More than anyone, I hold ALL the elders responsible for this. Especially those who know the real truth and sit on the fence. They are hypocrites of the worst kind! They are in a position of authority to be able to do something, to gently guide these people into seeing the lies. And yet, these elders do nothing but cover their own hides! These are the ones who will be blood-guilty because they did not help the sheep, but continued to act as agents for the wolves. These are your goats!
While there is still time, and while there are still small meetings and opportunity, these elders have a responsibility. I challenge all of them to expose this blasphemy! I encourage all of them to pray and ask for Holy Spirit guidance to talk to those who have been entrusted to their care. Elders...repent of the lies you have repeated to the sheep and show them how wrong this organization is and that they are being led to the slaughter! You will all be blood-guilty for these people if you do not take a stand and act now. You are all committing the unforgivable sin of blasphemy every time you repeat that Watchtower drivel and lies.
You elders are the very ones who have broken up families and caused so much torment among the innocent with your unconscionable made up rules and judicial committees! This is your moment of redemption. Don't let it pass you by. When its too late, you will see what you have done and go the way of Judas. There is a short window of opportunity now. Will you continue to be liars and cowards and blasphemers?
And what of those elders that are "truly misguided"? There is no such thing. Those who "do not see the lies" do not want to see them because they are reveling in their corrupt power. They like bossing people around. They enjoy the groveling at their feet. They are truly wicked in heart and spirit. Their ego is at stake. There is nothing misguided about that! They actually, deep down, enjoy having the power to inflict pain and heartache. It makes them feel important. They are without compassion. They are for the most part dum sumbitches, but power compensates them, in some perverted way, for their ignorance. They get their thrills from "pulling a scheme" of deception over on someone. They use their authority to get people to do their bidding. Knowing they have been put in a position to make or break you, puts you at their disposal and at their command. They are not misguided. They are users and deceivers for their own selfish motives and self aggrandizement.
Of course the society and GB hold the greatest responsibility for promoting this garbage, but they are too far removed from the populous. They are taking direct orders from satan and they will go into everlasting destruction for it.
The elders and those closest to the congregation body are the only ones who have this opportunity for redemption and the short window of time to accomplish this.
And for those who still have friends and family as captives, do you dare speak?
Jude 1:
22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
I wish we could all snatch our loved ones from the fire. There are many different ways to handle the matter. What works for one may not work for another. But fact is, when the sheep and goats are separated, all WILL have to take a stand. To those on the sidelines, I say "Why not put forth an effort now while you can still possibly have some influence?"
Sometimes I think people do not stand up for the truth because they have some vested interest in going along with the lie. Maybe JW daddy still helps with the car payments. Maybe JW grandmother babysits for your kids. Maybe JW brother has most influence in the family and will turn all against you if you stand up for truth. Maybe your employment depends on it because your boss is JW. I think many do not speak because they need these people to "help them" or to "do something for them"; there is some sort of personal gain involved. Oh they can excuse it away, but deep down, there is some monetary need, or advantage at stake, or even a fear of independence. Some people will even say they keep silent out of altruistic motives. There is never a need to make a scene. All you need do is point out a scripture or two and leave them to think about it. Some keep silent out of a feigned "kindness" to keep the peace. But what of your own "peace"? What kind of religion does this to people? It is evil. It is from satan. If the truth sets you free, then why are all you all in slavery?
As long as anyone accepts shunning, they are still giving their personal power over to the org.
You may disassociate yourself from the org, but they still hold their power over you by turning your friends and family against you. And when you plead with family for acceptance or to try to help them understand the lie, their abusive behavior is still representative of the borg continuing to clobber you. They are still wielding power over you. They have a long arm.
mark 8: 37
What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?
Isn't it harder to live a lie?
Lately, it's been in print to "be ready to do whatever the watchtower dictates." You know the noose is about to get tighter. At some point along the way, you know you are going to have to take a stand and drop out. Why not do it now when you could possibly plant a few doubts to others as you go? Those who do look up to you, may take some note. Maybe just a word or two without arguing the trivial matters like dates (that's all a distraction). The real issue is that they are barking orders in god's name and usurping Jesus.
As long as anyone is living a life of pretense, there can be no real love or trust. They speak lies and believe lies. They are being controlled. There is no genuine love when, at a moments notice, some infringement can cut you out of the family.
Jeremiah 9:
4 "Beware of your friends;
do not trust your brothers.
For every brother is a deceiver, [ a ]
and every friend a slanderer.
5 Friend deceives friend,
and no one speaks the truth.
They have taught their tongues to lie;
they weary themselves with sinning.
6 You [ b ] live in the midst of deception;
in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,"
declares the LORD.