to have dealt with it optimally (is that an adverb?
), i'm hoping that experience, good or bad, may benefit others, to an extent.
and i'm sure that i'm not alone in that case.. so i'd like this thread to be primarily supportive, even though that may include some theoretical and practical criticism.. .
On the sound use of mental suicide.
by Narkissos inthis topic is meant as a follow-up of my recent conversation with r. crusoe on different threads.. it seems to me that the current popularisation of eckhart tolle's philosophy, resurrecting what i think is the very core of age-old mystical traditions (to put it shortly: death of the culturally constructed "self"), without the collective mythological, institutional and social settings for such an experience, is potentially very liberating but also very dangerous.. i am sensitive to that because i went through a similar experience when i left jws -- i felt both its empowering and destructive force, and, although i certainly don't claim to have dealt with it optimally (is that an adverb?
), i'm hoping that experience, good or bad, may benefit others, to an extent.
and i'm sure that i'm not alone in that case.. so i'd like this thread to be primarily supportive, even though that may include some theoretical and practical criticism.. .
The Oneness Movement (OM) is very much like the bOrg. Right down to the elder princes. Many "teachers" imply that they have higher consciousness that you can never attain. More arrogance, pride, and lies. It is all a trap for the ignorant.
Again, it is authoratitive in nature and lends itself well to those who have been indoctrinated in a totalitarian society (like WBTS). You follow without thinking and grant your unconditional support.
It is an illusion to think that this form of meditation can enlighten the whole world, end world hunger, and eliminate all political conflict. Yet, these are the bold promises they make.
Hopefully, you will all have learned from your mistakes being sucked into WBTS and will be able to recognize the manipulations, exaggerations, more class distinctions, and the outright lies. Hopefully, you will have educated yourself to know that repetition and ritual can be powerful catalysts for changes in consciousness and brain wave patterns.
The oneness movement is dangerous in all its forms. It's WBTS all over again....just with an "Eastern" flavor.
Does the gov. bod. have expert independant advisors?
by edmond dantes indo the brooklyn boys have outside help when it comes to making changes within the borg?
i'm thinking in terms of man management advisors or public relations experts etc.
or do they just make all the cock ups on their own ?