I don't think your sick or callous with this. The plain fact is this is what witnesses believe. If you die before Armageddon your better off. They have a more certain hope.
I'm sure you will do fine.
cultivating some level of friendship with clearly decent "worldly" people is a great way to get a jw to see the horrific nature of the official jw view of armageddon.
it's so powerful that my wife says she doesn't believe jehovah will kill roughly 6 billion at armageddon.
at the same time she somehow still believes the preaching work is "life saving".
I don't think your sick or callous with this. The plain fact is this is what witnesses believe. If you die before Armageddon your better off. They have a more certain hope.
I'm sure you will do fine.
this has probably been talked about but my wife went to this morning's meeting and she usually comes home after the talk.. she isn't home and it hit me that it's way harder to leave after only 30 minutes.. ahhh, shaming the flock into staying for the wt.
Well 30 minutes now... I guess it makes it easier not to have to shift your butt too much to find a comfy spot.
Who sits for an hour for anything these days. With instant communication at your finger tips ie (news net) everything recycles in 15 minutes so you don't
miss anything even with a lack of attention. OOPS..I get you don't miss anything at the KH either cause they go over it, go over it go over it........
have any of you guys ever tried this coffee or even heard of it?
it sounds interesting i have found some sites that sell it though it is expensive and i have seen sites that explain the benefits of the processing.
i discussed it with a couple of people and they said they wouldn't try it but i might but i wouldn't spend the money for it, lol.
That was cute coffee! I'll have to order some of thosecups.
Where does everyone find those cute icons?????
a 'doomsday' seedbank - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/svalbard_global_seed_vault .
renovations on camps potentially in preparation for disasters http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=0p-hvpjpti4 .
incredible removals of basic rights - the us is way ahead of the uk on this - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article2622692.ece .
Chemtrails info kinda of interesting FAQ's
here is the link.. .
by the way, how do you embed a web page into a post?
i would have done that but i don't know how.
Do you want the link or the whole chapter one?
Not sure this will work.
Highlight the url bar from your site, rt click copy, rt click this box (the posting box) and click the clipboard icon above, click in this box and wa la its there.
i've been thinking about organizing a jwd book club.
would anyone be interested?
everyone could throw out suggestions of books and i could pick one at random for each read.. i was thinking a book every 2 weeks, but i know a lot of people have kids and obligations so maybe every month would be better?
Depends on the amount of pages it contains. Sounds like a great idea. Sorta like the book of the month club.
i have been going to the same doctor's office for 39 years.
i have never had any issues with the blood question as i am pretty healthy at 57. so, anyways, i have this severe sinus infection.
it feels like my face is going to explode.
I agree with open mind &momzcrazy.
Why cause your self any unnecessary grief.
this very afternoon i went to see my doctor and after the medical discussion was over, he asked me if anyone in the family has contacted me or is speaking to me.
in fact for the past nine years he has asked me the same question and i telll him the same answer no.. he is very well informed when it comes to witnesses.
a huge percentage of jw's are his patients.
Its quite amazing he is so candid with you. Telling you what others jw's talk about is interesting. He must be a Dr. that most are comfortable with so that they feel they
can open up with their true feelings. He must just shake his concerning j-dubs.
have any of you got a hand on this book?
It would be even more interesting to see all the penciled in notes that are dictated to them..
Thanks for the copy it is very interesting..Its been filed for future reference.